
Where all the events of the world have taken place.

The Blood War

3949999 BR 3875000 BR

The evil entities formed two sides, devils and demons. They both believed in evil ideas, but while one held onto a lawful nature, the other was more chaotic. This led to a long and bloody war that still persists. The devils created a mountainous structure high above the demons in the abyss so that both sides are separate and free to do what they wish

  • 70000 BW

    73999 BW

    The Earliest Record of the Dragonborn Civilization

    The earliest findings of the Dragonborn civilization. A recorded log book found in a library within Lyric.

The Siege of Stars

3874999 BR 3800000 BR

The arch devil Asmodeus created a golem known as Gulgomet to destroy the demons. This event lead to the sealing of every god and the creation of Keldrinos. These two beings of great power fought as the cataclysmic event shook the heavens and stars of grand magic shot down to the material plane, destroying the once great civilization of the dragonborn

  • 1 SS

    The Siege of Stars
    Disaster / Destruction

    The death of the Old World.

The Age of Fire

3799999 BR 7000 BR

A great flame known as the Tranquil Vessel appeared from the fallen stars as devils and demons feasted on it while god like beings forged from the sundered flesh of Keldrinos fought against these beings to take the flame for themselves. Giants sought the flame to craft grand weapons, but all were defeated by the lord of fire, Lythandril

  • 3792978 AF

    Discovery of Fire
    Technological achievement

    When mortals grasped the knowledge of controlling fire.

The Age of Betrayal

6999 BR 6500 BR

The god like beings betrayed each other in their search for power. This led them to accidentally bring forth new magic from the heavens that blessed the mortals on the plane with great power, causing the great beings to flee and hide in fear as the mortals grew

  • 121 ABE

    Creation of Spears
    Technological achievement

    When the first rudimentary spears were made with branches and stone.

  • 278 ABE

    Understanding of Wood Carving
    Technological achievement

    People began to understand how to carve out needed forms from wood.

  • 488 ABE

    Creation of Tools
    Technological achievement

    When the first basic tools were crafted, such as hammers and axes.

The Age of Orcs

6499 BR 4000 BR

Orcs showed great power through sheer strength. They made several cities of clay and wood, crafting grand ballista’s to keep invaders and rival orc civilizations at bay. The Yuan Ti ruled over Karugara at this time

  • 1 AO

    Creation of Language
    Technological achievement

    Orcs created a spoken language to better communicate ideas.

  • 2 AO

    Discovery of Farming
    Technological achievement

    Orcs discovered how to plant and take care of crops.

  • 5 AO

    Discovery of Oil
    Technological achievement

    An orc discovered the substance of oil and utilized it for longer burning flames.

  • 7 AO

    Creation of the Wheel
    Technological achievement

    Orcs discovered the uses for the wheel, creating wheelbarrows and carts.

  • 12 AO

    Discovery of Clay
    Technological achievement

    An orc discovered clay and the uses of the mineral for building.

  • 17 AO

    Creation of Structures
    Technological achievement

    Orcs began to make basic structures of clay.

  • 18 AO

    Creation of Bows
    Technological achievement

    Orcs learned of tension and its ability to apply force and propel matter.

  • 25 AO

    Understanding of Animal Husbandry
    Technological achievement

    Orcs began to domesticate cows and wolves.

  • 49 AO

    Creation of the Kiln
    Technological achievement

    Orcs found how to create high amounts of heat in a controlled area.

  • 64 AO

    Discovery of Tanning and Leatherworking
    Technological achievement

    Orcs began to make things from tanned leather such as pouches and straps.

  • 98 AO

    Creation of Leather Armor
    Technological achievement

    Orcs began crafting sturdier clothes of leather to defend their flesh.

  • 101 AO

    Creation of the Ballista
    Technological achievement

    Orcs used the knowledge of tension and locks to create the first ballista.

  • 671 AO

    Discovery of Iron
    Technological achievement

    Orcs discovered the metal of iron.

  • 681 AO

    Understanding of Smelting
    Technological achievement

    Orcs discovered the ability to melt metals in intense flames.

  • 684 AO

    Creation of the Forge and Metallurgy
    Technological achievement

    Orcs discovered they could form heated metal with tools.

  • 699 AO

    Creation of Metal Tools
    Technological achievement

    The creation of the metal axe, shovel, hammer, and the pickaxe by the orcs.

  • 742 AO

    The Discovery of Dwarves
    Discovery, Exploration

    When the orcs stumbled upon dwarves.

  • 1510 AO

    Discovery of Stonecutting and Masonry
    Technological achievement

    Dwarves utilized the tools they found from the orcs and began creating stone structures to mimic their cavernous homes of old.

  • 1978 AO

    Creation of Metal Weapons
    Technological achievement

    Dwarves utilized the found technology of the orcs and set to create swords, war axes, and war picks.

  • 2012 AO

    Creation of Metal Armor
    Technological achievement

    Dwarves crafted suits of metal that could protect them from the weapons of would be attackers.

  • 2121 AO

    The Peace Talks
    Civil action

    When the Orcs tried to communicate to the Dwarves.

  • 2122 AO

    2124 AO

    The Retaliation of Arrows
    Military action

    Orcs attacked the Dwarves in retaliation to their slaughter.

  • 2267 AO

    The Perfection of Mining
    Technological achievement

    When dwarves fused their knowledge of the underground with pickaxes and shovels.

  • 2271 AO

    The Founding of Frostflame

    The founding of Dwarven civilization.

  • 2492 AO

    18 Lyrem
    2507 AO

    6 Quela

    The War of Green Tears
    Military action

    The fall of the orcs.

The Age of Dwarves

3999 BR 2750 BR

Dwarves harnessed the flames to craft a grand empire forged from steel and stone. They created forts that stood the test of time and went to war against the orcs, forcing them into secluded areas with no way to retain their once grand empire. Giants claimed Aranviel from the Orcs, forcing them into the desert there. The tyrants family took charge over Junihoshi

  • 3 ADW

    The Taming of Horses
    Cultural event

    Humans learned to tame and then ride horses for easier and faster transportation.

  • 19 ADW

    Understanding of Brewing
    Technological achievement

    Dwarves discovered how to ferment honey and mushrooms into alcohol while other races discovered their own desired taste.

  • 27 ADW

    Creation of the Carriage
    Technological achievement

    Dwarves created wooden structures that could be pulled by horses to move larger amounts of people or materials.

  • 36 ADW

    236 ADW

    Creation of Sailing
    Technological achievement

    The people of Hanu'Li'i discovered the ability to traverse shallow waters by way of small ships, spreading their civilization to the other islands of their archipelago.

  • 81 ADW

    Creation of the Written Language
    Technological achievement

    Many races began to create symbols to represent their spoken language for things such as maps or books.

  • 125 ADW

    27 Melan

    Day of Ash
    Cultural event

    The day of death.

  • 237 ADW

    15 Lyrem

    The Rise of Tyrant Tanaka
    Civil action

    The creation of Junihoshi.

  • 246 ADW

    The Creation of the Bukan
    Construction beginning/end

    When the people of Junihoshi under Tyrant Tanaka created giant vessels to traverse the seas and do battle against the people of Hanu'Li'i.

  • 291 ADW

    The Tyrant's Expedition

    When Junihoshi found the mainland.

  • 327 ADW

    5 Merm

    Creation of Money Systems and Trade
    Political event

    Dwarves created a trade system using different metals that gave an arbitrary amount of value the government set forth that could be traded for other goods.

  • 410 ADW

    18 Quela

    Creation of Steel
    Technological achievement

    Dwarves discovered the fusion of carbon and iron to craft a more durable metal.

  • 418 ADW

    25 Caldorem

    Lux Das
    Cultural event

    The day of sharing wealth.

  • 978 ADW

    The Founding of Bael

    When humans began to form civilization.

  • 1237 ADW

    22 Mot

    The Fall of Frostflame
    Disaster / Destruction

    The rise of Frivig, the Champion of Storms.

  • 1246 ADW

    17 Aquilem

    The Founding of Samun

    When the Junihoshi expedition fled the draconic scourge.

The Age of Scales

2749 BR 2700 BR

Dragons sought out the grand treasures of the Dwarves and forced them out of their forts, causing them to lose their empires and great wealth. Lizardfolk claimed Karugara from the Yuan Ti

  • 11 AS

    The Founding of the Knights of Blue

    When mortals took up arms against dragons.

  • 40 AS

    Discovery of Magic
    Technological achievement

    People were able to harness the innate magic of the world around them after studying beasts like the dragon.

  • 41 AS

    The Founding of Lyric and Nordgard

    When the first ruler of Nordgard was named.

The Age of the Elf

2699 BR 1275 BR

Elves learned from the mistakes of the Dwarves and created a civilization that steered clear from their industrial nature. Instead, they sought out the wild and created a civilization of natural beauty

  • 2 AE

    Discovery of the Stars
    Technological achievement

    Humans began to create star charts for travel.

  • 6 AE

    16 Petriem

    Creation of Calendars and Time
    Technological achievement

    Elves created calendars to mark dates by utilizing star charts found from the humans.

  • 22 AE

    3 Merm

    The Founding of Mermur

    When the elven king was crowned.

  • 22 AE

    10 Merm

    Day of Renewal
    Cultural event

    The beginning of life.

  • 179 AE

    The Founding of Vishtar, the capital of Samun

    When Vishtar came to be and Samun began spreading their influence.

  • 261 AE

    327 AE

    The Rise of the Three Karugara Tribes

    When three groups of clans joined together to create the three major tribes.

  • 569 AE

    13 Coltarem

    The Founding of Palentien

    The first Elven city.

  • 616 AE

    7 Quela

    Discovery of Glasswork
    Technological achievement

    Elves discovered how to create glass and form it into art, windows, and cups.

  • 712 AE

    10 Zavuar

    Discovery of Refraction and Magnification
    Technological achievement

    Humans took the technology of glass making and made binoculars and telescopes.

  • 867 AE

    22 Caldorem
    867 AE

    6 Quela

    The Creation of the Long Ship
    Construction beginning/end

    Humans of what is now known as Nordgard created a large ship that had the ability to traverse the ocean.

  • 1152 AE

    2 Merm
    1167 AE

    30 Endem

    The War of the Tyrant

    The fall of the Tyrant.

  • 1187 AE

    4 Lythan
    1332 AE

    22 Lyrem

    Raids of the Wildlands
    Military action

    Humans of the wildlands raided Elven villages for food and water.

  • 1216 AE

    21 Lyrem
    1388 AE

    1 Lythan

    The Founding of Amonkhet

    When the Elves who fled their raided lands met the Tabaxi fleeing the Jungles of Karugara.

  • 1221 AE

    21 Petriem
    1303 AE

    17 Merm

    The Founding of Lordric and Sermaleran

    The crowning of the first king of Sermaleran.

  • 1272 AE

    12 Zavuar
    1334 AE

    9 Quela

    The Rebellion of the Forgotten

    Elven rebels rose to attack the royals.

  • 1332 AE

    11 Coltarem
    1483 AE

    20 Zavuar

    The Strifing War
    Military action

    When the barbaric tribes rose to power.

The Age of Strife

1274 BR 1200 BR

Human barbarians took up arms to take hidden treasures from the past civilizations and make them their own. Their destructive nature lead them to destroy and take the elven empire, forcing them to flee to the island of giants, Aranviel, and to smaller camps across the world, where the elves created a new life. The two generals and the goddesses of life and death took Junihoshi from the tyrannical line

  • 2 AST

    7 Quela
    42 AST

    15 Merm

    The Migration of the Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    When Elves fled their kingdom to Aranviel.

  • 5 AST

    7 Coltarem

    Creation of the Crossbow
    Technological achievement

    Humans designed a smaller version of the Orc ballista to carry it into battle.

  • 6 AST

    11 Petriem
    72 AST

    7 Caldorem

    The Giant War
    Military action

    When the Elves took Aranviel.

  • 42 AST

    30 Endem

    Festival of Lights
    Cultural event

    The celebration of guiding spirits.

  • 70 AST

    17 Zavuar
    70 AST

    6 Quela

    The Battle of Ankhai
    Military action

    When the armies of Amonkhet helped the Desert Blades kill the Yuan-Ti of Ankhai.

The Age of Man

1199 BR 11 BR

Humans crafted their culture from the civilizations of the past and created an empire that borrowed from them all

  • 0 AM

    5 Lythan
    1169 AM

    4 Caldorem

    The Serpent Crusades
    Military action

    When Amonkhet set forth to kill all Yuan-Ti that had migrated from Karugara to Amonkhet after sensing the danger from the battle of Ankhai.

  • 6 AM

    3 Mot

    Creation of the Mirror
    Technological achievement

    Humans created mirrors.

  • 12 AM

    25 Endem

    Winter's Crest
    Cultural event

    The day of resolutions.

  • 116 AM

    143 AM

    The Eternal Siege
    Military action

    When Nordgard and Samun clashed.

  • 151 AM

    1 Lythan
    306 AM

    27 Mot

    The First War of Ferda
    Military action

    The war of the Sermals and the Nordgards.

  • 156 AM

    4 Petriem
    306 AM

    13 Mot

    The Junihoshi Raids
    Military action

    Coastal raids of Nordgardian soldiers.

  • 216 AM

    11 Lyrem

    The Division of Aranviel
    Political event

    The crowning of the two brothers.

  • 296 AM

    18 Endem

    The Discovery of Black Powder
    Technological achievement

    The date black powder was found by a toymaker in Junihoshi, Zhang Cho.

  • 301 AM

    5 Petriem

    The Closing of Junihoshi
    Political event

    On this day, Junihoshi closed its border for any travel to and from its nation and created a large naval force and robust coastal protection plan.

  • 301 AM

    20 Lyrem

    The Perfection of Black Powder
    Technological achievement

    The day black powder was perfected for use with weaponry such as the cannon and the bomb, developed by Lakron Potts of Akila.

  • 303 AM

    7 Petriem

    The Creation of the Cannon
    Technological achievement

    The creation of the weapon known as the cannon, developed by the sailors of The Iron Coast and designed by Captain Preston Lokanon.

  • 303 AM

    25 Mot

    Harvest Festival
    Cultural event

    The last feast.

  • 511 AM

    4 Melan

    The Creation of the Matchlock
    Technological achievement

    The day handheld weapons that derived from cannons were finished in development, being designed by Lakron Potts. Putting the explosive power of black powder in the user's hand, Lakron called these devices 'fire arms'.

  • 526 AM

    15 Merm
    574 AM

    11 Coltarem

    The Junihoshi Freedom Marches
    Diplomatic action

    The protests of Junihoshi for opened borders.

  • 557 AM

    2 Melan
    606 AM

    12 Caldorem

    The Creation of the Levitator
    Technological achievement

    This time period was the time it took for the first working levitator to reach its perfection in Junihoshi by Dai Aki.

  • 574 AM

    1 Caldorem

    The Opening of Junihoshi
    Political event

    The opening of Junihoshi borders and the beginning of the decline to the naval force fund.

  • 1173 AM

    15 Melan

    The Birth of Theresa Mondeaux
    Life, Birth

  • 1176 AM

    34 Petriem

    The Invasion of Amonkhet
    Military action

    The sands breach the jungles.

  • 1184 AM

    6 Caldorem

    The Birth of Zhang Chenglei
    Life, Birth

The Time of Troubles

10 BR 0 BR

Great mortals came together as the god like beings of old began to come out of hiding and attack them. These mortals known as heroes took action and fought back, slaying all the god like beings and eventually amassing enough strength to free all the sealed gods of ancient times, arising to god hood themselves. In this event, however, a rift of great power was simultaneously opened and shut, causing the material plane to shake, creating a dead magic zone and taking the great power of the flames away

  • 0 TT

    10 Merm

    The Destruction of Lumaria
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    When the god egg fell to the planet.

  • 0 TT

    15 Merm
    9 TT

    20 Endem

    The Rise and Fall of the Heroes of Keldrinos

    The Journey of the Heroes of Aranviel

  • 5 TT

    10 Quela

    The Creation of the Rifle
    Technological achievement

    When Theresa Mondeaux created a fire arm for longer range use

  • 7 TT

    13 Petriem

    The Birth of Johann Umkehren
    Life, Birth

The Age of Melding

1 AR and beyond

The great civilizations of old, save the orcs, are beginning to equalize and meld together under this sense of peace, however, war still brews and chaos seems to always be on the brink

  • 1 AME

    12 Aquilem

    The Creation of the 8 Barrel Gatling
    Technological achievement

    The day the 8 barrel gatling was finished by the descendant of Zhang Cho, Zhang Chenglei, for the emperor of Junihoshi. It recieved the name 'gatling' on account of the noises it made when fired.

  • 2 AME

    6 Lyrem

    The Birth of Edward Pistolet
    Life, Birth

  • 2 AME

    7 Coltarem

    The Birth of Mikhail Petri
    Life, Birth
  • 15 AME

    19 Aquilem

    The Crowning of Mikhail Petri
    Political event

    When the late king Olgov Petri passed away and his son, Mikhail Petri carried on the duties of the crown of Sermaleran.

  • 17 AME

    17 Merm

    The Birth of Zhang Chin
    Life, Birth

  • 17 AME

    12 Mot

    The Usurping of Willem Meyer
    Political event

    When the old lord of Nordgard, Dmitri Semenov, was usurped and a Nordgardian warrior, Willem Meyer, took the throne.

  • 17 AME

    28 Mot

    The Rebellion of Nordgard

    The rebellion of Nordgard.

  • 17 AME

    5 Quela

    The Court Wizard of Willem Meyer
    Political event

    When Johann Umkehren became the court wizard and advisor to the new king of Nordgard, Willem Meyer.

  • 19 AME

    18 Coltarem

    The Creation of the Wheel-lock Pistol and Rifle
    Technological achievement

    Theresa Mondeaux updated the design of Lakron's matchlock

  • 22 AME

    18 Quela

    The Birth of Gungir Helmut
    Life, Birth

  • 22 AME

    18 Quela

    The Birth of Loraine Helmut
    Life, Birth

  • 23 AME

    16 Merm

    The Birth of Albert Wolff
    Life, Birth
  • 31 AME

    21 Caldorem

    The Karugara Accord
    Diplomatic action

    When the three tribes joined together under one banner.

  • 32 AME

    16 Zavuar

    The Death of Theresa Mondeaux
    Life, Death

    Theresa Mondeaux died from old age.

  • 37 AME

    18 Petriem

    The Exodus of the Last Sermal
    Military action

    When the last Sermal was rooted out of Nordgardian territory.

  • 37 AME

    21 Petriem
    39 AME

    15 Petriem

    The Creation of Pilgrims Watch

    When the pilgrims of Mermur and The Vale made an accord to continue their worship.

  • 40 AME

    21 Zavuar

    The Birth of Zhang Pho
    Life, Birth

  • 42 AME

    20 Zavuar

    The Creation of the Flintlock Pistol and Rifle
    Technological achievement

    When Loraine and Otto Helmut developed a more user friendly fire arm

  • 45 AME

    18 Zavuar
    50 AME

    4 Caldorem

    The Karugara Raids
    Military action

    The tribes of Karugara made their first attack on the encroaching Amonkhet.

  • 47 AME

    19 Endem

    The Crowning of Albert Wolff
    Political event

    The day the old King Willem Meyer's crown was passed down to his ward, Albert Wolff.

  • 47 AME

    25 Endem

    The Three Rifles

    Johann Umkehren made three rifles as a gift to his new king and others.

  • 48 AME

    26 Mot

    The Creation of the Steam Engine
    Technological achievement

    The day Zhang Chenglei developed the steam engine, boosting the fervor of inventors to test the new device and its ability.

  • 49 AME

    8 Quela

    The Purchase of the First Steam Engine
    Financial Event

    The Nordgard Steam Engine Trade.

  • 50 AME

    4 Zavuar

    The Death of Zhang Chenglei
    Life, Death

    Zhang Chenglei died of lung problems.

  • 50 AME

    8 Coltarem

    The Nordgard Steam Engine
    Construction beginning/end

    A dwarven woman by the name of Loraine Helmut created a steam engine.

  • 50 AME

    28 Coltarem
    50 AME

    18 Mot

    The Creation of the Nordgardian Airship
    Construction beginning/end

    Using old blueprints of the once great Inventor turned god, Damon, the steam engine designs she had created, and the full support of Nordgard, Loraine Elias Helmut compiled info and set to work building the Nordgardian airship, being helped by her brother, Gungir Otto Helmut, when it came to weaponize it.