Wanda Fyre Character in Ataaris | World Anvil
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Wanda Fyre

The Wyrmstealer

Wanda Fyre is a red-haired Eladrin sorceress, and is a variant of the diviner Rayuuv Frost from an alternate dimension. Rayuuv had a vision of Wanda in the archives of the Arcanium , where she implored that Rayuuv find her so they can close the rifts between their dimensions and avert catastrophe.   Wanda materalized in this plane of existence in Monterra where she was captured by Drow cultists attempting to summon Lloth . The drow priestess leading the cult can feel the astral power surging through Wanda, and wants to use her body as a conduit to summon the Spider Queen.   Wanda warns the party that Trogdor is a threat to both their planes of existence and must be stopped. However, if they plan on storming Trogdor's lair and defeating The Brotherhood of Burnination they'll need to recruit an army to do so.

Physical Description

Body Features

Wanda has a tattoo of a rising sun on her forehead.  It glows white hot when she uses her sorcery powers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Wanda is a celebrated hero from her home plane of existence, defeating a group of Dragon overlords who had enslaved and brutalized the lesser races.  The elven gods took notice of her power and recruited Wanda to be their mortal avatar, charged with rooting out the darkness encroaching the elven race in all planes of existence.   Wanda has saved numerous planes from catastrophe and watched an equal number succumb to destruction and chaos.  Every time she jumps between planes of existence she loses more and more of her memories.  She has only the vaguest memories of her home plane, but is determined to save as many elven lives as possible before her memories erase completely.

Mental Trauma

While Wanda has only vague memories of her home, the memories of her failures are quite vivid. She feels profoundly guilty about the lives she was unable to save in other planes.

Intellectual Characteristics

Compassionate, especially toward her fellow elves, but steely. She is determined to destroy whatever the threat is to this plane of existence. Because Wanda has jumped through so many planes of existence, she doesn't have a grasp of the history and culture of Ataaris and will take the things the party says literally.

Morality & Philosophy

Wanda does what she believes is best for her fellow elves.  Although she cares for other races, she will put the needs of elves above others if forced to make hard choices.   Even though Wanda's memories have faded, she still remembers the suffering dragons inflicted upon her people.  She despises dragons, and will go out of her way to thwart a dragon's plans, or, if the opportunity arises, to destroy them outright.
Current Status
Adventuring with the party
110 lbs

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