
The indefatigable general

A simple man dealt a terrible hand. Forced to endure a hunger that is insatiable he was nearly driven to the brink of insanity until he commited a crime so repulsive it drew him back long enough to seek isolation. Pushing away all remaining friends and family to either remake himself or die in the hole. However eventually the man could tune out the need...the hunger that chewed at him. Trusting that he could keep his focus he crawled out of his coffin and tried to readapt to society.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gallow joined with the second expedition and has acted as one of the commanders, spreading his influence and followers and has reliably managed various tasks to which manpower has been otherwise unavailable, and has gradually shifted towards an increasingly human state; a ghoul only in name by this point, his hungers have gradually been warped by the presence of the mainland, and gave him the gift of a taste for normal things, and the ability to dream like his peers.   But such gifts are used by him only rarely, and although his alignment and mind have become untethered from the wicked cruelty from which he had once been bound, he recognizes that only through his work-ethic has he achieved such goals, and only through his work-ethic may he further achieve a greater future for himself, and those around him.   Though he has been less active in recent major events than some of his peers, make no mistake - Gallow's leadership has grown the foundation and his followers count amongst the majority of those still at the expedition site, and has provoked a minor jealous rivalry from Aressia who only wishes she could keep her fatalities as low as Gallow hismelf manages.