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Written by orphidor

These tiny reptiles are found in numerous environments throughout the Middle and Higher Realms. Their appearances encompass the entire color spectrum and vary widely depending on their breed. For the most part, dragons are intelligent and active, but they have a tendency toward mischief.

Basic Information


Though their external appearance varies, they always have four limbs and a pair of wings growing from their backs. Their front legs are more dextrous than the back, with four finger-like claws and a pseudo-thumb that allow them to manipulate objects in their surroundings.

Genetics and Reproduction

Over the course of the summer, dragons lay a clutch of eggs, which the female guards with great ferocity despite her size. The male retrieves food, first for the female, then for the hatchlings as well. The pairs bond for life. They become deeply attached to their mates and spend all their waking time together.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragon eggs take around 25 days to hatch. By the time they're around two months old, they're able to fly and care for themselves. They reach full size shortly thereafter.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragons can find a home in most environments within the Middle and Higher Realms, especially Kameshk. Their breed dictates the characteristics that allow them to thrive in their respective biomes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their diets vary as widely as their appearances. Some breeds consume fish, while others primarily eat meat or fruit.


While fairly intelligent, they are sometimes regarded as pests for their habit of getting into everything in order to satisfy their insatiable curiosity.

Additional Information


While dragons can be kept as pets, they tend to be destructive and rambunctious, making them unsuitable to be kept indoors. They tend to become depressed if they don't have space to stretch their limbs and aren't exposed to interesting new stimuli.

Average Intelligence

Dragons are intelligent, but not self-aware to the degree that they could be considered among the intelligent races. They can solve simple puzzles and recognize certain words if they hear them often enough. They're known to form bonds with people who treat them well.
10 to 15 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their coloration encompasses the entire spectrum of the rainbow, depending on their home environment.

Articles under Dragon