Un Sol College
Somewhere beneath the Akadēmos campus, snuggly tucked in with the sewers and maintenance tunnels, was the highly secretive college of Un Sol. A pelorian institution, it was likely the hardest schools to enter. Only the most prodigious and wealthy of the faith were invited. Starting from a young age students would be taken from their families and raised within the school starting from no older than the age of 6. Graduates likely were offered the most fulfilling church careers.
Rumor goes that the classes where extremally small and personalized, only having 16 - 32 students in any class. Classes where brackets of age and skill that got progressively smaller towards the end of a graduates attendance. Supposedly less than 15% of each class graduated. The curriculum included both mental and physical training, with a deep focus of the pelorian faith.
It is firmly believed by those who know of this intitutions existance that ever High Sun Keeper of the faith of pelor has been a graduate of this school.