Magorath "Umbra" Linumbrad

  • 99

    21 /9

    28 /1 00:00

    Artistic creation

  • 99

    21 /9 836:00

    21 /9 836:00

    Magorath's arrival to Aurea
    Life, Career

    Magorath used to be a human explorer, one who was just a tad too curious. During his early travels, Magorath discovered an ancient tome, promising unspeakable powers if he only "embraced his shadow". Naturally; Magorath studied this tome, and performed the ritual within. This ritual did indeed increase his power, but Mag did not expect the description to be so... literal. His shadow folded around himself, embraced him, and then merged with his skin.   After the ritual, he restudied the tome and realised that he mistranslated the requirements: he didn't need to "embrace his shadow", but needed the "embrace of his shadow". The book now, however, changed its contents in front of his eyes: the ritual disappeared, and arcane mutterings appeared in his place; the book now contained a selection of arcane scribblings, as well as plenty of empty space within.   On his way to a tavern to sit and reflect; he realized that he could now see in the dark, even without using a torch. Back in the tavern, he got some strange looks, and in the room he rented; he saw why: His skin and eyes had been drained of color, and a mesh of bones ran up his arms like a protective shell, plus: he now appears to have a tail, of all things.   At first, Magorath wore a long coat with a hood to hide this appearance. Even though this was over a year ago, and he is now used to his new appearance, he grew fond of the look. Especially since it seems to fit with the nature of his ability...   Lately, Magorath became a bit ballsy. When practicing with new and more powerful magics, he accidentally opened some kind of portal. Not learning from his earlier mistakes, he approached the portal; and touched it. After falling through (obviously), he found himself in a new world with a small settlement on the horizon. Not seeing any portal back home; Mag shrugged, summoned a horse, and made his way to this settlement. No need to camp out in the wilderness, he might as well be in relative comfort.

  • 99

    27 /9 800:00

    27 /9 2000:00

    Joined a martial art Tourdement
    Cultural event

    Showed off his skills as an Illusionist and it started to show how powerful of a caster he really was. He used some summons to keep it from being boring because Magorath is nothing but a performer. This was very hard to find as it was deeply buried in the Archives. However as minor as this event was it did show the dangers of Aurea to the man as he was not only exhausted by the end despite winning with his team, he was bloody. Embarrassing for a High Archmagi.

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    28 /9 1200:00

    5 /11 1200:00

    Founding of Rosilia

    Well not long his career he encountered a Gold Dragon protecting Driders. He watched as the Green knight named Verdent who owns the the fey fortress deep into the Great Forest murdered this Dragon for protecting what the knight viewed as abominations.   This did not make him ally's with the fey sworn knight but made him wary of the man.   The dark beautiful and vast Drow city is able to be entered from anywhere on the surface if you can find your way through the dwarfven made maze. It was pretty clear with the Slave trade and undead walking around and the subjugation of males in the city it was not a place he wanted to visit often, however they seemed to be a suitable place to broker the first treaty between Aurelian and Rosilia which was and is a shaky relationship.

  • 99

    14 /11 1200:00

    24 /11 300:00

    Botched Assassins' job
    Criminal Activity

    Not long after the founding of the other city in the darklands that eventually got renamed the armpit, adventurers of the surface were hired for some discreet jobs.   The first job down below Magorath took was with an assassin and a possessionist. the first part of the job went well and seemed to have the three getting along great. Mag was able to cast illusions in order to not be caught for Murder which was something the three of them were grateful for.   However the second part of the job is when team breakdown happened. The ghost man had the brilliant idea to possess the Noble's husband forgetting that, the Drow culture subjugated men as a whole being an extreme on being a matriarchy. Well, it wasn't long before the trained one also went on there own leaving Magorath as a look out. Unfortunately due to the way the noble women was killed they were not paid for the job.     This started a long line of quest, expeditions and jobs being failures as a whole, to the point any of the locals call anything work related for Rosilia is cursed.

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    1 /12 800:00

    1 /12 2000:00

    Encounter with Grimglop
    Discovery, Exploration

    Entering the great forest with ill advisement from everyone. However being an explorer first and an Adventurer second he wandered into the Great forest and met the monstrosity known as Grimglop. At the time he was still working from the Flop house direct this would drastically change after clearing out some monstrosity pissing off the Eldest fey with all his gull available. This helped him ally with Alfred whose only comment on meeting Grimglop is that is disgusting.

  • 99

    31 /12 200:00

    1 /1 1000:00

    Created GramDoGol (cloud of rocks)
    Discovery, Scientific

    In the wee hours of the morning Galahn was bothered by Magorath to help him make an Ioun wyrd, this creature was intensely loyal to only Magorath when he was created. this was the beginning of Mag's crafting business despite the fact he wished to be left alone.   Ever since accompanying him is a floating cloud of pebbles, with a few gemstones mixed in. Most of the time, this cloud is best described as a mix between an air and a stone elemental, riding on the top of a multicolored gem. Most don't know this cute little guys name but he is often seen now waiting for his masters return.

  • 101

    1 /1 100:00

    31 /1 300:00

    Created Magorath Magical Assembly
    Construction beginning/end

    MMA is housed in an imposing tower on the edge of town, created from chemically darkened rock. The outsides are mainly featureless aside from ridges of lighter rock, spiralling in like treebranches. When standing in front of the entrance, the left half of the tower displays a stylised living tree, with the right half showing a dead one. The heavy double doors have a similar pattern on them, but in reverse order: the left door displays a dead tree, with the right half a living one. Often referred to by friends as Magorath's Magical Ass. If Mag had heard the misname he would just go, "Of Course my ass is Magical." and never elaborated.   This was not only the first and last time he ever sat down to think about something, it was the last time he would visit the Glided Rose, Alan's establishment.

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    1 /1 1200:00

    2 /1 300:00

    His first Phoenix Dragon Initiative
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    This is when he met Ewan of House Coilum, whom fought along side him, The fire mage and the Illusionist helped keep this dragon from destroying Aurelian another year. This is also the year Alan decided to punch a Mythic beast and started sprouting feathers. This is also the year that every one realize Disintegrate doesn't actually destroy the Dragon entirely just makes it have to bide it's time for the next year! Magorath actually cast the spell to make sure the Dragon was put down another year.

  • 101

    12 /2 1200:00

    3 /2 200:00

    Abadar Temple
    Civil action

    He helped with the bank of Abadar robbery. The dwarves commissioned him to help protect the assets for a fee of course. Alfred introduced Magorath to Kyomi and Talida. This is when Talida's sisters were killed and her descendent into cruelty began   He went because his fee was everything that he could carry. The Artifact was delivered and stored in the vaults. However, the next day some bold as fuck Kobolds decided to rob the place and Blackstone flew off with it and it was smashed into Gwalchmei, the tallest Mountian of Aurea.

  • 101

    14 /2 1200:00

    15 /2 1200:00

    Tranquil Sanctum: Aurea's First hospital flies off
    Disaster / Destruction

    Aston'Zule for whatever reason in his madness decided to take his flying hospital and start flying into the sun. This Mythic being was screaming about his greatness as he did this.   During this in an Effort to stop the hospital from flying into the Sun, by using Shadow Conjuration. Much to everyone's confusion this was the start of Aurea having two permanent Suns. It already had 8 moons so this extra Celestial body confused everyone as the the already tropical Basin increased in temperature and no one could stop the madman from driving his hospital into the sun and burning up never to be seen again. One of Magorath's failures, unfortunately and a big factor in the never plan again.   He is quoted: "If I don't plan, I can't fail. I also know my enemies and 'Allies' couldn't work against that plan if I didn't plan."

  • 101

    31 /3 1200:00

    12 /4 2300:00

    Exploration West
    Discovery, Exploration

    So Magorath being as pragmatic as he was eventually was commissioned with Galahn, Asher and Kyomi to go westward. An personal invite from someone unknown. This is the very first time anyone joined the Orelic library with a renewed path of discovery. He was so backlogged with crafting requests and completely backlogged. he accepted the invitation. Soon he was in a cabin with a contract and without a though signed his actual name. A card appeared in it's place and the adventure west began.   They decided to go underground in order to go west, a brilliant idea. They met some cannibalistic gnomes under in the armpit. He stole a book off of these Gnomes. He gained a few new scars as they fought because his asshole companions all disappeared on him. After they were defeated the turmoil continued as he read a ruined journal and it seemed the monsters didn't match where they were walking, it seemed to match the books description exactly and oddly.   This is where he also discovered a living lake and found that is communicated via images as it couldn't talk and gleaned some useful information on the darkfolk and other races that lived under ground including some trade secrets about Rosilia.   However they disabled the trap on the library preventing not only the Constructorium problem that was designed to destroy everything in the desert and left very few survivors other then the playful Catus cats that left some more scars on the mage. However it was worth it to harvest some catsap from the creatures despite Magorath feeling annoyed with them and the sand.   However despite being invited the first thing they do is steal from the Orelic library thus being cursed. The second thing they do is cause an uncalled murder with there fox hat to the proprietor and keeper of this immense record of everything. The third thing they did was realease and kill one of the blind knowledge keepers that was being punished for attempting to steal from the library. The only reason the fey and the library let him off with an lenient punishment otherwise, he would have gotten the punishment written in Theive cant above the desk.

      For him that stealeth a Book from this Library, let it change into a serpent in his hand and rend him. Let him be struck with Palsy, and all his Members blasted. Let him languish in Pain crying aloud for Mercy and let there be no sur-cease to his Agony till he sink in Dissolution. Let Bookworms gnaw his Entrails in token of the Worm that dieth not, and when at last he goeth to his final Punishment, let the flames of Hell consume him forever.   He still to this day has not returned several books.

  • 101

    18 /4 1200:00

    20 /4 1900:00

    Accused of Murder in Roselia
    Criminal Activity

    Magorath, Kyomi, and Talida were called in to help protect a Noble lady in order to keep her alive. They each got an outfit of noble attire equivalent which if they had thought of that I weird for a guard this person job. They decided however despite Talida's complaints that this must be Drow culture.   During this however, the lady 'died' causing havoc during the event and they tried to arrest the three of them. In response Talida climbed out the window, Kyomi did some tricks to escape and Magorath stole the 'dead body'. During this they found out they went in an entire circle and got suspicious.   They went to one of the local inns somehow the Archdruid was the one to convince them to have a room despite the fact they were currently fugitives. Talida was clearly annoyed with her nonfey ally at that point, but the tension of attraction had started here between them.   After some questioning of the Drow and finding out why they were the scapegoats, they actually killed her by sending her to the fire plane.   They were somehow found not guilty during kangaroo court by the leaders of Rosilia. However, Kyomi did not attend the court proceedings.

  • 101

    24 /4 300:00

    26 /4 300:00

    Assassins' Guild: Rosilia
    Diplomatic action

    After the verdict, the family of the noble Drow decided that wasn't enough and sent groups of assassins' to the three involved. Talida had already decided on a major retaliation against the city itself. Kyomi and Magorath had to convince her to have a smaller scale revenge plan.   So when they decided to settle her on the Assassins' guild and they started to plan out how to do so. This is also when they helped Kyomi implant an Ioun stone death contingencies.   As they 'planned' to destroy the whole guild... They succeeded however there was a great cost to Magorath, his longtime ally Talida had died to massive damage of thousand crossbow trap. They cloudkilled an entire street Rosilia in anger. Not only killing the entire guild but some of the civilians.

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    4 /5 800:00

    6 /5 299:00

    Reviving Talida
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    After they had finally eradiated the Guild and laid low for a while Magorath returned to The waterfall Labyrinth with Talida's body. This Man is the only man left who knows her true name after finding her will and being gifted the magical artifact of the labyrinth. She had peiced out the grove to others including her ward Namgung, and during discussions of grief and splitting of her assets, her body was kidnapped by Magorath's, other Rival Dr. Perry.   Magorath saw that Dr. Perry a well known Necromancer and general shithead stole the Archdruid's body a women well known for wanting to eradicate all undead. He set a plan into action.   He wrote a letter to Dr. Perry and sent it with Jackson Post.   It read,  

    Sir Dr. Perry,
    I see that you have taken unlawful possession of one of my associates. If you like your entrails on the inside of your body please rectify this issue.
    Best wishes,
    Archmage Linumbrand.
    (Fuck you and the flying disk you road in on)   However Dr. Perry chose to ignore Magorath as a mistake. He attempted to hide her body from scrying by hiding her in a null magic zone. This Dr. Perry viewed this plan as a mastermind attempt. Clearly didn't realize some of Magorath's allies had other means of finding information. After fighting several pit fiends guarding her and exchanging her body for another druid, he would revive her. Hence she owe him a favour. A rarity a fey owing a mortal a favor.

  • 101

    24 /5 1200:00

    24 /8 1200:00

    Rabbit Raid
    Life, Career

    MMA had just finished Construction when this nonsense started. Many craters from Hellmouth Cannons. The fiendish Rabbit had started their invasion Allied with The sunder Geese. Eduard one of his long time rivals gathered up Alfred, Talida which often was the most difficult of allies to not only to find but also the most difficult to convince, Asher a monk of Feronia whom disappeared after this event ended.   Talida wasn't able to peruse the actual culprit after the Rabbit war ended and she basically departed from Magorath temporary. Much to his annoyance she planted a half dead Elm next to his shop while he was dealing with hunting down the actual culprit. He told her to move it when he returned and she refused.   He then went to the Orelic library pursuing whom they thought the person responsible for the Rabbit abominations was. Then met the librarian the 2nd time. This is when people found out that a Druid named Dawa actually created the Rabbits, and that there was a fey territory war between Grimglop and The Liberian of the Orelic.   This is when Magorath renewed his spell page ethereal books.

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    25 /11 1200:00

    28 /11 1400:00

    Soultrade with Dreamspun hags

    Magorath had discovered some illegal affairs in the soul trade and teamed up with Tark the man who worshiped the plane of fire much to everyone's confusion and it was during this Tark was found out to be a coward and Magorath decided to never ally with him again. His long time Ally, Ewan of house Colium and phoenix sorcerer attempted to fight these things that were clearly too much for them to handle.   The hags then kidnapped the two of them and sent them to the realm of Asmodeus. Where Ewan would open his dumb big mouth during negations and tell the god that he wouldn't bow to and we quote, "A high level caster pretending to be god."   Well that resulted in Ewan being placed in a soul stone which Magorath kept for two years. Some say it was sentimental, others will tell you he forgot.   Later however down the line Mag returned and turned the thrift store that was their based of operations into a crater.

  • 101

    26 /12 1200:00

    26 /12 300:00

    Magical Duel
    Life, Publicity

    Eduard and Magorath had decided to challenge each other to a friendly wizard duel. However his long time rival had decided cheating against the master illusionist was the only way he could win that duel. Cheating did not help the Chelliax Noble at all. It only made the Pragmatic man more and more angry. In response he went from friendly to more deadly spells eventually beating the man.   Eduard Cunningham hasn't been seen in public since.

  • 102

    1 /1 800:00

    1 /1 2099:00

    Magorath's second Phoenix Dragon Initiative
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    This year Magorath was on Vacation in Anfortas trying avoid having to craft for the populace. However he found out his well placed disintegrate didn't affect the problematic Phoenix Dragon decided to go after Alan whom was also in Anfortas at the time. The Dragon will have turned the beach into a glittery green shore of glass before anyone was able to engage it. Much like last year Magorath once more disintegrated and he told it to stay down.   However, this caused a curiosity on what else would not be effected by the spell to destroy most things and started some new research. He started to ponder opening a school at this point.

  • 102

    31 /1

    31 /1 00:00

    Archdruid and Archmage lovers
    Life, Relationship change

    Talida and Magorath realizing that they were both attracted to each other for a long time however their respective positions would keep them from moving much further in their relationship. However it is well known the two of them are lovers. it is said that Magorath is the only person who has also seen this small terrifying women not only vulnerable but her true form in addition to having her true name.   They became lovers and continued this romance for a while. At least that is the Rumour.

  • 102

    1 /2 1200:00

    12 /2 100:00

    Founding of Aurea's College of magical excellence
    Construction beginning/end

    Well with any plane with fluctuating population and many of the people from the portal, he would soon find the logical failings of adventurers. He became annoyed with a purple Catfolk who would climb up to the only window in MMA at the top of it, As well as climb on the roof in order to get into the shop rather then use the door. Several doors being destroyed and repaired. He finally founded Acme.   It had one class to start with and he hired the Magistrate not looking at his resume or if he had any qualifications and started the wizard college. It became well known for the how to use a door class which is and continues to be mandatory for all residents of the continent of Aurelia.   It turns out plenty of successful spellcasters for the locals but the waiver of we are not responsible for madness, injuries and death is a bit suspect.   The Aeon in the library is a bit confusing as well.   The school is located in The Hamlet.

  • 102

    29 /2 1200:00

    29 /2 1400:00

    Aurelian City is Dissolved
    Gathering / Conference

    A meeting was called with the Deputy, Sherriff and all residents of Aurelian the city. However, the thieves guild and Brightpollen had come up with a scheme to remove all Adventurers from the city. Atticus did the only smart decision he ever made and stood with the adventurers that help not only find the town but were the entire population.    However, the Thieves' guild had stolen the town charter and with the refusal to sign the new one, the city was completely disolved.   Magorath after trying to negotiate, decided that teleporting the thieves' guild to the middle of the ocean. However, leaving the town in order to find another horizon was on his mind anyway and he went off to start traveling.    Some other Adventurers fixed the problem of the city not being a city as Magorath became more reclusive and turned his shop into a demi plane so not to be bothered by others. The start of showings of his madness.

  • 102

    30 /3 100:00

    30 /4 100:00

    Wyrms Rest council member
    Disaster / Destruction

    Magorath became Wryms Rest Minster of Magic and got a nice cushy place to help rule a thriving necropolis. He turned a blind eye when Talida destroyed the undead residing there. The council position was wonderful after taking over from a snake who clearly didn't understand what he had. however, the town was destroyed a month later in a response to a slight to Brightpollen organized by Angela originally. He fought the creatures that the volcanoes erupted. He was removing people to Anfortas after seeing that he couldn't win and save the town.   It wasn't a huge lost as he just returned to his demiplane and never really thought to much about the citizens of that forsaken town again.

  • 103

    1 /1 1200:00

    2 /1 0-2:00

    Pheonix Dragon
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    He set up some crafter games to help celebrate the new year. Mostly keeping his nose out of the main event and using his illusions and summons to keep those safe when it was needed. If it was needed. he was already being to think of just taking many extended vacation and leave the responsibility of crafting and Adventurers life style as he already started to feel the burden of the gold weighing his pockets down. However something more and magic not seen was still a large calling to him.

  • 103

    1 /11 1200:00

    30 /11 1200:00

    Sarenrae Fall
    Military: War

    Magorath was mainly using his summons as shock troops as this war went on. He also lost the company of Talida when her grove was destroyed in an attempt to get the sword of Sarenrae.   He mostly kept to himself during the event. Occasionally moving to mess with the Devil faction. he didn't truly care which group he pissed off this time around. A shiver was sent through him when the rumor of the Magistrate was actually the god he worshipped and had iconography all over his shop, Nethys.   He also found out about the atrocities being caused by the college itself and began to plot how to remove the magistrate. He however, knew he was needed to help with the war efforts and he started using some illusions for getting people supporting the other factions.

  • 103

    12 /12 23:00

    15 /12 32:00

    The Werekin Vaccine
    Discovery, Scientific

    Motivated by his relationship with the Werekin, especially his adopted son, Carnival gathers his friends Geeg and Solis, the impressive Suzie Heather, and the Archmage Magorath to go to an alternative Earth where a vaccine to stop the Werekin's need for sentient flesh existed.   They found the world strange, magic weak and unreliable and technology king, but they were able to locate what they needed with the help of a familiar face, gaining both samples of the vaccine and the formula and method to it's creation.   While they were there, Heather also spent a moment getting souvenirs...DVD boxsets, keyrings, and a centaur phycologist husband who had his own TV show. No one else was especially surprised.

  • 103

    28 /12 1400:00

    28 /12 1952:00

    He was lost to time and space
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Magorath Linumbrad, Archmage of Aurea, Owner of the ACME Academy, has vanished during a confrontation with the Magistrate, headmaster of the school. Rumour has it that the Archmage won the battle against a man rumoured to be Nethys, Lord of Magic, himself in a mortal guise, and was judged worthy to become Nethys in his place. The truth of this may never be proven, as Nethys refuses to speak on it...but ACME has posted a job listing for a new Headmaster, and also needs some significant repairs. And gardening.