The Saltieunni's Assault

Military: War


A strange surge of Saltieunni scouts in the area raise the suspicions of the expedition members and results in them raising a response force to investigate the source of the problem and determine a response plan.

In the eyes of the saltieunni, there were few creatures that were worth even mild recognition. Believing in their own superiority such that even if there was a gathering of creatures - such as would happen, all it would take is just a minor amount of effort to destroy them. They - after all, were conquerors and had seen many before this point, and taken them all down.   This casual disregard was however being pulled back like a veil - for these persistent fuckers (the expedition members) were like a thorn that kept jabbing them in the foot. MOSTLY meaningless. MOSTLY not a problem. But sometimes? Yeah. It hurt a bit. So they decided to spare some of their forces and deal with these creatures.   The method of this was to simply combine the relics of various captured civilizations, and deliver them unto a hilltop which they could ensiege from and hit the focal point of these creature's buildings, as that assurredly would deal them the most harm and cause them the greatest amount of ire and frustration. "Returning the favor" one might even call it.   Though this approach had one flaw,and it laid primarily in their undesirable discovery by the expedition members, who by - following the tracks of the Saltieunni, would discover the first of the fully formed deviants, as well as a siege engine which the Saltieunni found themselves in a bit of a pickle to protect.   Throwing themselves into the meatgrinder against tehse foes, they did their absolute best to distract and annoy the expedition members as their siege weapon wound up, this - combined with it's innate defenses, allowed it build up and then fire it's main cannon.   This however, was only an attempt, as Pennie, Anise, and Marrok three all leapt to knock the aim off course, pennie and anise striking it, whilst Marrok himself unleashed a volley of lances, and smashed the resulting boulder of energy off course.   "off course" was successful in ensuring that the tower did not suffer a direct hit - and amidst it's own defenses, it was able to greatly reduce the damage it had taken, making it so that rather than be partially destroyed, and permanently hampered, it suffered only a moderate "bruising", partially losing it's grip and allowing some of the chronal inefficiencies to occur, such that time in the expedition area was twice as rapid as that in treddleon.