The Baron's Second Test

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


if a copy of you could be kept inside of a machine, your thoughts, your feelings, and your memories whilst your physical body died, what would happen to your soul? What would you do? In that moment of realization, and as reality declared your death, would you fall before it's tide, or make one last strike against it?

By creating a second reality bubble, the Baron once again trades his knowledge forward in order to exact an unknowing price from the future adventurers. This time, the bait - by removing memories of the First Age of Heroes, the confused scouts of the veilbreakers would once again request the aid of their strengthened brethren.   Arriving in what this time was a cavernous complex, Marrok, Pennie, and Vivian all sought to investigate it's depths. Close to the entrance, they would discover the presence of a second lich, this one whom appeared to be different from his brother, in that he seemed to be experiencing the ravages of time, just as much as he was recovering from it, making it seem as his body were both rapidly decaying and rebuilding.   The secrets of his fractured halls, consisted of many different matters such as a strange statue, armed with explosive weaponry and equipped with a large top hat, as his massive mechanized marble frame identified the strangers as hostiles and sought to destroy them, enacting a variety of attacks through the crystals which it used as it's defenses.   Such crystals however, were quickly dispatched by the trio who had come there and the statue resultingly disamntled as they wondered what this strange figure had meant, what was perhaps even more perplexing was what they would find in the next room; which had very clearly come from a time that was not their own.   The image they had come from neither years, nor centuries, but rather a passage of time that extended multiple Millenia into the past, where a pair of crablike creatures could be found. The originators of the Saltieunni line were working upon the body of a creature. Replacing it's form and figure with a frankenstein of pieces.   Yet, these frankensteined pieces were not made of ordinary flesh, nor bone, the wriggling strands of flesh inside them and the aura they unleashed - Vivian identified with her various sites that these were not of any creature that belonged on the mortal plane. These were specially made by creation itself. Suited only to be the physical forms of a divinity, and these chunks of flesh - which had come from many creatures had been sutured into becoming one whole creature.   The Saltieunni's future god, an evolutionary deadpoint had more power than could be reasonable condensed or allowed. Where creation should have struck this creature down for violating laws, it would survive, and become far more powerful than any other creature that would walk the lands, and more dangerous. Though the massive expenditure of energy for it's actions would have it frequently hibernate and rest in order to recoup the drain of it's actions.   Yet, when driven to them, devestation was guarenteed.   But this was not the time of those adentueres who would walk further into the halls, finding a room, in which Marrok would induce an ancient haunt into drunknness, and another room, where Pennie and vivian would closely work to solve an ancient puzzle, to unlock the final room.   The final room within these caverns was simple, appearing as a mural, but it contained much more than that. For by simple psychic imprintation, it showed a history beyond what was meant to be recorded - the final moments of the great heroes of the first age.   Their great acts had been embedded into the lands, but the world itself would reject them. Finding them "different" from what it had designed and had been intended, it sought their destruction, and the destruction of all they had made. Though their influence remains in many places on the mainland, their heritage has been hidden in long forgotten bloodlines, and has been dormant. As outsiders, those who do not belong. They are erased.   Save, for one area, protected from this purge. The bloodline of the first heroes surges within the various denizens and peoples of Arcanii and Betoros. A bloodline that will undoubtedly give rise to future ages of heroes, and those who will give rise to the destructive, but creative abnormalities that the world had once sought to remove.

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