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Abduz Nurog, the Marble Man

A family of goblins rescues a rock baby, made of marble with gems for eyes, that they find floating/sinking on the sulphur river. They name him "marble man", which in goblin is Abduz Nurog. After three years with his new goblin family, he wakes up one morning to find himself alone in the cave. He is too “rock like” to go about leaving or looking for them. So he just sits there, for another ten years.   Inkidu and his small band of monster hunters come across Abduz Nurog's cave. They assume he is a monster, and a battle ensues. Eventually Inkidu is able to use his telepathic ability to drill the M'Athuan language into Marble Man's thick marble skull. They form a truce. As they're talking, a gigantic penguin-brontosaurus skeleton creature rises from the lake to attack nearby Nilbog.   Abduz Nurog joins the Monster Hunters to save Nilbog.   A giant of a man, Lil' Sonny O'FitzMac , hears tell of a monster covered in marble and assumes he must be the one who is commanding the monsters to attack the local towns. He gets a group together to attack the marble man. O'FitzMac's group clashes with Nlibog, Inkidu and the Monster Hunters for 13 weeks straight, followed by a 13 week armistice. It's a huge job creator. After much time with the MDL, Abduz begins to wonder who he is, why he exists, what his life means, you know, all the questions. He goes to @The Dean of Worlds at the Luxadon college to try to learn more. The Dean directs him to legends of rock creatures found in the icy north. Heading there, Abduz meets his mother and discovers the race of Frost Giants to which he belongs. The giants immediately head to attack Mulgewind City , and, though it pains him, Abduz knows he must stop them. It is his duty as a Monster Hunter. He tucks himself into a boulder and rolls back to the Monster Defense League to warn them of the upcoming attack.@   Eventually the MDL arrives and pushes the Frost Giants back to their icy tundra. Inkidu has the people of Muglewind construct a giant wall of flame to keep the frost giants out.   The Dragon King is offended by this flame wall, and dispels it. Nurog finds himself relieved that the wall is gone. He wants to get to know his family, but as a monster hunter he knows he must stop them from attacking again. Conflicted, he convinces the MDL that they must take out the frost giants before they can stop the dragons. They take the battle directly to the Frost Giants, who through their own magics, had made the entire city and its peoples fire proof in response to the great, but short lived, flame wall.   A massive battle ensues. Four armies worth of frost giants pour out of the city. The Monster Defense League is overwhelmed but certain they are doing what their organization was formed for. Defense from “Monsters”. Abduz Nurog puts himself at the head of the fray, feeling it is his burden to lead the charge. As a result he is split in half by his Mother, of all people. Elemental ice pours out of Abduz' body, a wall of sheer ice juts out for miles in two directions creating an open ended isosceles triangle with Marble Man's frozen body at the connecting point. Partitioning off Frostchester Heights from the rest of the continent.   Little did the Frost Giants know that their meddling with elemental fire magic would cause them to no longer be immune to ice damage. Abduz' mother, along with much of the frost armies (and some of the MDL) freeze solid inside this wall. The rest of the Frost Giant armies retreat back to their now isolated city.   Abduz Nurog, the Marble Man, died the death of a hero.




Towards Abduz Nurog, the Marble Man

Abduz Nurog, the Marble Man


Towards Boblin

Circumstances of Birth
Unknown. Found floating/skinking in a sulphur river outside Nilbog.
Circumstances of Death
Split open, from chaps to sternum, by his Mommy. Frozen solid at the point of a massive isoscoles triangle wall of sheer ice.
Boblin (spouse)
Ice blue Gemstones
green moss as an obnoxious goatee
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
black and white marbled skin


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