Oomzah Species in Athanya | World Anvil
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Oomzah (OOM-zah)

Written by orphidor

The Oomzah are an uncommon race who are strongly tied to the cycles of the moons and seasons. Though they resemble people made of wood, in their adult stage of life, they are actually made of flesh, skin, and bone, albeit of a much firmer and coarser nature than most self-aware races.

Basic Information


Bipedal, with two arms, two legs, and stiff tails for balance. Their heads are crowned with branches resembling horns.

Genetics and Reproduction

An Oomzah can only be created when weather conditions and the phases of the moons align perfectly. The Oomzah creation ritual involves watering an ordinary sapling with various substances such as blood and sap, as well as several hours of chanting beginning in the early hours of the morning. If the ritual has been performed correctly, the sapling will pull itself from the ground with its branches, begin to crawl around on its roots, and make small squeaking noises with its newly-created mouth. The young Oomzah hardly resembles adults of its kind except in their shared vegetal appearance. In fact, unlike adult Oomzah, the sapling is still made up of wood and sap.

Growth Rate & Stages

As a young Oomzah grows older, its tiny branches and roots entertwine and fuse together to form arms and legs and its entire body transmutes into flesh. Older Oomzah will carry it around and take care of it during this time. The Oomzah will remain in this form, growing slowly over the years, until it reaches the elder stage of its life and morphs back into what resembles a normal tree except for the remaining hints of its previous form in the curves and shapes of its trunk and branches.

Ecology and Habitats

This race doesn't fare well in the tall cities. Instead, they make their homes in the forests of all the known continents. Their appearance resembles the trees of the place where they were created.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their faces are elegant and flat, while their ears are long and pointed. Even on their faces, their skin is rough like the bark of a tree, but not as rough as the rest of their bodies.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Oomzah live and roam within the forests and rainforests of Chengai, Tasawa, and Kameshk. They don't usually wander far from the trees.

Average Intelligence

As one of the Realms' intelligent races, the Oomzah are capable of demanding intellectual pursuits like advanced mathematics, architecture, and sciences. They are particularly talented mages and naturalists.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their sight is good and their hearing and smell are great. They aren't hindered by low-light conditions.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

The Oomzah are sexless. Many have no gender as well. They often see themselves as greater than or beyond the entire concept of gender.

Relationship Ideals

Because they reproduce asexually, the Oomzah don't have any need for romantic relationships. They do, however, have relationships that seem parental in nature with the ones they've created, as well as friendships.

Common Dress Code

They feel no need to wear clothing because they have nothing to cover, but sometimes they will wear items they think are beautiful simply for the sake of looks, as well as functional pieces like bags.
95 to 115 years
Average Height
7 feet to 7 feet 6 inches
Average Weight
185 to 285 lbs
Average Length
5 feet to 5 feet 6 inches
Average Physique
Their build varies wildly depending on the species of tree they originated from. Some are willowy and slender, while others are stocky like an oak.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their coloration varies, but always matches that of the type of tree their sapling was.
Geographic Distribution

Articles under Oomzah