Vermin Repellent

Axel Webb carries vermin repellent as a precaution against his father's spider envoys, although in reality, the spiders Lukas Webb sends are often too large to be very affected by the spray.  

Vermin Repellent


Fine vermin avoid the sprayed area or person, and swarms of vermin must succeed on a DC15 fortitude saving throw in order enter the affected square. Small or larger vermin are unharmed by the spray, although if an attacking vermin has a choice of targets it will preferentially choose creatures without the repellent. Once applied, vermin repellent remains effective for 4 hours or until washed off.   Vermin repellent counts as a strong scent, allowing creatures with the scent ability to detect it at a greater range.
Item type
Consumable, Magical
5 dollars