Adalei Species in Athanya | World Anvil
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Adalei (AH-dah-ley)

Written by orphidor

The Adalei are known for their tiny statures and their striking appearances. Their insatiable curiosity and inescapable urge to collect mean that they typically follow one of two paths: considerate or selfish. The considerate ones make great curators and sources of knowledge about their chosen fields, while the selfish ones are cursed as the most persistent of thieves.

Basic Information


The Adalei are bipedal, with two arms, two legs, and tails as long as the rest of their bodies.

Genetics and Reproduction

Their gestation period lasts around 270 days.

Growth Rate & Stages

They physically mature at around the age of 20, while mental maturity only completes at around age 25. During their youth, they experiment with collecting a wide range of items, but as they reach adulthood, they begin to focus more on one or two things that interest them most.

Ecology and Habitats

Being almost exclusively city dwellers, they thrive in environments where non-natural structures dominate the landscape. They typically live within the tall cities with the Suktu and the Polda. The northern variety is acclimated to warm locations, while the southern variety is better accustomed to the cold.

Dietary Needs and Habits

This race consumes both meat and plant products with equal enthusiasm, though they aren't quite as indiscriminate as their Suktu neighbors.

Biological Cycle

In the south, they tend to remain indoors more often than not during the winter. The opposite is true in the north. This habit formed so that they aren't exposed to the harshest cold or heat of mid-winter or summer. During that time, they typically devote themselves to the upkeep and maintenance of their collections before venturing out again to find new artifacts while the weather is more tolerable.


As a whole, they enjoy collecting things that capture their attention. This can encompass a wide variety of objects (or even ideas) ranging from teacups to riddles. Each individual Adalei has their own unique thing that they collect.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They tend to follow Suktu social structures, but not appearance-altering conventions. Older individuals with more wisdom and larger collections are revered.

Facial characteristics

Their features are delicate and striking. Their eyes tend to have an innocent appearance.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Adalei are almost always found living within the tall cities, though a few rare individuals adventure or live apart from society.

Average Intelligence

As one of the Realms' intelligent races, the Adalei are capable of demanding intellectual pursuits like advanced mathematics, architecture, and sciences. Each individual has a tendency to be extremely knowledgeable about whatever they've chosen to collect.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their sense of sight is excellent, their hearing is good, and their smell is decent. They aren't hindered by low-light conditions.
100 to 120 years
Average Height
2 feet 6 inches to 3 feet
Average Weight
25 to 35 lbs
Average Length
2 feet 6 inches to 3 feet
Average Physique
They're often slender and lithe, with builds most suitable for feats of agility rather than strength.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Adalei are usually gray in color, aside from their eyes, which are bright and mesmerizing shades of green, blue, hazel, or brown.
Geographic Distribution
Related Technologies

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