
One of the largest business conglomerates on the planet, Jadetech is a fierce rival of Nexus Industries. Jadetech's main subsidiaries produce consumer electronics products, including audiosystems, computers, digital cameras, mechatronics, network devices, and wireless devices.


Founding and Early Years (2023-2035)

JadeTech was founded in 2023 by visionary Chinese entrepreneur Li Wei, who saw an opportunity with the development of generative AI and advances in natural language processing to create a company that would revolutionize the consumer electronics market. Based out of the burgeoning megacity of Huaxia, centered in what was once Shenzhen, JadeTech began as a small government-funded startup focused on developing smart devices. Their first product, JadeWatch, a smartwatch with advanced health monitoring features quickly gained popularity, laying the foundation for the company's rapid growth.

Expansion and Innovation (2035-2050)

As JadeTech's reputation for innovation grew, so did its ambitions. By the mid-2030s, the company had expanded its product line to include smartphones, tablets, and home automation systems. JadeTech's commitment to integrating the latest technologies into their products, such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality, set them apart from competitors and attracted a loyal customer base.

The company's headquarters in Huaxia, a city explicitly designed for the tech industry, provided the perfect environment for growth. Huaxia's advanced infrastructure, skilled workforce, and favorable regulatory environment allowed JadeTech to scale operations quickly. The city became a hub for tech innovation, with JadeTech leading the charge.

However, JadeTech's aggressive expansion and dominance began to draw criticism and scrutiny. Allegations of unethical practices, including labor exploitation and environmental degradation, surfaced. Despite this, the company's grip on the market remained strong, thanks in part to their relentless innovation and strategic partnerships with various governments.

The Rise to Megacorporation Status (2050-2070)

By the 2050s, JadeTech had firmly established itself as a global leader in consumer electronics. The company's products were ubiquitous, found in homes and offices around the world. JadeTech's strategic acquisitions of smaller tech firms and aggressive investment in research and development fueled continuous innovation. Their flagship products, particularly the JadePhone and the JadeHome smart device ecosystem, became industry standards.

During this period, JadeTech also expanded into other sectors, including robotics, biotechnology, and renewable energy. This diversification immensely increased their market share, solidifing their status as a megacorporation. JadeTech's influence now extended far beyond consumer electronics to impact almost every aspect of everyday life and industry.

The Era of Corporate Conflict (2070-2086)

One of JadeTech's most significant rivalries emerged during this time with Nexus Industries, operators of the Nanoforge, the world's largest semiconductor fabrication complex, which was located in Aurora. Competition between the two megacorporations was fierce, culminating in the catastrophic event known as The Salting of the Earth in 2086. A massive explosion at the Nanoforge, which some suspected to be sabotage orchestrated by JadeTech, caused widespread environmental devastation and economic collapse in Aurora. Although no definitive evidence was found, the incident only deepened the animosity between the two megacorporations.

Present Day and Future Prospects (2086-2118)

In the aftermath of the Salting, JadeTech faced a period of intense scrutiny and public relations challenges outside of Huaxia. However, the company's robust infrastructure and diversified portfolio allowed it to weather the storm. JadeTech's R&D labs continued to push the boundaries of sicence and technology with advancements in quantum computing, cybernetics, and biotech.

Today, JadeTech remains headquartered in Huaxia, epitomizing the convergence of corporate power, technological prowess, and political influence. Huaxia itself has grown into a sprawling megacity, home to millions of people and a center of global commerce and technological development. JadeTech's influence permeates every aspect of life in Huaxia, from the smart devices people use daily to the advanced infrastructure that powers the city.

JadeTech's history speaks to the power of both technology and ambition. From its humble beginnings as a small startup in China, it has grown into a global megacorporation with a profound impact on the world. JadeTech's commitment to ruthlessly pushing the boundaries of technology, at all costs, ensures that it will remain a key player in the ever-evolving megacorporate landscape of the 22nd century.

Redefining possibilities

Founding Date
Alternative Names
Manufactured Items


Corporate Rivalry

Character flag image: JadeTech Logo by Made with Zarla


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