Heather Greenburg

  • 80

    21 /1

    10 /2 2100:00

    artist rendition of Heather Greenburg
    Artistic creation

    Heather's father whom loved her dearly commissioned this portrait after her death. Unfortunately the artist never completed it and this is what we were left with. They say it's a pretty accurate assessment of her from those that knew her.  

  • 80

    21 /1 100:00

    21 /1 2100:00

    Heather Greenburg is born
    Life, Birth

    Heather Greenberg is astride a white stallion wearing gleaming silver full-plate armor. She has Gold crab-claws for hands When she gets off her steed and takes off her helmet she looks more or less like an unremarkable young woman with short brown hair and eyes and slightly pointy ears. She has a big friendly smile. Fun and fun-loving, highly courageous, loves to hurt and kill. Thrills to snuffing out the spark of awareness of a unique conscious being forever. One day hopes to find a way to extinguish souls.
      Her dad is a druid or ranger, a big nerd who wandered from earth and was delighted to be in a fantasy world, knocked up an elf like he always dreamed. He's very sweet, he and Heather love each other and she still visits him Mom is a lucille bluthesque cold aristo elf with a cutting wit, insisted Heather learn to fight, Heather would practice hard to please her when she would visit once a year to check on her and she would inevitably be dissapointed in her.   She has some sort of connection with the death and decay side of nature that seems to both draw power from and be reinforced by her natural cruelty. Maybe from the Vermillion Mother no one is sure.

  • 101



    Visiting Keletira and the Fall or Sarenrae
    Disaster / Destruction

    Heather's career began in much the same way as most of Aurea, doing a variety of interesting, low level jobs. Here first major event came when she took a job to a strange new island that had appeared - Keletira. She, and several other, probably unimportant people went there tasked to wipe out the undead. After getting shipwrecked, and proving once more that sea travel is the most dangerous way to do anything in Aurea, and the halfling Finn was wounded and left with some guys to heal, it was fine. There was a bit of a fire, and the party took the sole surivor, a girl named Abbie who Heather grew closer to.   But during the events, Suzie Heather found a well. Some other guy was all 'no, that's got magic all over it' but Heather knew better, and immediately drank.   She was taken to a strange place, where a strange thing asked her what she wanted. She knew what she wanted, the ultimate kill. And she wished Sarenrae dead. When she awoke, it was to the Dawnflower's flaming descent from the heavens.   Success.   Of course, there was a price to pay. Her hands became charred and blackened by a curse, but Suzie Heather soon found a solution - with the services of Stanly S Stanman she was able to replace the burned limbs with golden crab claws.   She later escape the island, stealing a dead halfling, beating up some zombies, and sailing away as it vanished - clearly too afraid of Heather to remain. She left Abbie with her aunt, a lady called the Suneater.

  • 102

    20 /3

    22 /3

    Raising Support in Aurelian
    Political event
  • 102

    28 /3

    30 /3

    Fight Between Sebastian and Heather
    Military: Skirmish
  • 102



    Recruitment by Desna
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After fighting - and nearly killing - Sebastian, Heather's infamy grew significantly. Eventually, when news reached her that Carnival was seeking her on Desna's instructions, she came to him, and agreed to visit the goddess in person. Desna...forgave Heather, it seemed, and tasked her with killing the one whose hands had taken Sarenrae's life - Ragathiel. Heather was overjoyed at both these things.

  • 103



    The Dancing Cows
    Artistic creation

    In a moment of inspired genius, Heather decided that true art involved teaching others. She therefore bought 40 cows, and hired the people needed to teach those cows to dance. It was a long, gruelling process, but not for Heather, who was off doing other things.   Once she'd seen there first performance, Suzie was pleased, but now the joke was done she decided to sell the cows off to Geeg.

  • 103



    The fall of Ragathiel
    Military action

    Heather continued with what she was best at - god slaying! She, as one of those tasked with slaying Ragathiel, did so with style and flair - even using the Mark of Desna to conjure a fire engine to run the former General of Vengeance down. When Ragathiel fell, Heather did as she had sworn - eating his heart and taking his wings for Desna.

  • 103



    Visiting with Desna
    Life, Supernatural

    Heather was one of several people who went to Sevenfold Cynosure, at Heather's suggestion, to see if Desna would help them. Upon learning that the gods had limits a nd could not help her friends as she hoped, she...did not take it well, threatening Desna in her own personal sanctuary and insisting the divine realm was now hers. Thankfully, she was not immediately obliterated either by Desna or Carnival, who seemed mildly bemused by the event, and apologised almost as fast as she raged.

  • 103



    Destruction of the Broken Temple
    Disaster / Destruction

    When Sebastian was looking for help causing some destruction, Heather was an obvious and natural port of call. She used her impressive abilities to transform Sebastian into a dragon, and the pair devastated a ruined temple of healing once dedicated to the Dawnflower, collapsing the roof and releasing the sealed...thing...below.   Thankfully, Heather did manage to get Sebastian back before the Gate closed...

  • 103



    Battle Against the Suneater
    Military: Battle

    When the forces of Hell began there assault on Aurea, they brought an ally few expected - the Suneater. Although there for her own reasons, she was certainly a problem, stealing Sarenrae's body and causing several fires.

    Carnival, Geeg, Khors, Revan, Heather and Solis showed up to help battle the Suneater. A small slip allowed the Suneater to know they were coming, and the first encounter was a trap. Khors and Geeg both fell in the fight, and were revived by Carnival, but most of the hostages the Suneater was using as living shields died to Revan's undead.

    After the fight, Revan withdrew, taking most of the bodies with him, although many of the undead he created were destroyed by the cleric of Pharasma Finnegan Badd, who was there to avenge his wife Astra.

    Of the mighty heroes sent to face her, Heather was the one who got kind of bored and wandered off, where she encountered Abbie again, there with her aunt. After finding out that the Suneater was, among other things, casually throwing fire at her niece, Heather decided that she was killing the Suneater for this crime.

    During the following battle, the Suneater was defeated when Solis was able to punch her in the face. A lot.

    Although the Suneater wasn't killed, she was banished back to her home plane, and Abbie was adopted by Heather. In a moment of impressive self-awareness, Heather realized that she wasn't entirely suited to be a mother, and left her in the care of the Badd's.

    Additional timelines
  • 103

    12 /12 23:00

    15 /12 32:00

    The Werekin Vaccine
    Discovery, Scientific

    Motivated by his relationship with the Werekin, especially his adopted son, Carnival gathers his friends Geeg and Solis, the impressive Suzie Heather, and the Archmage Magorath to go to an alternative Earth where a vaccine to stop the Werekin's need for sentient flesh existed.   They found the world strange, magic weak and unreliable and technology king, but they were able to locate what they needed with the help of a familiar face, gaining both samples of the vaccine and the formula and method to it's creation.   While they were there, Heather also spent a moment getting souvenirs...DVD boxsets, keyrings, and a centaur phycologist husband who had his own TV show. No one else was especially surprised.

  • 104

    1 /1 1200:00

    9 /1 00:00

    Pheonix Dragon: Rampage of Anguish
    Disaster / Destruction

    Celebrated the New year, by doing behind the scenes works. Mostly fighting Drakes and Dragons that became too aggressive due to the affect that the Phoenix Dragon has on others of it's kind. Some even offered refugee aid as well as healing services during this time of strife.

  • 104

    10 /3

    12 /3

    Rescue for the Dandelion
    Criminal Activity

    A group of adventurers were called to the Dandelion Asylum to do an emergency job, arriving in the pretty, illusion-filled gardens that faked an outdoor environment even deep below, in the underground caves of Rosilia.

    Unfortunately, there were some slight issues with the group that had been hired...the first was a blue-haired, one eyed man in a hood who actively disbelieved the illusions, seeing the asylum as it was.

    Those that followed were Stephan, a man who had tried to kill him, Heather, a woman who had tried to kill him, Geeg, a kobold who had insulted him several times and Rebca Chambers, his ex-boyfriend.

    An ooze showed up too, oddly.

    Heather immediately hugged Sebastian, as she considered them to be friends - near murders aside. Rebca was clearly considering if walking away again was a good idea. Heather told him to, "Bring it in big dog!" confusing the tiefling, who looked for the dog.

    Sebastian fled the gaggle and headed for the main building, wrapping his wrists and the signs of his drug abuse openly, as Heather decided it was no shock people kept telling her to go to the asylum, as it was very pretty.

    SuzieHeather offered everyone a shot of Tears to Wine, which the ooze took up, and asked about Sebastian's drug use as she asked if he was suicidal. He explained how the Hazemind worked and gave her some to try. Heather decided that the stuff was great, not feeling was wonderful, and they should absolutely do more and more of it.

    Rebca watched all this silently, growing sickened.

    Sebastian gave a vicious smile and offered to introduce Heather to his dealers as they headed to the asylum proper. Geeg warned Heather about not caring about her pets, her allies and her kid. She looked a touch shaken by the idea, and replied, “Yeah, maybe, I’ll stick to booze, cocaine, psychedelics, Molly, a little ketamine, amphetamine, designer drugs, krokodil, bang bang…”

    Suzie also realized it blocked her from using her psychic magic, but Sebastian suggested she seemed a lot better now. Chambers seemed to suspect something even as the slime climbed and sat on his shoulder.

    Stephan and his phantom, Ragna, caught up with the group and Ragna flirted with Chambers, causing Heather to wonder if he was bi. He replied he wasn't sure to Heather, who told him to tell her if he switched to the winning team, and then insulted the Phantom viciously, with lots of swearing. Sebastian told the orderly at the door that Heather might need to be checked in for a 72 hour hold, revealing why he'd given her those drugs.

    Stephan suggested Rebca was a lot more aggressive than he had been, and the shaman replied that he wasn't - he simply didn't care about Stephan, and wasn't afraid of the worst they could do.

    The orderly agreed with Sebastian and also noted some of the others probably should be too, but for now, he'd simply show them around the asylum until Dr Lily White was available. Heather told the orderly to ignore Sebastian, as his lifetime of trauma was forcing him to chemical dependency was getting him to ruin his last remaining relationships, and also that she could be mean too.

    Sebastian wondered what relationship: he and Rebca had been split up for eight months, which caused Heather to apologize.

    The orderly led the group into the asylum proper as Sebastian said he'd just been trying to take care of Heather. They signed in, with Sebastian using the name Blue, while Heather was nearly tricked into being admitted but Geeg stopped her from signing the form.

    Sebastian decided to help prevent Heather from going straight to violence and helped talk Bluebell out of admitting her. They used an adventurer's clause to keep their gear and keep Heather out of trouble. Sebastian recognized several people, and the shocked Chambers went to talk to his younger brother and his sister's fiance.

    Sebastian asked Heather about her daughter, and after she decided he was being genuine, seemed touched he had asked and told her that Abbie was doing well, and asked about him. He explained he'd been searching for a place to belong after leaving Chambers on the mountain, after losing his eye. They'd brought Sarenrae back, but didn't love Chambers anymore, and after spending some time in the Dandelion himself, had escaped.

    Heather asked if he had any goals if he was happy. He replied he had no goals and was happy enough. Heather decided that maybe Desna could help him, and she'd introduce him to Carnival so they could talk.

    The group was led to the room designed to hold Remy the Stout, including a painting of the insane dwarf Craftsman. They learned a little about his past, but Rebca was clearly disappointed they weren't going to meet him.

    Heather asked Sebastian if he remembered loving Chambers at all, which he did, but he simply felt nothing. He had no desire to try again, either. Maybe if he returned the apple with his soul...but he had no desire to do that.

    Heather got confused about the nature of souls and love but liked the idea of someone giving them her soul because they loved her. Sebastian told her it should be easy, as she was very pretty. This made Heather a little enamoured, and she offered to teleport him anywhere he wanted and wondered what made him happy. He avoided the subject, mostly, although he did mention the night sky and making things. Drugs were simply to numb.

    Heather invited him to go see where she'd grown up, which he said sounded nice, and it would be nice to see more of the world. Heather would need to check with her daughter, too...oh, and she could sacrifice her bardiche to block out the suns.

    Which she attempted.

    The powerful Geeg was able to block the spell before they lost the suns...again...rebuking Heather, as he'd just finished building greenhouses to try and stop people starving.

    Once again, Chambers was unusually brutal in his comments to both Heather and Stephan, prompting Sebastian to wonder if he had a death wish, and was told it was a starting place. Sebastian warned Rebca to leave Heather alone. Heather even tried to comfort the shaman, laying a claw on his shoulder, prompting another odd reaction - he shrugged it off and told her to either put the claw in his throat or not to touch him at all. Both Heather and Sebastian commented he needed to grow up, it had been eight months and was ignored.

    The orderly managed to drag the group into Lily's office, noting they needed therapy. The exes stood as far apart as they could get, and Lily rebuked Sebastian for trying to get Heather committed with his little trick. Heather and Sebastian argued with her, and Geeg pointed out to Heather that her current sorta patron Desna wouldn't approve.

    Rebca simply asked what the job is.

    Lily explained that the job was to get back Remy the Stout's daughter before the dwarf found out and he rampaged through Rosilia to get her back. Heather decided this was great, if she saved her Remy would give her a rematch. Everyone else wondered if the drow were insane.

    Sebastian wondered if she'd sold herself, and Heather noted she really hated it when people hurt kids. Lily explained she was a young adult, but absolutely had not sold herself to the Drow. Sebastian seemed somewhat doubtful, but Rebca just asked for her name and appearance. Lily insisted she was a friend of hers, which prompted Sebastian and Heather to decide gold is gold.

    Rebca asked, again, what her name and appearance was and finally got Sindri for her name. He asked for distinguishing marks like scars and such, things less easy to hide. Lily replied, "She is 4 ft tall with auburn hair cut short, and sideburns as she's still young. She is missing a tooth. She has blue eyes. She got a little scar on her top lip." Chambers repeated the details back in the same monotone he'd used for pretty much everything he'd said so far.

    Lily explained the girl was to be sold in the Web's Catch. Sebastian knew where it was. Chambers requested he be made to look like a woman, and with permission, Heather added a Mind Blank to Geeg Polymorphing him into a female drow. Sebastian used his hat of disguise to hide himself, although he constantly played with a broken ring.

    They entered Rosilia, trying to get information. Rebca's blunt attempts didn't do well, even looking like a female drow, whereas Sebastian was able to get more with a flirty demeanour and the suggestion that the disguised Chambers was Vivian's daughter.

    They found there were several events being run today, with increasingly exclusive guestlists. The guards gave them a male slave to function as a guide, sending the group on their way. They did not, however, last very long - Although Sebastian was confident he could get himself in, as himself, Chambers suggested some planning to get everyone else in, and then Sebastian killed him so that their plans would not be revealed.

    Rebca sighed and put the body in the bag.

    Sebastian berated him, asking him if he was trying to get himself killed. He replied he'd already tried that, causing something to flash up in Sebastian's eyes before the hazemind and additional harlot sweet he'd take clouded it over again. Chambers pointed out they still needed a way in.

    The ooze climbed Rebca again as Sebastian told Chambers to just die on his own if he wanted to, and that it was rude to bring people into it. Rebca responded he couldn't die - he ended up at Hummingbird's Temple instead.

    The crowd conspired to separate the group, with the ooze, Geeg, Heather and Stephan in the main area, and Sebastian and Chambers pushed off towards the VIP area.

    Realizing this, Sebastian commented that it was less likely anyone would get hurt, with two suicidal people off together. Rebca wondered why - whole point of all the fun and drugs, after all. Sebastian hushed him, and got directions to the VIP box reserved for Vivian.

    The pair were directed there, and Sebastian removed his disguises, deciding it was a moment they could relax, and eat cheese. This time, Rebca noticed he was playing with his ring. The broken sanctified ring. This caused confusion - why was he keeping the ring from a man he hated? Sebastian replied he didn't hate Rebca.

    Rebca mused it was nice that Sebastian could still lie to him.

    Sebastian replied it was true, he didn't hate him. He'd need to feel more in one way or another to do so.

    This did not answer the question, however, as to why Sebastian was still keeping the ring. He replied it was a last tie to his good memories, the few he had before he needed drugs to numb himself totally. Sebastian also noticed a frankly unreasonable amount of highest-quality drugs, this being a Drow VIP booth.

    Rebca didn't understand, and the oracle said he didn't need to - it wasn't what he had traded. Rebca, in frustration, pointed out Sebastian explained the trade that he'd done - he'd traded his eye to return to life, and he'd traded his love for his soul. Apparently, they'd been equal enough in value for it to work, in Sebastian's mind...given how little he cared about his soul, that probably hadn't been a comforting thought for Rebca, and was perhaps part of what inspired him to start rummaging through the drugs as well.

    Sebastian commented he hoped Rebca wouldn't take the Ruk Tar he'd picked up, given it would probably kill him. The shaman responded it hadn't worked well enough the last time to do job. Sebastian said that he could die, and wasn't blessed anymore. Rebca...didn't believe him, and assumed he'd find out when he died again, promising to make sure it wouldn't affect this job.

    He also gave over some work he'd done, locating the island from their first meeting and attempts at rectifying mistakes Sebastian had made. He explained he hadn't been a good boyfriend, and hadn't listened to Sebastian well enough, but he'd hoped to be a good friend at least.

    Only, Sebastian never returned, so he'd worked on it alone.

    Sebastian noted he probably couldn't go to the island, as although he wasn't a slave he had a job in Rosilia, commitments. Rebca snidely asked him what those might be, listing options like helping slaves or learning a new trade. Sebastian replied he was a rental, and the shaman noted what a good loophole it was to avoid the promise he'd made about not allowing himself to be a slave - simply rent himself out permanently. Totally different thing. Sebastian said becoming a slave would involve taking Rebca with him, but the shaman refused to be owned, so Rebca was working on another option.

    Sebastian agreed to go to the island, which Rebca clearly hadn't expected, but immediately accepted. He handed Sebastian the rest of the papers - the list of the dead Sebastian had caused, and what he was doing about them. Sebastian read the paper and then demanded to know why he was doing all this.

    Rebca responded he still loved Sebastian, and couldn't stop that. He blamed himself for the current situation, but he could at least try to fix it. It wasn't like he had anything better to do. He intended to help the dead guide out, too. Sebastian insisted he wouldn't want it, but Rebca was going to give him the choice, and also intending to help Sebastian. He was aware Sebastian didn't especially care about being free, but it was for Rebca's own desire that he was doing it.

    Noticing Sebastian's face growing less emotional, the shaman pointed out he shouldn't do those, and asked if he actually had the ability to handle his addiction, as he'd previously claimed, or if that was another lie. Sebastian claimed he could, he simply wasn't bothering.

    Rebca suggested they go and find the others before they became a problem, but Sebastian voted they wait to see. The shaman checked to see if he'd continued with therapy which, shockingly, he had not. Rebca suggested he find a new one, as one session and an emergency stay wasn't really enough to decide, but the oracle was...reticent. It didn't help that Rebca admitted he was hiding from his own therapist, Finn.

    The rest of the party returned, and the pair went back to focusing on the job. Heather suggested snagging their target from the stage with Teleportation, but it seemed as though everything was heavily warded, with teleporting out of the question and invisibility purge at some points. Rebca suggested sneaking backstage to avoid problems like an early purchase and take more people - with the caveat that he, himself, couldn't actually sneak.

    This seemed a popular choice, although Sebastian noted it would cause problems for him. Heather agreed to let him keep his disguise, and Stephan suggested using his abilities to dominate people to get them places. Sebastian agreed, although he reminded him to grab control of female guards, and that they had spell resistance.

    Sebastian decided jumping over the box office edge and down was a good idea, featherfalling to the lower area, sneaking over to the backstage area with little issue, and using Stephan to bluff his way through the door as just another slave.

    Another use of the hat of disguise saw Sebastian become one of the co-orindators backstage, using the power of a clipboard to avoid questions - and using it to sign to the also disguised Stephan.

    Using telepathy, the pair decided that causing trouble would be fun since the more sane members of the party, or at least the very powerful Geeg, weren't present.

    There was no obvious sign of the slaves for sale, so they stopped an assistant, with Sebastian using the shell of sending to get a message to Chambers. He found out the others were delayed, but still coming - if they were going to cause chaos it needed to be soon.

    Sadly, Heather and Geeg got in before they could do much more than ask some questions, and Sebastian used Adventurer's Sign to tell them who he was. He questioned where Rebca had gotten to, but it was clear he was loose to cause trouble...somewhere.

    Eventually, the shaman appeared again and Sebastian, relieved that he hadn't screwed up the job more, signed to him who he was. Recba watched, mostly impassively, as Sebastian looted another clipboard - this one with details about the slaves on it, and led them to the slave pens.

    Sebastian was disgusted, physically sickened, by the smell of blood and misery coming from the area. Soon he had to flee, and Rebca sent Heather to keep an eye on him as he focused on the clipboard.

    Moving out of the area, Sebastian mentally located thirteen people and cast Mass Command on them. The command was simple enough...kill each other. It began the fight for the area, Heather called up her purple worm, and Sebastian went around doing some Slay Living on various important people. It didn't take them long to kill the owners, guards and others.

    When they got downstairs, they found Chambers and Stephan had killed most of the guards and had found Sindri and her guardian mechanical murder bear. Sebastian was very much of the opinion they should leave, and Rebca didn't especially care as he went about freeing people from the cages, seemingly unconcerned such would likely get him captured.

    Sebastian decided if they were going this route they needed a distraction. After a few ideas were thrown around, Heather's plan of turning several thousand pounds of rock into a dragon, forming an escape tunnel and a distraction at once, was the eventual winner.

    And that was how Ygaim came to be.

    With time bought, Sebastian warned Chambers he had 30 minutes to rescue as many people as he could, and it would be a shame if he died as Sebastian wouldn't need to complete their deal. Rebca got to work and freed as many as he could. When Stephan was sure they'd freed the target he suggested they leave but Sebastian refused, saying he'd give Rebca the promised thirty minutes.

    Once everyone was freed and the thirty minutes ran through, Sebastian teleported back to his home.

    Additional timelines
  • 104

    1 /5 1200:00

    3 /5 1200:00

    Sean Victor Langley
    Military: Skirmish

    A young angel kin Aasimar who needed help and was in a house that was using a bell that could only hurt angel kind. Rebca had to leave him there temporarily with his mother who was a spoiled human. Most the group knew she was only living the way she was because her husband needed an heir and she had provided. The other issue was that he was living in an angelskin house. Rebca was ill equipped to handle a child and well Sebastian had told him under any terms would he help care for one. So, when he found someone suitable who agree to adopt the child, he set out to Rescue Sean. They went in and were easily able to take the cowering child. However, Angela asked Rebca if she could take him an raise him. He readily agreed since she seemed better than who was caring for him now. Heather and Pari came along, stopping Heather from right out killing the women was the hardest part of the mission and Pari hated the use of flesh golems as security and didn't steal anything from this Meadow Ward home.

    The only reason they didn't burn down the house is because the women who was hurting their own kid for their own gains would get nothing if Sean died or disappeared. It is said Sean is happy and starting to talk now under Angelas gentle care. He is training to be a cleric of Starfire the Red. His brother Miles a white kitsune enjoy each other's company and truly think of one another as brothers, in every sense of the word.
      Artist rendition of Sean Victor Langley 

    Additional timelines
  • 105

    10 /2 2206:00

    10 /2 2210:00

    Death of Heather
    Life, Death

    The stars once more light up the sky, a massive crab claw that seems to be trying to make a rude gesture appears in the sky. Heather Greenburg miss wildcard, the god slayer, the protector of children, among other titles fell dead. She sacrificed herself to the leyline as the spell failure chance reaches zero. She has exceeded her mother's expectations for her, and her daughter and father grieve her lost.