An outside World

Discovery, Scientific


Nadilli - atypically for the natura Morta was not as mentally keen as some of her peers, having a brash nature that made her impulsive meant that she had traveled further than most of her kind, including going so far as to finding a strange person. a Man, covered from head to toe, who had given her a strange 'stick' and told her of a hidden place called a Soupon.   When she had herself gone to investigate, something had prevented her from fully exploring it, yet - when she met these strange explorers, something clicked and she saw that in them, they could potentially do what she could not.

At Nadilli's beckon, the adventurers would be given a task somewhat north, found in the outreach of Saltieunni territory - ordinarily this task would attract some amount of attention and trouble, yet after 1000 years of being unable to properly stretch her legs or get a work out, Nadilli was overjoyed and graciously sacrificed herself for the cause of making sure the Adventurers would be able to work unbothered.   Initially for them, this process was relatively simple - dealing with a few rooted enemies there such as Verderuous oozes and creates which had infested hte site, eventually they were able to provide an offering to the dragon there, though little did they know that their first test - whether they had the ability to fully enter and interact with this site, had already been tested.   Though they did not know it, those of Betoros had long since held a unique deviance away from the traditional explorerer, a secret "key" carried in their bloodline, and that came from their parents and their origins. This key had unlocked this ritual site, and as they "pleased the dragon" they would find a strange portal whose radiance contained no essence of conjuration, nor meaning on it's destination.   Approaching the portal and traversing it however, had resulted in their worldview being changed and altered, as their ears had gone from the soft sound of dripping waters, to the hum of electricity moving between large cabinets full of blinking lights, and their bodies - formed of metal, wire, and a strange ooze-like substance.   Though their android forms could emulate all aspects of their previously biological selves, they would quickly note and realize that they appeared to have a limited source of energy; each action costing from a large, but limited pool.   As they began to explore their newfound experience, these expedition members encountered countless strange and unusual things, sounds emenating from nothing, and lights flickering and showing various shapes, voices - speaking to them and filling their ears.   Though Marrok had previously encountered this in dealing with jadetech this level of fidelity was completely uncertain to him, as it spoke on them being on some sort of "research site" known as "Pathos 2", where a massive coil gun had been stored, implying that it was used to launch spaceships with ease, and without harming their contents.   Additionally to this, they would learn that this site also contained numerous other sciences, and although it had been overrun by strange biomechanical creatures yet otherwise completely devoid of life, there were numerous buildings that had survived what appeared to be some form of devestation.   The creatures they encountered - similar to they themselves, appeared to be a form of biological machinery, with the oily substance filling out their body and acting as flesh and blood. Allowing them to attack with the intent to harvest and steal energy from their prey.   Prey, which would at first include these strange humanoids, yet rebelling against being consumed, these humanoids would fight back and dispatch the creatures in turn, before continuing to explore the area. As Pennie and Marrok would translate and investigate a strange device that had allowed them to interface and speak with "something" that told them a great number of things - including the existance of a secondary site, which had been labelled as "V.I.R.U.S."   This secondary piece of information they had learned was that this site had been "corrupted" by something that was running rampant. Though much information proved challenging to translate, having been written in a language that somehow predated any other known language, combining aspects of true-speech and common both.   As the secondary site apparently shared things with the site they were currently at - the party would end up relying on Vivian, who would take a flying form and then examine a series of connections made by suspended wires which would take them to the new location where they would discover a large facility.   Entering the site, they would discover a series of what could unmistikaeably called "offices" yet they were filled with more of the strange devices, and despite the attempts to interact with them, these explorers would discover that they were in something called a "conservation" mode, making them useless for gleaning information, though the books which they would take for themselves had no such trouble save for the strange way they had been written and the loss age had inflicted on them.   Moving deeper, they would encounter rows of beds inside what should have been an isolated disinfected area, yet the floor had long been stained with blood, and skeletons still remained in the area, and the other rooms containing tubes that had been either shattered, or filled with nothing but a sludgy residue for whatever had occupied it.   a recreational room would be their next discovery though the doors they had passed through indicated that it was designed to prevent the people who had been staying here from being allowed to leave. reinforced and only able to be opened from the outside, or through some other method.   In lockers, they would discover strange things - boxes of items, strange in how they would vary from various toys and other seemingly useless objects that time had worn away at. Making the room seem like a strange holding pen, which people had voluntarily entered, but could never leave.   Further exploring, they would next enter a room that was yet again occcupied with a humming noise, and find two humanoid robots, who had been very visibly aged, and had strange glitchy behaviors. Their internal lights flashing in warnings, as they spoke in a strange metallic voice.   Something - had corrupted them, driven them insane. Referring to the people who had entered as "a corruption that had escaped the purge and must be destroyed" summoning and creating various creatures, and flickering around in an attempt to destroy the explorers.   Yet, stubborn - and rebellious against the words of these robots, they would overcome them, and destroy them. Anise flickering around and creating her illusory images which would confuddle them. Marrok's strikes lancing through them with deadly accuracy, whilst Vivian tore into the machines and their creations, with Pennie to support them all.   Their frames destroyed, the robots would be made inacted and slump to the ground having been defeated. Their bodies whirring as a strange crackle emitted from them. "Purge incomplete. Corruption Remains. Core systems infected. Chronal State - inconsistent. Evolutionary paremeters: Uncontrolled."   This fight - and the dangers alongside it however, had greatly exhausted the energy stores of the adventurers. Giving them only a limited time to investigate, and interact with the large control panel in front of them.   Anise - being creative, and carrying the strange stick she had been given by Nadilli quickly finds that she can insert it into the device, one which causes many lights to surge and the device to hum loudly in response, as the power nearby flickered due to an increase in activity.   What they see then, are the words "RUNNING ANALYSIS PROTOCAL"   With a pause, as a bar started to fill up, then followed by a large warning of: "EXTREME EVOLUTIONARY BIAS DETECTED"     "SALTIEUNNI - CORRECTIVE MEASURES PERFORMED." "EVOLYUGH - CORRECTIVE MEASURES PERFORMED."   were the first of many entries which received an interation, and many more names unfamiliar and familiar alike, as the machine quickly ran through them, though the sudden surge in power would leach the energy from their forms, and result in the explorers abruptly finding themselves outside the site which they had previously entered - yet, unable to enter it once again, as if it no longer existed.