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Umatag (OO-mah-tahg)

Written by orphidor

Located to Tasawa's south, Umatag's smaller size compared to the other continents and frigid climate make it a less-popular location for most intelligent races to settle.


Umatag is mountainous closer to its center. Closer to its outer edges, sloping hills lead to rocky shores. Several rivers wind their way from the mountains to the sea surrounding this continent.


Toward the south of the continent, conditions are frigid enough that snow covers the landscape for most of the year. On Umatag's northern side, the weather is more mild, but still possesses a chill stronger than what can be experienced across most of Chengai or Tasawa.

Fauna & Flora

Most of Umatag is covered with boreal forests. Whether they're moose, mammoths, snowdrops, or lichen, Umatag's flora and fauna are just as impressive as the other continents of the Middle Realm, despite the cold this part of the world endures.

Natural Resources

The thick forests of this continent provide a source of strong wood for the intelligent races to make use of. The mountains can be mined for various resources and the seas are full of coldwater fish. The wildlife, such as caribou, moose, and mammoth, are regularly hunted for their meat and hides.


Though the average traveler likely wouldn't consider Umatag to be an excellent destination, many adventurers are drawn to its mostly-unexplored mountains and forests in search of exciting new discoveries.