Vizdea Character in Atrox Ultrix | World Anvil


Lord Vizdea

Trained as a Jedi, defected to the Sith. Vizdea is a male Mirialan from Mirial that has served the Atrox and Vexe for years, earning himself the title of Vindex and joint leadership of the Ultrix. Vizdea has recently betrayed the Atrox after a falling out between him and the Imperatrix. His status is unknown. He is to be killed on sight.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Years Vizdea was born in 32790 TYA (10 BTC), on the planet Mirial. His ancestors were supporters and loyalists to Revan's Sith Empire in the ‘Jedi Civil War’. His family throughout the generations often reminisced about Revan’s dominion, believing it to be the ideal form of government. However in recent years, as outliers in their beliefs on Mirial, his family has had to keep their views and opinions strictly private.   Vizdea’s family was wealthy, owning a moderate estate with several Fathiers imported from Cantonica. His father, Achoc, is an ex-military officer of the Mirial Guard. He currently stands as the elected councillor for the district of Okata on Mirial while his mother, Zomu, is a civil servant.   War broke out across the galaxy in 32772 TYA (28 BTC), Vizdea’s family initially saw Vitiate’s Sith Empire as the successor to Revan’s legacy. This gradually changed as the ‘Great War’ dragged on, and the Empire’s xenophobic practices became feared across the galaxy.   When Vizdea was 2 years old, he began to show signs of force sensitivity. His family worked actively to delay their son’s transfer to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, fearing their child would be dragged into the Galactic conflict and suspicions of the Jedi Order’s beliefs, practices, and intentions.   Despite his parents' best efforts, their attempts to suppress his force sensitivity would be in vain. The still-developing child proved too unstable with the toddler's outburst and tantrums causing great amounts of hurt and damage, making raising Vizdea impossible for his parents.   Young Vizdea’s feats began to draw attention from neighbours, friends and strangers alike. At the age of 5 Vizdea’s family reached their breaking point. To make matters worse, Vizdea’s parents had been warned through their circle of influential friends that the Jedi had taken notice and planned to investigate further.   Struggling to look after Vizdea themselves, and with his Force sensitivity no longer a secret, his parents were left with very few options. They came to a decision and let the Jedi take Vizdea to Coruscant in the hope that their son would follow in the footsteps of Revan himself - to train as a Jedi, and eventually become Sith and restructure the galaxy as he did 300 years before.   A Student of the Light The Jedi scout on Mirial immediately sent Vizdea to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. There he was taught methods to control his connection to the force and was introduced to the Jedi’s teachings and doctrines. Shy at first, Vizdea isolated himself from everyone else, struggling with the sudden separation from his parents. Thoughts crossed his mind about why he had been sent away, did they not want him? Did they not love him anymore? Was he dangerous? Evil?   After allowing Vizdea to settle for a bit, he was placed in the Katarn Clan overseen by Jedi Master Shoaw Mei. Master Mei intervened and comforted young Vizdea, putting to rest all his anxieties around his new life on Coruscant. Master Shoaw Mei was a warm, kind-hearted and approachable elderly female human from Corellia. She became a parental figure for Vizdea in his early days at the Jedi Academy.   Wanting to impress Master Mei and discover more about his connection to the Force, Vizdea threw himself into his studies and began to open himself up to his fellow clan mates, making some close friendships.  
‘(REDACTED) has displayed an exemplary understanding of Master Urdradaá’s demonstration on emotional control and the techniques involved to maintain that control. (REDACTED) did ask questions about why we encourage abandonment of attachments and emotions, his questions were answered by myself. (REDACTED) seemed to accept the answer and displayed a developing understanding of the Jedi doctrine.’ - Student Assessment, 12/12/32792 TYA by Master Arvand Vin Havjin
Shortly after turning 6 years old, Vizdea was deemed stable and in control enough to begin further training, beginning lessons in Form I lightsaber combat. Over the next 6 years, Vizdea lived the strict and regimental life of a Jedi Initiate, practising the three pillars of the Jedi Order. Vizdea excelled in the second pillar (Knowledge), specifically the study of ‘The Galaxy, Stars and Planets’ as well as proving to be very skilled with a blade. However, Vizdea did struggle with  
‘(REDACTED) shows a keen interest and understanding in his studies of the Galaxy. He shows an early understanding of geo-politics, galactic history as well as differing languages, religions and cultures and how all of these factors manifest today. (REDACTED) is recommended to take advanced lessons in diplomacy or other similar paths if successful in his initiation trials.’ - Teachers report, 23/7/32797, by Master Shaow Mei.
Prior to his Initiate trials in 32799TYA at the age of 12, Vizdea would begin to draw the attention of Master Vark. Vark had recently attained the rank of Master for his efforts at the still active battle for Rhen Var.   Vark began to introduce himself to young Vizdea, declaring his intentions to take him as a learner should he pass. Vark instantly made a great impression on Vizdea, his war stories making him an iconic hero and a role model that Vizdea aspired to match. A charismatic figure of humble origins, Master Vark grew up a Zabrak orphan of the poorer lower levels of Coruscant.   Finding a newfound desire to thrive and become Master Vark’s Padawan, Vizdea passed most of his Initiation trials with flying colours. However, Vizdea struggled to keep emotional control when demonstrating his ability to meditate. Vizdea passed his initiation trials but not without its controversy, some Masters in the academy openly and privately complained after his initiation, citing it as an example of declining standards in the Order due to the ongoing War, an issue that had been ongoing way before Vizdea arrived at the Academy.  
‘This war is slipping standards across the order. The recent initiation of (REDACTED) is just one example of the declining care and attention this order is willing to gamble with in order to make up for war losses. (REDACTED)’s past and family history makes him vulnerable to corruption and is not ready to progress. We cannot rush and cut corners! Mark my words, if something is not done we will have a crisis on our hands! Not now, but further down their training when these initiates become Knights of our order they will be unprepared and ill-trained, rapidly falling to the Darkside fueling our enemy with a fresh supply of warriors they need to destroy the Republic and devastate the known galaxy.’ - Letter of Complaint to the Jedi Council, 29/1/32799 TYA by Master Jain
Now a Padawan under Master Vark, the pair departed Coruscant not long after his trials. Travelling to the front lines of the ongoing war, Vark began bonding with Vizdea during their travels to the planet of Vulta in the Atreyis System. During this time Vizdea learnt that Master Vark was a part of an enclave within the Jedi Order called ‘The Jedi Combatants’. This enclave believed in the Jedi’s increased involvement in the war as soldiers for the Republic to protect the galactic power from threats like the Sith. Vizdea was introduced and indoctrinated to believe and follow the enclaves' orders and beliefs.   Arrival on Vultan was a smooth operation, control over the planet was firmly in the Republic's hands despite being on the frontlines with the Empire. Vizdea and his Master took up residence on the planets Capital of Drom. His Master was assigned to Vultan along with other Jedi from the Combatants to increase and improve the defences of the planet in preparation for a possible Sith attack. Vizdea attended most of his Masters' meetings and affairs to teach him the ways of Command and military operations.   Vizdea and Master Vark found time when they could to further Vizdea’s personal training. Vizdea started to show interest in double-bladed lightsaber combat, Master Vark began to send Vizdea to train with another Master on Vulta, Master Rohm, to begin to learn how to utilise double-bladed lightsaber combat with Form I which he already had an understanding of. Vizdea believed that using a double-bladed saber matched well with a Mirialans naturally increased agility compared to other species.   While working on Vulta, Vizdea noticed Master Varks use of Force Persuasion to convince disgruntled civilians to comply with the military’s orders. One event particularly caught Vizdea’s attention. Vark convinced a family with the Force to abandon their farm estate so the military could use the land for a new camp and anti-air installation. While the family were compensated, the family were compelled against their will to move by Master Vark.  
‘I can’t help but feel bad for the farmers we moved… it doesn’t seem right but as Master Vark says we have to remove our compassion and look at the big picture. Vulta needs those anti-air guns!’ - Vizdea’s Personal Diary, 16/1/32800 TYA
Vizdea questioned the morality of the act and challenged his Master but would be convinced by his argument that the act was for the greater good and it was the Jedi’s responsibility to make tough decisions for the betterment of the Republic and Galaxy. His Master's use of Force Persuasion made Vizdea massively intrigued by the skill, and became a skill he wanted to master.   Vizdea and Master Vark were on Vulta when the Sith Empire tricked the Republic and Sacked the Capital of Coruscant and destroyed the Jedi Temple. The Jedi Combatants Headquarters wasn’t destroyed or captured but the fall of the Temple and subsequent Treaty of Coruscant left shockwaves across the Order that were felt even on Vulta. Vizdea was left questioning how the Jedi could lose the war against the Sith and why they were agreeing to peace with a foe who definitely wouldn’t keep its promises. The thought of losing many of Vizdea’s old tutors and teachers at the Temple was difficult for Vizdea, he had never experienced loss in the form of death before and the still young Vizdea struggled to come to terms with it.   Though the war was over, the Empire was never dormant. The Combatants on Vulta were commanded to stay on the planet and continue preparations as planned for the eventual continuation of the Galactic War. In 32802 TYA Vizdea joined his Master on an anti-espionage campaign against Imperial spies on Vulta. Working out of a small apartment in the Capital of Drom, Vizdea and his Master ambushed the Imperial stronghold on a joint operation with Republic SIS and the Vultan Police. Hoping to detain the Agents peacefully, Vizdea was shaken when he was forced to put his training into practice, defending himself against one of the spies armed with a pistol resulting in Vizdea’s first ever kill.  
‘I can still see his eyes. Cold, lifeless. Yet wherever I went his eyes followed me across the room. Master says everyone struggles at first but eventually it will pass… he says it is a necessary evil that cannot be avoided for a Jedi because not everyone is as rational as us… I hope I don’t have to do it again.’
  • Vizdea’s Personal Diary, 25/4/32802 TYA

  • Vizdea stayed on Vulta with his Master for another 4 years, training and aiding the planet against Imperial infiltration and continuing his training. In 32806 TYA, Vizdea and his Master were moved from Vulta to the neighbouring system of Taris to aid with the heavily backed ‘Taris resettlement Initiative’. The pair would predominantly focus on aiding with the construction of military installations rather than civilian settlements, in anticipation for a potential Sith assault on the planet when the war resumes or to be used as a foothold to launch Republic attacks on the Sith Empire.   Alongside aiding the resettlement initiative, Vizdea was tasked by his Master to begin the process of constructing his own lightsaber. He was challenged to construct the hilt and mechanics from salvage from the destroyed metropolis planet. After many months of hunting in 32807 TYA Vizdea finally salvaged and restored all the pieces he needed to construct his saber and had studied the manufacturing process. As a gift and reward for Vizdea’s diligence, Master Vark awarded Vizdea with a lightsaber crystal to complete his list of materials.   Battle of Taris - 32811 TYA   Vizdea and his Master remained on Taris for the next 4 years. In this time Vizdea continued his training while still helping the ever-expanding Resettlement Initiative. Master Vark had begun to make preparations for the pair to travel to Tython for Vizdea to see the Jedi’s new Temple and take his Jedi trials to finally become a Jedi Knight. However, in the year 32811 TYA, Darth Gravus launched his attack on Taris seeking to utterly destroy the Republic’s Resettlement efforts entirely. This put a halt to Vizdea’s plans and was the first active war zone he had ever been in. Vizdea threw himself into the conflict with vigour, fully committed to the Combatant’s creed as warriors and feeling confident enough from his training to aid in the defence on the planet from the Sith assault.  
    ‘The Sith assault came without warning, it was an exciting event to experience. After years of preparing defences and training for that exact scenario… looking back, I would be lying if I said that I hadn’t looked forward to finally seeing real combat for the first time.’ - Lord Vizdea’s Interrogation, 18/1/32813 TYA
    Vizdea aided in the Republic’s attempt to contest the Empire’s initial landings, with him and his Master assigned to help defend the ‘Sinking City’. The main strategic interest in the sector was the ‘Tower Command Station’, Republic forces on Taris had put a small defensive garrison in the station but were quickly overwhelmed by the assaulting Imperial forces.   Master Vark and Vizdea would regroup the defeated survivors with his own forces at the Dynamet General Hospital, bolstered by volunteers from the nearby Cathar settlement. Reconsolidated, Master Vark and Vizdea would launch their counter-attack on the Command Station. However, while Vark had been regrouping his troops the Sith likewise had been able to reinforce their hold over the station and hunkered down ready for any Republic retaliation. The battle for the station was brutal, after pushing towards the base itself under intense fire, the combat devolved to gruelling close combat fighting. Pushing his way up to the upper level of the station, Vizdea would come face to face with his first-ever Sith. Backed by two supporting Imperial soldiers, Vizdea was outnumbered against his Sith counterpart. His opponent was a young female Sith, she had long silky black hair tied back into a ponytail to keep her hair out of her face while she fought. Her vibrant purple double-bladed weapon blocked his advance, she made no move to attack knowing she held the advantage with her support, instead the Sith held her ground eyeing up her opponent. Vizdea charged at the Sith, deflecting back blaster fire as he closed in and throwing a force push at one of the Imperial soldiers, knocking him unconscious against a wall as he closed in on the Sith.   Vizdea feigns a high Sai Cha strike but instead at the last moment dips his lower blade to strike at his opponent's feet. Alas, his bid did not succeed and the pair began to clash, a dance of blades and force abilities rained out around them as they both fought to their limits. In the end, Vizdea would prevail, though barely, sustaining multiple blaster wounds from the one remaining Imperial soldier before Vizdea was able to strike him down and a substantial cut down his left thigh. The killing blow came when the Sith girl let slip her defence when going in for a downward cut but overextended herself, allowing for Vizdea to bat upwards with his double-bladed saber with the lower blade decapitating the Sith, her body slumping to the floor in death.   Vizdea wouldn’t have long to celebrate his victory, no longer than he had stuck the Sith down the call for retreat was made. The Republic assault was being overwhelmed by the defending force and all momentum had been lost. Vizdea claimed the Sith’s blade as evidence of his triumph and as a trophy. Making his way back down the Command Station, Vizdea aided with the Republic withdrawal under constant fire as they made their way back to the safe haven of Olaris. Temporarily safe in the walls of Olaris, Vizdea would begin to heal his wounds from the recent attack and speak with his Master over his duel with the Sith. Master Vark declared on seeing the Sith blade that Vizdea had shown he was a true Jedi and declared that his tutelage as a Padawan was at an end, Vizdea was now a fully-fledged Jedi Knight.   As the weeks went by the Republic’s position on Taris began to look tenuous. Significant key commanders of the resettlement initiative had been targeted and killed by the Sith attack. Seeing the writing on the walls, Master Cerik, the leading Jedi of the Initiative, commanded Master Vark and Vizdea to leave Taris now and prepare Vulta for a possible follow-up invasion.   Battle for Vulta - 32812 TYA   Back on Vulta, Vizdea and Master Vark would warn and prepare Vulta for a possible Sith attack. A few months into the preparations, news reached Vulta that Olaris had fallen, the Republic's hold on Taris had ended and Master Cerik was dead. It was now only a matter of time before the Empire and Republic resumed their unfinished war with the Republic only recently also scoring an unofficial victory against the Sith on Balmorra. In 32812 TYA, the two sides could no longer overlook the ever-increasing skirmishes across the border territories and officially declared war.   For Vulta the war came but a week after war was declared. An Imperial assault force entered the Atreyis system and captured the major refuelling station ‘Liberty’s Reach’ as a staging ground to attack Vulta itself. However, Master Vark in the time since retreating from Taris had been building up a defensive fleet, with the plan to deny the Empire a landing by defeating them quickly in Space. Vark had been able to accumulate a small fleet made from the Vultan Defensive Patrol Fleet, the nearby Republic 56th Task Force from the Eshan System as well as an Auxiliary force of volunteers and private freelance pilots from local star systems.   Master Vark with Vultan Admiral Y’ara D’vor would order an immediate retaliatory attack on the Sith positions at the refuelling station. Vizdea would be paired with Captain Lance Dyer, a human of the Vultan defence fleet and commander of the Jedi Civil War Era Hammerhead Corvette ‘Prosperity’.   In the battle over the refuelling station, the Prosperity would intercept a Subjugator-class Corvette and engage the ship. Having the superior firepower, the Prosperity was able to overpower the Sith vessel, Captain Dyer and Vizdea opted to disable the enemy ship and board it with a republic task force, hoping the ship could be used by the Republic military and SIS to infiltrate Sith Space after the battle.   Leading the boarding party himself, Vizdea clad himself in his new equipment now he was a Jedi Knight and gathered his men in the Prosperity’s two Rendaran-class Assault Shuttles and launched his attack. With the Subjugators' weapons all disabled, the ships were able to board unhindered, however as they landed in the Corvettes landing bays, they would be received by a ready and waiting Imperial welcoming party. Going in hot, Vizdea throws himself headfirst into the fray to distract Imperial firepower away from his troops and push towards the Imperial positions. Sustaining a few blaster wounds Vizdea and losing two soldiers, his men captured the landing bay and began their gruelling corridor campaign towards the ship's bridge.   Utilising battlefield tactics, Vizdea organised his men to push forwards gradually through the corridors on his mark, using himself as a shield from the blaster fire for his men. Pushing their way closer and closer to the bridge, capturing key systems like the hyperdrive and engineering bay on their way up, Vizdea would eventually be stopped by the unwelcoming presence of a Sith.   Ordering his men to push onwards, Vizdea used the Sith tactic of taunting an opponent to coax the Sith into attacking just him away from his troops. Comparing the Sith to prey in a trap and patronising the now seething warrior of the Darkside, Vizdea and the Sith would battle back down the very same corridors he had just cleared. Locked in intense fighting, both combatants would find that their skills were equally matched, the Sith’s brute force and strength were equal to Vizdea’s agility and quick strikes. The fight gradually boiled down to a battle of attrition, both fighters waiting for their opponent to make a mistake and let slip a gap in their defence. For Vizdea the golden opportunity would arise, the Sith would gather all his strength and use the force to bring down his saber in an almighty slash downwards onto Vizdea. Accelerating his own speed with the force, Vizdea sidesteps out of the way of the slash and returns with his own slash across the Siths body, gravelly wounding him and bringing him to his knees.   With the Sith defeated but not yet dead, Vizdea debated with himself about what to do with his opponent. The Jedi’s teachings told him he should take the Sith in as a prisoner but at the same time, Sith could not be reasoned with, they could not be trusted and are not easy to keep captive. Vizdea decided to strike the Sith dead and save himself to hassle, lying in his mission report that he died of his wounds and refused to surrender.   Returning to aid his soldiers, Vizdea and his men wrestled control of the ship into their hands. Clearing the ship of all hostiles and clearing every room and deck, Vizdea would have all the captured Imperial crew transported to be detained on the Prosperity and leave the captured Imperial ship with a small garrison, making down their coordinates to claim the ship later with a recovery crew. The Prosperity would then move in to help aid the other Republic vessels with the push for the refuelling station, arriving in time to see the beginning of the Imperial withdrawal. Republic marines had invaded and captured the refuelling station and the Imperial fleet had been overwhelmed and returned to Taris.   Battle of Raaban - 32813 TYA   Riding high on his success on Vulta, Vizdea felt redeemed from the loss he was unable to prevent on Taris. Master Vark and Vizdea began efforts to prepare Vulta for another Sith incursion as well as organise for some of the forces they had accumulated to combat the Sith over the refuelling station to be transferred to aid Republic forces in the Wayland system where Imperial forces had also been making incursions.   Shortly after the turn of the new galactic year, Vizdea and Master Vark would receive a call from the Combatants headquarters on Coruscant asking them to both move to Raaban immediately to help with the defence of the planet from a large-scale invasion force sent by the Sith Empire under the command of Lord Tormen.   The Jedi’s arrival in the Ishanna system was met with immediate challenges, while the Republic still contested the Empire in Space, the ground situation on Raaban was rapidly declining. Republic lines had collapsed, survivors and any still organised military units were being consolidated in the Jaden Mountains by Jedi Combatant Master Zorous and his Padawan Ashthern. Master Vark and Vizdea would slip through the Imperial invasion and join the Republic forces regrouping efforts on the planet. About a month into the placement on Rabaan, the Empire had secured all major cities and assets on Rabaan and the Republic Fleet had retreated from the system. Shortly afterwards, much of Lord Tormen’s invasion force would begin to leave Rabaan for the current Sith campaign on Corellia, leaving Rabaan with a far weaker occupation force to contend with.   Vizdea along with the other Combatants would lead raids against the Imperial occupation force, attacking supply convoys, key installations and isolated military positions. These assaults would garner the attention of the planet's current governor, the young and rising Sith, Lord Vexe. Vexe lured in the Jedi commanders on multiple occasions, ambushing many of their raids with well-laid traps, depleting their manpower and morale gradually.   All would come to a head at the decisive ‘Battle of the Black Pass’. Republic forces led by Master Zorous had planted a trap of their own against Vexe and her now infamous elite vanguard troops, catching them without support or escape in the difficult to manoeuvre Black Pass. Outnumbered almost 1 to 10, Vexe’s 24 man team was barraged by wave after wave of Republic soldiers. The fighting at the Black Pass was brutal, Republic forces pursued Vexe’s fighting retreat and eventually cornered her with heavy losses. On the brink of victory, the Republic’s weakening attack was then assailed by an unknown figure of immense power. Despite all odds, Vexe and her troops were able to defeat the Republic ambush.   Vizdea in this chaos led a squad of soldiers with Master Vark. Defending the rear and acting as back-up for the assault if need be, Vizdea and Master Vark were taken by surprise when Vexe and her force attacked their position. Vexe’s Vanguard very quickly shot down Vizdea’s 10 man squad as the two Jedi tried to defeat the Sith Lord themselves. Sensing Vizdea was the weaker of the pair, Vexe’s constantly bat away his strikes and push him away from the fight with Master Vark, using her skills with the force and force lightning. Unable to best Vexe’s flawless attacks, Vark was all but left to combat the Lethian Twi'lek himself being struck down by the Sith and a barrage of fire power from the now freed Vanguard. Vizdea was left alone against the Sith and all her troops, completely outmatched Vizdea took the only option he had left and threw down his saber and surrendered…   A Student of the Dark     Held captive by Vexe’s forces, Vizdea is interrogated with little to no resistance, openly telling the Sith everything she needed to know. Vizdea openly admitted his disillusionment with the Jedi and the Republic, despite his best efforts the Empire had beaten the Republic in the First War, they had won on Taris and they had won on Rabaan, and for the Jedi’s best effort the general population of the Republic blames them even after all the years Vizdea devoted to trying to protect the Republic. He saw the Lightside as inferior to the Darkside and admitted to enjoying the thrill of battle and triumphing over his previous Sith opponents. Vexe agrees to train Vizdea on Rabaan and take him on as another of her many secret and scattered Apprentices.     Between the years 32813 to 32815 TYA, Vizdea remained on Rabaan with Lord Vexe, training in the ways of the Sith and the Darkside, finally allowing himself to embrace his emotions and thrive for his own personal ambitions and desires. Vizdea would very quickly pick up the basics of the Sith way, already having a strong understanding of the force and Sith teaching from his time as a Jedi, just now learning it from the other side. Alongside his training Vizdea proved his usefulness to Vexe by helping keep the population of Rabaan subdued, putting down small resistance cells in organised raids by her occupation forces and local law enforcement.     Vizdea enjoyed taking in dissidents alive on Rabaan to take them back to Vexe’s headquarters for interrogation. This was a standard procedure ofcourse, to find out more information and shut down any other resistance cells on the planet, but Vizdea enjoyed using these dissidents further after questioning as live subjects to practice his force persuasion techniques on. Previously as a Jedi he had only been able to practice on small animals or the occasional Republic soldier who saw the Jedi’s powers as a fun magic trick during downtime. But now Vizdea had free reign to do what he wanted and test the limits of the ability and extend his own capability with the power.     When Vexe’s tenureship over Rabaan came to an end in the later months 32815 TYA, Vizdea would move with most of her power base and assets to her secret base on the supposedly uninhabitable planet (REDACTED). An uninviting and toxic wasteland, (REDACTED) made for an excellent location for working in the shadows. While here, Vizdea continued his training as Vexe’s apprentice while occasionally conducting missions off-world for the Dark Lord. Vizdea was predominantly sent on diplomatic missions because of his force persuasion talents, his crowning achievement at this time was convincing a collector of ancient relics and antiques to ‘donate’ a (REDACTED) artefact for the Sith Empire. Vizdea would also at this time take fighter pilot training to become a far more efficient and independent operative.     In 32816 TYA, Vizdea would spend the majority of the wealth he had gradually accumulated to purchase a small plot of land on the planet of Thule in the Thurra System. He would travel to the planet during his work leave and spend his time learning to ride again, part-loaning a local farmer's beautiful pure black Fathier whose ex-race name was ‘Don’t be Darth’.     In 32817 TYA, The Eternal Empire invaded the known galaxy and brought the two superpowers to their knees. Vexe was one of the Sith caught in the Eternal Empire’s invasion of Korriban and suffered critical injuries, having to be nursed back to health at her fortress on (REDACTED). Raxxus, her closest Apprentice and suspected partner, tried to keep Vexe’s power base intact during the calamity. Vizdea would also retreat to (REDACTED) at this time and aid Raxxus as best he could in this time. (REDACTED)’s uninhabitable environment and key position on busy Imperial hyperlane routes made (REDACTED) a perfect position to launch raids on unsuspecting and unprotected Eternal Empire ships. Vizdea would lead many of these raids with a Squadron of four Flights of three, each of these Flights had Strike Fighters, Scouts, Bombers and Gunships. Wreckage from these raids would be taken back to (REDACTED) to be examined and researched.     With the Empire and Republic eventually officially surrendering to Zakuul at the end of 32818 TYA, Vizdea was able to travel freely again in the galaxy but under the Eternal Empire’s regulations and limitations. Vizdea’s efforts would be focused on exploring ruins and temples that would aid in Vexe’s new hunt for the (REDACTED). As well as this, the death of many high ranking Darth’s and the near extinction of the whole Dark Council left a vacuum of power in the Empire proper. Vizdea would help Vexe capitalise on these gains while she left the Empire with Raxxus on her new quest.       Ord Radama - 32819 TYA     The Econopolis planet of Ord Radama had been conquered by the Sith in the 1st Great Galactic War. The capital of Livien Magnus had been nearly totally destroyed in the battle for the planet and had been undergoing massive reconstruction efforts backed by the Sith Empire and Ord Radama government. Vizdea , with help, would navigate the politics on Ord Radama to secure reconstruction contracts for Vexe’s power base. Setting up shell companies and using some of their own funds as well as financial sponsorships from some of Vexe’s allies and government grants, the powerbase would begin to set up businesses in the reconstructed city and even expand into the temporary capital of New Raido. The business arrangements on the planet partly served as cover for Vizdea to also explore Ord Radama’s undeveloped regions for old (REDACTED) Temples for Vexe.     Return to Mirial - 32820 TYA     With Vizdea’s defection to the Empire unknown and suspected to be dead after the defeat on Raaban in 32813 TYA, Vizdea used this to his advantage in 32820 TYA to travel to his homeworld of Mirial. Disguised in his old Jedi gear to mask his now corrupting face, Vizdea was able to navigate his way back onto his old home, reuniting with his very proud family, whose son was walking in the same path as Revan himself. Vizdea would recruit his family as spies for the Empire on Mirial. A family reunion was not the main cause of Vizdea’s stay, like Ord Radama Vizdea had an ulterior motive, investigating another (REDACTED) temple, connected in a chain of similar temples devoted to (REDACTED).     Skaross III - 32820-21 TYA     Continuing his investigation into a chain of interlinked Temples all devoted to (REDACTED). Vizdea would find himself on the planet of Skaross III. A supposedly uninhabitable snow planet, Skaross III hosted another (REDACTED) Temple. Unlike all the other Temples Vizdea had discovered, this Temple was defended by religious zealots that worshipped the (REDACTED) as gods. Gathering three squads of men from (REDACTED), Vizdea was able to vacate the Temple of all zealots by force, capturing some of their number for interrogation.     Celanon - 32822 TYA     The Imperial world of Celanon has a heavily decentralised government, the Trading Guilds control all the major cities and ports on the planet but outside of those territories the planet is divided into small cliques of independent tribes. After months of investigation and interrogation, Vizdea was able to trace some of the Zealots from Skaross III to Celanon where multiple rural villages of predominantly immigrated species had long been converted to worship (REDACTED) as a deity. Taking the same squads he had used on Skaross III and using his abilities to coerce neighbouring tribes of the Native Nalroni people into attacking the Zealots, Vizdea began his orders to wipe out all the Zealot villages.     Manaan Expansion 32823-24 TYA     Midway through his mission on Celanon, Vizdea would be replaced by another of Vexe’s enforcers. Vizdea was reassigned for a new mission, to travel to the neutral planet of Manaan and establish an outpost there for research projects. Working with economists, diplomats and engineers from Vexe’s powerbase, Vizdea used his silver-tongue to manipulate the local Selkath into selling a small above and below water compound to the Atrox through a shell company at a massively discounted price and completely off-the-books. A diplomatic masterstroke that Vizdea is most proud of and the shining achievement of his career.     War Again - 25 TYA     While Vexe struggled with maintaining her gains in the Galactic south, retreating to her new facility on Manaan to recuperate, Vizdea was reassigned back to the Empire’s Northern Territories. Centering his work on (REDACTED) again, Vizdea would take advantage of the eventual collapse of the Eternal Empire to launch scavenging raids against some of its vulnerable facilities and isolated fleets, capturing their technologies and assets for Vexe.     With the Eternal Empire gone and the Eternal Alliance not able to enforce galactic peace in its absence, the Empire and Republic continued their military struggles against one another. Vizdea moved to Taris in this time, assigned by the Empire itself with Vizdea being officially recognised as a Sith and granted the title of ‘Lord’. Here he aided the military skirmish campaigns of Darth Proelio, using his prior knowledge of Vulta and its defences with the aim of capturing the planet.     Chasing Ghosts - 26 TYA     Darth Proelio’s campaign was eventually halted after only small and minor successes, his troops reassigned for other, bigger operations in the renewed war. Vizdea was freed from his frontline duties in time for a new assignment from Vexe. Her power base had undergone a huge change, merging and reorganising with the gains she had made in the Galactic South over the years, known as the Atrox. Vizdea was tasked to investigate a group that had recently ambushed and attacked Vexe on a mission. Linking some of the effects on the bodies of the assassins to the (REDACTED) (REDACTED), Vizdea would retrace his steps, revisiting old Temples he had studied to find answers. Travelling again to Celanon, Vizdea went back to the now destroyed villages once belonging to the (REDACTED) zealots. Having a proper investigation of the deceased’s property and possessions, Vizdea found a previously unknown, small temple dedicated to (REDACTED). While searching the temple, Vizdea’s strike team was ambushed by similar assassins who had attacked Vexe some months ago. Vizdea was totally overwhelmed by the assailants, his strike team all butchered leaving only him to fend off three combatants at once.     Vizdea was disarmed, beaten unconscious and captured by the assassins for questioning but not before Vizdea was able to send a message to the other Atrox forces on Celanon. Held captive for two whole weeks, Vizdea would be interrogated and tortured for information on Vexe and her assets, Vizdea would trickle feed the captives small amounts of useless of incorrect information to keep the captives needing him for his information but never revealing any harmful or truthful information on Vexe. After the two weeks of agony, Vizdea was eventually rescued by one of Vexe’s enforcers with Atrox reinforcements, freeing Vizdea and capturing one of the assailants.     With the tables turned, Vizdea now interrogated the same man who had tortured him, relishing in his work and getting the information he had been looking for. The Assassins sent to kill him and Vexe were a part of a (REDACTED) faction called the (REDACTED).     An Uneventful Year - 27 TYA     Vizdea would spend much of the following year doing smaller research tasks into the (REDACTED) from (REDACTED) after recovering from his wounds. He would also begin establishing himself on Dromund Kaas as a fully-fledged Sith, introducing himself to some of Kaas City’s elite and making connections.     Current Day - 28 TYA     In early 28 TYA, Vexe announced the formation of the Atrox Ultrix, a wing of the greater Atrox powerbase with the objective of recapturing lost territory in the galactic south, starting with the planet of Roon. Vizdea was given the rank of Vindex and made one of two commanders in charge of the Operation. On the day before departure, Vizdea was demoted and has gone missing after failures in judgement. The Imperatrix has been forced to take on a more hands-on role to ensure the success of the operation. Vizdea is suspected to have tipped off Lord Renek about the Ultrix attack on Roon leading to the Victunus being heavily damaged. Vizdea is to be Killed on Sight.




    • Jedi Training 32795 TYA to 32813 TYA
    • Sith Training 32813 TYA onwards
    • Imperial Piloting Licence 


    • Jedi Order
    • Jedi Combatants
    • Sith Empire
    • Atrox Ascensus 
    • Atrox Ultrix

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    • Killing a Sith on his own as a Jedi.
    • Winning the battle of Vulta.
    • Securing land on Manaan for Vexe.
    • Breaking his chains.

    Failures & Embarrassments

    • Being defeated on Rabaan.
    • Losing his Vindex title.
    • Not understanding Vexe's teachings sooner.



    Ally (Important)

    Towards Vizdea




    Ally (Trivial)

    Towards Orventhal



    Current Status
    Date of Birth
    11/1/32787 TYA
    Year of Birth
    32787 TYA 41 Years old
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Green (Tainted)
    1.8 m
    74 kg
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    • Mirialan (First Language)
    • Galactic Basic (Fluent)
    • Dromnyr (Fluent)
    • Nalros (Understanding)
    • High Sith (Understanding)
    • Sith (Understanding)
    • Selkath (Understanding)