Harita Corporation

Harita is a megacorporation headquartered in South Asia that primarily operates in the agribusiness industrial sector. In addition to owning vast amounts of farmland, forests, and fisheries, a multitude of subsidary companies operate in the biotechnology and biofuels industry. Over the past century, Earth's ecosystems have degraded significantly and Harita's genetically modified seeds have become some of the only crops resilient enough to thrive in many regions. This has granted Harita near-monopolistic control over the global food supply, leading to astronomical profits.


First-Tier Subsidiaries
  1. BioHarvest Genetics - Biotechnology
  2. AgroEco- Farmland Management
  3. PureHarvest Foods - Food Processing
Second-Tier Subsidiaries
  1. Vana Forestry - Forestry
  2. AquaLife Fisheries - Fisheries
  3. Harita Bioenergy - Biofuels
  4. Natural Threads - Natural Fiber Production
  5. Harvest Health Nutrition - Nutraceuticals
  6. Khetro Logistics - Agricultural Supply Chain and Logistics
  7. KhetroCare Insurance - Agricultural Insurance
  8. Harita Seeds - Seed Production
  9. AgroEco Security - Security for Farmland, Crops, and Livestock
Third-Tier Subsidiaries
  1. Harita Soil Enhancements - Agricultural Inputs
  2. AgriTech Solutions - Agricultural Technology and Equipment
  3. Sustainable Growth Ventures - Agricultural Investments
  4. BioShield Pesticides - Agricultural Chemicals
  5. AquaHarvest Systems - Aquaculture Technology
  6. AgriEco Irrigation - Irrigation Systems


The Harita Corporation earns approximately 3 million Ƶ in yearly revenue, with a net income of 106 thousand Ƶ. As of 2117, Harita possesses assests worth approximately 2 million Ƶ, with 852 thousand Ƶ worth of equity.


Founding and Early Growth (2037-2045)

The Harita Corporation was founded in 2037 by Bishwa Rajbanshi, an ambitious Nepalese entreprenuer. From its inception, Harita aimed to dominate the agricultural industry by integrating advanced technologies into traditional farming practices. The company started small, focusing on developing high-yield crop varieties and efficient irrigation systems.

Harita’s initial success was rapid and profound. their innovative products and services quickly gained popularity among South Asian farmers, who saw significant increases in their productivity and profits. By 2045, Harita had expanded its operations across South Asia, establishing itself as a leading player in the agribusiness sector.

Expansion and Aggressive Strategies (2045-2060)

With a solid foundation in place, Harita embarked on an aggressive expansion strategy. The company began acquiring smaller competitors, assimilating their technologies, resources, and market share. Harita's business style was, and continues to be, rapacious; they were known for hostile takeovers and leveraging their financial power to outmaneuver rivals.

A key strength that bolstered Harita's dominance in the market was its control over an illegal yet highly lucrative good: genetically modified super-seeds. These seeds, designed to be resistant to pests, diseases, and extreme weather conditions, offered unparalleled yields. Despite their illegal status in many regions due to environmental and health concerns, Harita covertly distributed them to desperate farmers, ensuring loyalty and dependency.

By 2060, Harita had developed into a transnational megacorporation with a presence in major agricultural markets worldwide. Their influence extended from the rural fields to the corporate boardrooms of global agribusiness.

The Auroran Conflict (2060-2085)

As The Harita Corporation's ambitions grew, so did their interest in the rapidly developing city-state of Aurora. Recognizing the potential of Aurora's advanced infrastructure and strategic location, Harita sought to establish a significant presence in the city. However, Aurora's local government, wary of Harita's notorious reputation and aggressive business tactics, posed a serious challenge.

Despite initial resistance, Harita managed to penetrate Aurora's market by forging alliances with local businesses and exploiting loopholes in the regulatory framework. Their operations in Aurora focused on introducing high-tech farming solutions and covertly distributing their illegal super-seeds. However, tensions between Harita and the local government escalated, culminating in a series of legal battles, protests, and crackdowns.

Recent Challenges and Future Prospects (2085-Present)

In recent years, Harita has faced severe problems in Aurora. The local government, backed rival megacorporations and their astroturfed 'environmental activist organizations', intensified their efforts to curb Harita's influence. Raids on Harita's facilities, stringent regulations, and public backlash have significantly hindered their operations.

Undeterred, the Harita Corporation has shifted its focus to opening a new branch in the Badlands, a hostile area outside Aurora's jurisdiction. This region, characterized by political instability and lawlessness, presents both opportunities and risks. Harita's strategy involves leveraging their technological prowess and financial clout to gain a foothold, even as they navigate the challenges posed by local warlords, criminal gangs, and unpredictable market conditions.

Nourishing Nations, Sustaining Lives

Founding Date


Character flag image: Harita Corp Logo by made with Zarla


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