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Tsaamit Visual Arts (TSAH-meet)

Written by orphidor

Despite their tendency to wander and their lack of large-scale objects of culture, the Tsaamit still create beautiful works of art with layers of meaning beyond the obvious, albeit on a much smaller scale than most other races.


Like all intelligent races, the Tsaamit are driven to create and innovate, as they have been from the beginning of the Age of Balance. Their path toward finding their specific niche in the creative world was fairly straightforward since they were immediately drawn toward depicting the surroundings they witnessed on their travels.


The Tsaamit usually craft their artistic creations after settling down at the end of a day of travel. Their works are often a way to document their travels by recording creatures, individuals, and landscape features that they've seen.   Signatures are not always applied to finished pieces. If they are, they're often very discreet and usually consist of initials or an identifying symbol.

Components and tools

The Northern Tsaamit typically draw sketches in sketchbooks or carve figurines from soapstone. Similarly, the Southern Tsaamit also utilize notebooks and make tiny carvings, but their preferred carving medium is wood. When drawing, they customarily use charcoal, ink, or pastels, and while carving, they generally manipulate tiny metal-tipped chisels specifically created for the purpose.


For the Tsaamit, the creation of art is an intensely personal process. It's typically done by oneself, with very little (if any) input from others. They will, however, sell or gift their creations to those they meet upon their travels, usually including a story about whatever inspired the piece.
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