The Winding Cavern

Discovery, Exploration


In a conversation with the local deity, Cassandra is given a gift of information - that of knowing the lcoation of a hidden cache, although unbeknownst to her, This cache has long since been turned into a prison of various things that the Natura Morta had found to fear.

as is the natural right of all adventurers, the quest for self-imporvement has no visible end, and Cassandra is a clear demonstrator of this; her drive and search for a closer communion with those of her worship would result in - when the local diety offered the fulfilment of one of her desires - the exploration a cache that was located near to the expedition site.   What the local deity failed to mention was that this Cache will still under ownership, and had been temporarily used as a staging point by a Natura Morta who had been scouting the presence of hte nearby expedition members.   A final point that was not mentioned was that it also served as a prison, and as the logs from the site were to be obtained, the following notes would be discovered about the site.   Imprisonment Logs
One Mummy known as "The Screamer"
This mummy was discovered in some ruins, whereupon awakening it would release continual unabated sonic screams, and summon hordes of Scarab Beetles seemingly from nowhere, Artistic depictions on the wall showed that this Mummy was a despoiler and murderer.   After awakening, this mummy was tricked into believing that it could not escape the situation it was in, and it voluntarily entered into a form of stasis, and does not seem to awake unless it's sarcaphogus has been opened. We have stored it far away from our territories as it is dangerous, and has the ability to rejuvinate upon death.   One Natura Morta known as "Harold"
Trapped within a wall of force and a locked door, we have elected to imprison Harold due to his bloodthirsty nature. We believe him unsuitable for the culture due to his abilities to censor others and manipulate fact and fiction.   as a chronic lawbreaker, his sentence is indefinite.   Two Rugs
These rugs are mimics and attempt to strangulate those who pass over them. For this reason, we have attempted to move them far away from our civilization, as their ability to regenerate is unparallalled and we are quite frankly tired of discovering more them.   Originally one rug, directly cutting this rug in two produced two separate rugs. Were it not for the magic-stealing capabilities of the Saltieunni, perhaps this would have been a viable strategy against them.   The Meat of an outsider
while on a regular scouting routine, a meteor crater was discovered, on closer examination, the rock of the meteor had survived, though upon approach - cracked open to reveal a creature whose very presence inflicted madness.   Rather than be left in dissaray by it's presence, it was promptly slain and cut into pieces to verify it would not easily regenerate, yet - the meat of this creature has yet to degenerate over months of time's passage, as such we have left it in storage in the belief that it provides no usage to us, and it's original nature to be unpleasant.   End of Record   Yet these were not the only items the explorers would find - including an open journal that appeared to be detailing a creature who had been watching the adventurers adn examining the nature of this expedition. pointing out the various traits and highlighting the concerns that such creatures brought up. Though there was an especial mention that at the very least - these new creatures appeared to have behaviors that were not wholistically antithetical to the natura morta nad gave some hope of positive interaction.   With a sort of mischevious humor, Anise would scribe into this journal, the picture of a cat - unknowing that she - and other members would days later hear it's meowing throughout the expedition site, as it would be animated by the natura morta who returned there.   Additionally, as it had been called of interest - the meat found here, was cooked and consumed by Cassandra, who in her own eyes - experienced a glorious evolution, as the creature's essence as a member of the dark tapestry was absorbed into her body and made her all the more resilient and empowered.