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Written by orphidor

Reserved for the worst criminals of Chengai, Tasawa, and Umatag, Bitterpeak is a heavily-guarded prison located close to Lastkeep. The population of Bitterpeak is primarily Suktu, though Adalei and Kalzua inmates are present here as well. Crime collars are placed around every inmate's neck to keep track of their identity.

Purpose / Function

Bitterpeak's purpose is to house the most violent, dangerous criminals of the southern continents. From remorseless murderers to serial sex offenders, the walls of this prison are intended to contain those who pose a consistent danger to society.


Various accessibility alterations, such as platforms constructed so that Suktu guards can reach the locks, have been implemented throughout the prison.


On the outside, Bitterpeak is guarded by two concentric circular walls and multiple guard towers. Its walls are thick and, on the inside, reinforced doors with multiple locks make escape extremely difficult for the inmates.


Because of its multiple walls, reinforced doors, and guard towers, it's thought that the Vanished Ones built Bitterpeak to either keep someone out or ensure that someone stayed in. Who that someone (or something) was is unknown, but in a fashion typical for their race, the Suktu found the abandoned structure perfect for a prison.


Few except those employed there come to Bitterpeak willingly.
Parent Location