Gennuven Species in Athanya | World Anvil
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Gennuven (JEN-oo-vehn)

Written by orphidor

The Gennuven are beings of darkness, quiet, and introspection. They aren't physically strong, but they are incredibly adept with magic and matters of the Mental Facet.

Basic Information


Bipedal, with two arms and two legs, as well as large eyes and smooth, bony horns.

Genetics and Reproduction

Their gestation period lasts for around 290 days. Single births are most common, with twins being extremely rare.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Gennuven reach puberty at around the age of fifteen, at which point their adult features like horns and permanent teeth begin to grow in. Until that point, they are dependent on their caregivers for most things. They mature completely at around the age of twenty.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They must eat almost constantly, but luckily for them, food is easy to come by in the Higher Realm. They usually consume fruits and fungi, but will partake in meat—sometimes that of of other Gennuven—for cryptic ritual purposes.

Biological Cycle

Because there is no sun in the Higher Realm, each Gennuven community develops a collective sleep-wake cycle independent of environmental influences.


They tend to become absorbed in intellectual pursuits such as documenting their surroundings and delving into matters of the mind (often with the aid of psychedelic substances.)

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their eyes are large, with wide irises and pupils to allow them better vision in their permanently-dark surroundings. Their other features are delicate and fine.

Average Intelligence

As one of the Realms' intelligent races, the Gennuven are capable of demanding intellectual pursuits like advanced mathematics, architecture, and sciences. They are highly talented in magical matters and intellectual exercises.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Can see in complete darkness, but their vision becomes more and more impaired the brighter their surroundings are. They would be near-blinded by daylight in the Middle Realm.
100 to 120 years
Average Height
5 feet 8 inches to 6 feet 2 inches
Average Physique
While they aren't waifish, the Gennuven aren't the physically strongest race and don't usually have the most powerful builds.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin colors include black, gray, green, blue, purple, or indigo, and are always dark and cool-toned. Their hair is usually black or dark gray.
Geographic Distribution
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