Divinity's imprisonment

Military action


Expedition members pierce into the Saltieunni heartlands, attempting to weaken them on a strategic level by removing that which they value most as though the Saltieunni have drained the power of a number of divine incarnations, there are three they value most. And consequently, these three are whom the adventurers sought to free.

The Sinful Trials The first of the gods they sought to free was a god whom the Saltieunni favored the most, for his aspect was the binding and control of people not through physical lashings, but mental desires and control.   A creature who suffered from any desire could be weakened by them consequently, and thus weakened made dumb and servile. Thus, the prison of this god was hidden by things which would be unthinkable for most, as the trials included rooms generous with wine, food, gold, company and more. Failing to succumb to all of these desires in total would reveal his prison, but acceding to them would keep it hidden safe.   In ironic measure, the party was well suited to avoid such distractions.   For the room of gluttony, Marrok received some mild temptation to try of the wine that had been found there, but in truth, neither Pennie nor Anise allowed for such indolence, as mere moments after Marrok considered trying it, his attention was promptly drawn into the room of pride.   For the room of pride, whose assertations of lofty nature and insulting nature to attack a creature's pride, their goal was to receive the attack and distract any creature whom was their enemy, through a slightly unreal nature, their inexhaustible vitality would allow them to fight, and grow increasingly dangerous with each minute that passed.   Yet, they could be circumvented by finding them unworthy of such fighting and moving on directly, which was the choice of course taken by Anise, Marrok and Pennie, with calm conviction about the needless nature of the combat, which lead them next into the room of Lust.   Beautifully, and indolently, pictures of an affectionate figure within the minds of each of the adventurers could be found lazing in various positions throughout the room in temptatious natures.   Pennie, whose attraction could lightly be associated with Marrok, found no such impulse in herself due to her monklike nature and overall disinterest in the acts of sexual graitfication quickly moved on from the room into the next.   Anise, examined the Alexsander within the room, and immediately dismissed him, for such sexual finery was deemed an unpleasant quality, and the self-expression of being a Giggolo was determined as offensive enough to immediately turn her nose up to.   Marrok upon seeing a self-expression of himself as a "slut" however was immediately too infuriated to ever give anyone else in the room a slight consideration, as lances coaslesced like the rays of sunlight around him, and beat down upon the room like the sun's rays upon a Munavri's skin. Effectively destroying it, and making it move him out of it's chambers.   The room, in which greed was the temptation had no matter or impulse upon the adventurers, and whilst envy saw the rich containers destroyed, no item was stolen nor touch, and wrath - whose unceasing ire and burning rage was meant to similarly challenge the adventurers upon the same tune as greed...   Was given the cold shoulder by the party, who froze their collection of foes and refused to fight them, leaving them irritated but harmless to the Expedition members, who would return to the core of the structure, finding the chained god within it's depths.   This moment proved disquieting for Marrok most, who recognized the great wickedness and evil within the creature, for though he realized his greater need to slay the saltieunni was a priority, the thought of releasing such a foe was unconscionable.   Though they knew time pressured them, and that they had limited choice, it was with only a heavy heart, that Marrok worked with Pennie and Anise to free the wicked creature. Shattering his chains, but also opening a window in which Marrok expended his full effort to strike the godly avatar.   Yet, without the Saltieunni to leach his powers, this figure was fully empowered and strengthened by the countless shrines to his self, and whilst he received a single blow from the marksman, upon teleporting away, he quickly shirked such a nuisance of a chain. Leaving the problem on a poppet whom Marrok would discover later, much to his great disappointment.   Marrok however, was far from a foolish man. The Saltieunni had managed to capture such a godly figure, and yet he who had slain so many could nary land a scratch upon it? It did not sit rightly with him. Investigating the location further with his fellows, they encountered strange rooms who had riddles writ upon them.   With Anise and Pennie by his side, each riddle was solved, until a final hidden chamber was revealed within the depths of the site, one which richly flowed in waters blessed with profane energy. And at the center, floating within it's heart was a triple set of keys. as Anise flittered and stole the keys from their position, the party determined that they were similar to the incomplete artifacts that they had built out for themselves, yet rather than attuning to any one of them, the keys seemed to reject all of them.   The purpose of the Saltieunni keeping such an anathema to the god of chains however was clear; it was a method of weakening them, and those three involved felt that they had met someone who could use the keys somewhere in their history of the expedition.   The Gluttonous House Of slavery and sin, by enfeebling the minds of their victims the Saltieunni claimed the weak. But for those they considered strong, the Saltieunni would devour their essence and strength thus fattening themselves up. Next, entrapped - one whose avatar was gluttony was found in a strange house.   The house's form - illusory in nature, and filling the minds of these adventurers with an adventurer's guild in which countless men and woman relentlessly devoured in gluttonous ecstasy and had consumed themselves such that their bodies were literally bursting at the seams.   Each room was organized in such a matter, the guild entrance - overwhelmed with potatoes and other edibles, whilst the armory was a grill in which the blades were buried int oteh flesh of a fish as skewers, and the training rooms bursting with bread in which coruplant figures devoured their way through the unceasing bounty like worms through mud.   There however, was one figure strange amongst them, and it was a fat pig - living in a hidden away room. The pig, whose injuries were vislbe was treated by Pennie, who discovered that it -uniquely amongst those present had blood that was closer to Barbeque sauce, and loosely fit roibs, with the regenrative abilities to heal even after being carved from, had a feeling of revulsion at the torture of this creature as some form of meat-based cornucopia, and quickly desired to free them.   Yet, cursed as the bg was the layers of spells had magic levels which were unattainable by the vancian magics, and could only be reached by a supreme sphere caster. Which prevented them from removing the spells that bound the creature.   Until a strike of ingenuity struck them, and would later strike the pig, as Anise was called upon, her natural nature as a spell thief was undoubetedly a gift for this matter, as she tore at the woven threads and broke them apart.   As each spell upon her was released - six of them in total, the creature was returned in both form and intellect, released from a pig-like shape and instead changed to be a woman of elven woman of graceful bust and graceless trunk.   Yet, ceaseless torture had rendered her an amnesiac, and though the walls, noise, and people around her faded like that from an unhappy nightmare - her memories she could not reclaim. Even as she was prompted for them, the expedition members only drove her worse into the state, such that she quickly entered a mentally comatose state to avoid the recollection of what had been hundreds of years of relentless feasting upon her body.   The saltieunni would thus lose something they valued at the Adventurer's gain. But this would only be the second of third things lost that they valued.   The Breeding Den The third matter, which was the reason for the Saltieunni's undiminished ability to resupply their numbers was the goddess whose divine avatar was that which empowered their ability to breed and reproduce, these dens - filled with countless Saltieunni and their young, was also the host to the nightmares - haunts produced by the malaise of the Goddess's psyche also served to protext her.   The Saltieunni, having determed the nature of their foes, attempted to distract and delay them, yet neither action worked, for Anise directly flitted her teleports deep wtihin the halls, until she came upon the imprisoned goddess herself.   Yet, not having her allies with her made it into a vulnerable position, and she - who triggered the opportunistic haunts, was cut down by their vicious claws.   This, immediately brought in the fourth of their group - Alex, whose reaction to abruptly being greviously injured was to go save his partner in life, charging in close to his fellows even as great wounds exposed his silvery blood. He would immediately seek her rescue, breaking even time itself to recover the body of his fallen love.   Recovering her body, Anise would then be resurrected by Pennie, and the four - now unified would slaughter the saltieunni and haunts both, recovering the final avatar, whose comatose state was indicative of the shattered psyche whose torture had extended long past the torture of the second.