Syllin the Red Character in Ataaris | World Anvil
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Syllin the Red

A variant of Wanda Fyre created when the Scions of Hersey stopped Syllin from killing the Dragon Lord Tyraxis, which created a branching timeline where the Eladrin are still enslaved by dragons and Syllin was captured, tortured, and magically compelled to do Tyraxis's bidding. She was sent to the Scions' timeline to assist Trogdor, Tyraxis's descendant, conquer Ataaris.   After having her plans foiled by the Scions multiple times, she leads Trogdor's siege of Monterra to crush the Scions' army and defeat them once and for all. However, she is overpowered by the Scions' forces, and attempts to bring the fight to the Scions directly by attacking their command post.   Before the fight, Syllin asks Rayuuv and Wanda if they hear the voices like she does. When Rayuuv fails to respond, she tells the party she wishes for an honorable death, and attacks them with all her strength. She is mortally wounded in the final battle, and asks one last kindness from the Scions - bury her body at the Temple of Corellon in Avec, former capitol of the elves.   She is currently laid to rest at the Temple of Erathis in Monterra.


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