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Adalei Visual Arts (AH-dah-ley)

Written by orphidor

The Adalei of the Middle Realm delight in pieces of art packed with miniscule details. In some cases, the artworks they create are so tiny that they require magnifying glasses to fully appreciate.


Like the other intelligent races, the Adalei began experimenting with art soon after the start of the Age of Balance. They were immediately drawn to their current niche due to their meticulous, detail-oriented personalities.


Adalei artists are commonly seen hunched over desks with a magnifying glass in one hand and a pen or tiny paintbrush in the other. They pride themselves in depicting their subjects in ever more detail and at ever-decreasing sizes. Common subject matters include still-life scenes and self portraits.

Components and tools

The media favored by the Adalei are typically ink or oil paint. The quills they use are made from miniscule feathers and their paintbrushes are often only a few hairs wide.


The artist is the primary participant and the observer is the secondary participant. Making art is acknowledged as a completely different experience than appreciating it as a viewer. The process of creating a piece is seen as a highly personal experience, with little input from outside parties.
Image from Europeana
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