Land's End

A large land stowed away in the north of the globe, its castle is hidden within the mountain ranges and the only known entrance is crowded by dense forests. It gives an outwardly spooky vibe and feeling to all those that approach. Not to mention the only form of contact anyone's ever had is their people traveling to them in order to trade. Historically known for being merciless to those that cross its borders.


True King The True King has the utmost word on things when he says something it typically goes. However, this is only in times of war or in times of need. In the end, he has the final say in things but quite often interacts with the council of other kings and queens to decide things.

The King is a ruler of their own land, while the True King rules all, he does not rule over each of the King's respective lands. He has the authority to do so, but does not, for it is beneath himself. Thus, the Kings handle everything related to their land, often times pushing their work off to their Queens, Princes and Second Hands.

Basically a King, but less power overall, if there is no King, the Queen takes over.

The offspring or heir of a King and Queen.

Same as above.

Second Hands
Those that are the utmost ranks among the government, trusted with doing the slack off work the Kings and others do not wish to do.

Public Agenda

Isolation and productivity. Land's End strives to make groundbreaking discoveries while staying out of the way of others, formerly being shunned for their culture, they've grown reclusive and rarely interact with the others in the world unless they have to.


Most of the history of the nation is not documented. Nor is it revealed to outsiders, most say that they fled from the south and moved north due to being shunned for their practices. Once a noble and legendary mage cult, they eventually wiped each other out in a civil war. From there on the history become murky, none know if any cultists survived or if they were led on by a normal, sane person. In other news, they did attempt to march both south and west, trying to conquer and explore the land. This ended abruptly and ever since they have yet to do something similar. They do trade with those close to them, but still have closed borders and refuse to allow their trade partners to travel to their land.

Demography and Population

All human, however, they are surrounded by a multitude of monsters they hunt for food.   Among these are: Trolls, Yetis, Dragons(?)   Things that are not monsters: Polar Bears, Wolves, Sabertooth Tigers, Boar, etc.   The humans in each respective faction seem to be the only things here aside from the monsters and animals.


The members of the nation all worship the dark one, but this is of course from their ancestor's passing it down through the ages. It is not the only religion in the nation and people are free to worship who they wish.

Loneliness is the essence of humanity.

Founding Date
Secret, Government
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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