The Graveyard



By following the path of the wanderer, expedition members discover that it meanders the path between realities, and by following in it's tracks they find themselves entering a graveyard.

One a destination, the other a beginning; Where had the corpse of the wandering aspect been moved after it's death? Only by following the path tread cyclically by the wanderer could it be found. As it's path had not started at the temple where he had first been slain, but instead a graveyard where time's movement had died.   A stillness hung in the air, but it was more than just the simple stillness that one would feel whilst passing through a graveyard, instead it went deeper. The strange feeling that the only movement of the air was that from their lungs, and if they were to still for too long, they'd suffocate without a breeze to fill their lungs with fresh air.   Wandering through the graveyard, the adventurers would discover countless tombs whom were separated by strata, the names of the first tomb - those of the refugees who had died within the temple at the wandering aspect's felling, and were slaughtered amidst the chaos that occurred.   Within the second strata, these tombs were nameless, bearing only pictures - images taken from moments before death, a lover's face, or a child's face. More often than not, a fleet of ships sailing across the sea as the sky fell around it.   The third strata rose above it, and listed the names of fallen demigods, creatures who had risen during the time of the veilfall, and been slain in downfall. The threads of their life forcibly ended in the midst of their glory.   Though such identification would not be known to these adventurers until much later - instead riddles and strange creatures had infested these ruins. Challenging their minds, and their bodies both. Amongst the creatures present were a pair of protectors wielding scythes - attempting to stop those who would intrude upon their charge's resting place, they had been placed there once upon a time to protect the wanderer, though time had long forgotten them, and their purpose was left half-fulfilled, when even their keen eyes could fail to catch everything, especially their own felling which would catch them by surprise and allow the adventurers into the most sacred area.   whereupon they would discover the sleeping body of wanderer, whose only reprieve from his journey was to start it again, yet he was denied this peace at the time, as he was under attack by a number of the servants of the assassin god achaechek - Mantis like creatures who, once again attempted to slaughter the interlopers immediately upon their discovery.   Unknowing to these adventurers though, Anise's earlier action of robbing the soul of one of these servants in the midst of their own life, had denied them their matriarch and leader, though experience had forged these assassins into more powerful tools, the best amongst them was most certainly gone.   Slaying them once more, there was peace brought to the wanderer, who could now rest peacefully. Though it was of little direct consequence to these adventurers, a cycle of abuse and torment had ended. An action, which would be rewarded, as before they left the graveyard, a stature in their way would bear some gifts to return unto them their favor.