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Crime Collar

Written by orphidor

When an individual is convicted of a particularly condemnable crime, a padded iron collar is fastened around their neck to keep track of their identity within prisons like Bittercrest and, after they've been released on probation, alert everyone in their vicinity that they might be dangerous. The collars are extremely obvious and hard to hide. Simple stamped medallions are added to the collar for each offense a person is convicted of, creating a distinctive jingling sound when the person walks.   Though the people who wear these collars are usually Suktu, the occasional Polda, Metropolitan Kalzua, or Adalei can be seen wearing one. The collars may be removed after the wearer's probation period has ended, but those convicted of killing another will likely never get theirs taken off until their own death, if they even manage to be released from prison in the first place.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The collars each have two internal locks, as well as hinges that allow them to be opened and closed. The medallions that display which crime or crimes the wearer has been convicted of are attached to small loops on the collar's surface.


The collars come with intense stigma. Those who wear them are typically met with judgement. There are, however, criminal circles where the collars are held in admiration.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Raw materials & Components
The collars and medallions themselves are made of iron. Leather padding encircles the inside of each collar.