The Earliest Record of the Dragonborn Civilization



The earliest findings of the Dragonborn civilization. A recorded log book found in a library within Lyric.

After the discovery of Lyric by man, archeologists and scholars studied the ruins and found a ledger recording special occasions. They surmised, based on ancient star charts and descriptors, the first entry places the beginning of Dragonborn society some millions of years after pre-concieved ideas of when the race first came about. This is due to the recorded ledger stating 'Upon this day, let it be known, that atop this mountain, the dragonborn shall begin their reign and mastery of this world of Aurd.' surmising that this is the recorded historical document of the beginning of the Dragonborn civilization. If this it true, that means the dragonborn civilization lasted at most 5,000 years or at least 1,000 years before being decimated.

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