Ammetio House

Purpose / Function

This house, built by Bremerton J. Kilpatrick, became the location of the  Southeastern Institute for Parapsychology Studies on it's founding.  It has been slowly added upon and now houses the Executive Offices, Boardroom & Conference Center, as well as the Library.


The Executive Offices at Ammetio House consist of the rooms and facilities that, when the House was a residential facility, made up the Main Residence.  There are 5 bedrooms, each with a large desk, couch, wardrobe, and chairs.  The largest room, formerly the Master Bedroom, is the office of the Executive Director.   Each room is tastefully decorated and clearly designed for "male occupants".  The walls are wood paneled, the art on the wall varies between official portraits to military scenes to <ahem> tastefully done 'gentlemen's art'.   The Offices have been continually renovated and possess the latest technologies.  Electric lighting, telephones, gramophones, and radios are throughout the office area.   In a small study off of the Executive Director office is a large safe (5 feet x 5 feet x 8 feet) with two combination dials.  It weighs in excess of 3 tons.


The facility is not open to the public.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The House, The Gardens
Manor house / Meeting hall
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank