The Tower heart Ritual


5/3 18:00
5/3 20:00

Returning to the tower, the explorers place the dragon's blessing at the tower's heart in order for it to become to teleportation linking process back to Treddleton, yet such a ritual would leave the tower vulnerable, and it seems as if the whole world knows it.

Though the expedition had safely made it back to the tower, and were able to place the dragon's blessing in Indra's core, the consequent shock and release of magical power lit the tower up, and as no surprise, soon would arrive an endless sea of foes that sought to destroy everything that these explorers had made.   Yet, this had not caught the expedition members unprepared, with De'nethors barriers arranged in a testudo, and Suzy's explosive packs scattered around the field, the first wave of enemies was greeting by explosions, shocks, and smoke - many of them rendered blind and uncontrollable in the chaos, and those that followed after struggling to cross the crater riddled land.   Yet there were more than a few enemies who had arrived, and Gallow's gunfire would have plenty of opportunity to strike true, as shots cracked out across the a battlefield amidst which De'nethors baleful light wandered. And for the enemies who had the misfortune to come too close, they would be whipped around by Irene's dancing strikes into any of the large variety of traps laid out by Suzy.   One would think, in this fashion, that the good doctor might be at a loss for things to do, yet when facing against those large, and singular foes seeking to brandish their might, she simply wrested control of their own body from them and sent them into their own allies, to reave further chaos.   And when the enemies too large, became the enemies too many, there would be Gallow, with his grenades shattering the battlefield and the moral of the many enemies who sought the expedition's destruction.   Most notably among these - were the strange, and terrifying elemental creatures, those beings who knew that the tower's awakening would establish a foothold, and where this foothold was so would come a need for their precious essence. Temporarily allying them with whatever else also sought to attack this ritual, including several saltieunni who too had come to ensure it's failure.   Yet, brave our warriors and fighters stood against the menace, and even as the tides of foes grew to overwhelming strength and number, they would find the sky abruptly torn to shreds, as a great storm of lightning shattered and finished the breaking of the land.   Though many might find fear in such an event, to these brave fellows, it was the triumphant fanfare of their glorious success. For they had succeeded, and this was the first foothold that had been won, deep into the heart of the Lhamia Continent.