Axel Webb

Axel Webb

Axel Webb is a half-drow occultist who works the nightshift at the Arkham Caine Museum of the Occult. He is friends with Detective Chiaroscuro Gray, who brings him onto investigations when there is a supernatural or occult aspect to the case.  
Muriel Caine and Axel Webb


Axel is deeply loyal to his employer, Muriel Caine, who allows him access to all kinds of prohibited eldritch relics and artifacts. While Muriel pointedly does not ask about Axel's illicit use of the museum's exhibits, it is likely that if she were to find out she would not be surprised by his occult hobbies.   Axel is also loyal to Chiaroscuro Gray, without whom he firmly believes the city of Atramentum would be an even more dangerous and corrupt place than it already is. Although Axel may dislike how frequently Gray gets him into physical danger, he trusts that Gray will also always get him out of it.

Family Ties

Axel has a tense relationship with his wealthy birth family. He has chosen to rent a leaking attic apartment in midtown Atrimentum rather than remain in his domineering parents' luxury townhouse. As a child, Axel was paraded by his mother, Carlotta Webb, as a party accessory, but was otherwise expected to keep out of the way. His drow father, Lukas Webb, was a formidable and intimidating presence, who demanded Axel learn the family business.   Both of Axel's parents discouraged any displays of emotion, using mystical and mundane methods to keep him compliant. His mother would tell him to "save his tears for the pillow" when he was upset, while his mesmerist father used powerful psychic magic to magically dominate his son, until Axel developed enough will to sometimes resist the controlling influence.
  Axel left home at fourteen and now rarely speaks to his parents. His father sometimes sends messenger spiders to demand favours, most recently requesting Axel arrange a business meeting with Muriel at the museum. Axel does not pass on the message, and is only sometimes able to kill the spiders before the eight-legged spies can return to Lukas with their invasive intelligence.
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Museum Archivist
24 years old
5 ft. 7 inches
RPG Information
Occultist (8)
Abilities Scores
STR 6 (-2) ; DEX 14 (+2) ; CON 13 (+1).
INT 20 (+5) ; WIS 15 (+2) ; CHA 18 (+4).
Armour Class
AC 19, touch 13, flat 17
(+5 armour, +2 DEX, +1 natural, +1 deflection)
Fort: +7; Reflex: +5; Will: +6
+2 vs. aberration confusion or fear.