Soūzoū "Suzy" Klaiminora-Wae

"The Genius of Jadetech" Soūzoū Klaiminora-Wae (a.k.a. "Suzy")

The daughter of Yūshū Wae and Smao Klaiminora, Soūzoū or Suzy as most refer to her has been surrounded by gadgets and gizmos most of her life and it had a huge impact on her choices growing up. She had a natural affinity for creating objects and inventing new designs, but could never quite grasp magic as a concept, instead choosing to put all her efforts into learning engineering principles and crafting fantastical objects that blurred the thin line between magic and technology. Born to a more well-known family she's been consistently surrounded by high ranking officials and the weight of expectations for her to do great things and lead heavily impacted her personality and made her far more reclusive and modest. Her humility and abstention from most of the draws of the so-called 'high-life' quickly took her out of the running for any positions in office. Noticing her downtrodden state, her mother decided to pull her away from such a lifestyle she clearly wasn't cut out for and set her up with a workshop to fulfill her desire and awaken her potential as an inventor. On her eighteenth birthday, she was gifted an heirloom, the Ninth Split Mallet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daughter of a genius inventor driving the technology of an era, daughter of a demigod who had seen so much it blinded him, whilst a daughter born out of an deep and invested love, it was a love that had been shared between two whose intellect had long since resulted in either of them lacking any thing related to "common sense" and though both had tried their own ways to raise, the family into which Suzy grew up in was to say the least "slightly troubled."   Still, no matter how socially awkward either parent could be - books were purely a nonsocial interaction which could NOT be ruined by others - especially when both others were obsessive and prone of long projects, and thus not prone to bothering her. Especially when the storage of books her parents had varied from mechanical principles clearly explored throughout Betorosian history, and through random esoterica which filled her young mind with new thoughts and designs - including increasingly creative traps which layered on an alarmingly number of effects.   The gift of her mother's hammer - an artifact of true forgemastery would only serve to further her investments into her creative talents; and although she is not known for creating magical items, her mastery of mundane arts is extensive and fully enables her to deeply delve into jadetech, and in more recent times to explore the power of the very stars to enhance her combat and technical properties.   Suzy was an avid adventurers and used the expedition that she went on the expand her access to knowledge, tools and "things", collecting items which she found interesting and storing them with her. Eventually taking them back to her home city of Arcadis. Among the interesting things she collected being the person "Alacard" with whom she would occasionally devote some of her obsession to. Or at least so the public articles claim, with a particularly excitable newslet documenting every event shared between the two.   With Suzy being the daughter of the great Yushu, this of course means that the titles were sensationalized and exploitive. Such things as "Great Inventor demonstrates matchless tongue technique to seduce handsome gunsligner." over images of the two enjoying a frozen cream, and other such topics. Much to Suzy's great ire over them drawing excessive attention to the topic of food, and making questionable reputational choices. For this reason, the newslet has had to relocate several times in it's history due to it's offices mysteriously exploding.   Among the things brought home by Suzy however, was also her rifle. A tool she had found crafted by the Elain and upgraded by herself. Though she was not especially fond of the public forum, she would hold many public talks with those of her city, and explain her thoughts and theories revolving her discovery of "blue jadetech" a topic involving a combination of Dragon's Jade, and a strange metal she had been exposed to.   Due to the somewhat dangerous nature of these talks however, her father - in a rare moment of lucidity arranged for, and encouraged the construction of a special laboratory in which Suzy's research and investigations go further, though his referring to it as a "baby shower gift" was certainly an odd experience. In recent times, she has practically a cult following of those in Arcadis who believe her technology to be paving the way of the future, and in many ways - certainly has provided large developments into the music and arts businesses of the city.   There are any rumors that in that underground lab of hers, Suzy works on a secret project. Those close to her know that these rumors are foolish if only for the simple fact that Suzy has many topics of which she does not casually share. Her most secretive one however, is known only to her friends as project: Boreas.
armed with missiles
Icy Blue
Black Long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation