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Monster Defense League

The Monster Defense League (known colloquially as Monster Squad) is a worldwide alliance formed by Inkidu to combat the constant destructive presence of monsters in the lives of every Athuan, setting off the centuries-long series of conflicts collectively known as The Monster Wars.   Until the point that Inkidu began his legendary voyages around Athua, monsters had run unchecked through the world. Villagers the world over lived in constant fear that the next attack would be too much for even their strongest defenses. As Inkidu traveled from civilization to civilization, he saw firsthand the devastation and terror under which all Athuans suffered. He formed a small band of adventurers to travel with him and face monster threats as they arose. After gaining some renown, the group became known as the Monster Defense League.   Many of the great heroes of their day either got their start in the MDL, or, like Lil' Sonny O'FitzMac, joined at the height of their powers, helping the group to reach its legendary status.   Inkidu, known as the Great Uniter for his promotion of the concept of a unified Ahtuan people, never intended the xenophobic undercurrent that ended up developing among the League's ranks. While individual squads enacted racist anti-monster restrictions on their membership, the organization as a whole was always welcoming to any non-aggressive sentient species. Inkidu's early adoption of Abduz Nurog into the group illustrates his commitment to the ideals he advocated for.   Sick Sick Monsters (Main article: )   Monster Monster Squad (Main article: Monster Monster Squad )   Formed as a counterpoint to the MDL, the Monster Monster Squad was a rival group of monster hunters whose membership was comprised entirely of monsters. Seeking to promote the idea that not all monsters are to be feared, the group traveled the world facing the same threats as the MDL. In the course of doing so, the two groups often came in direct conflict.   Notable Members  


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