Purphoros, God of the Forge

God Purphoros (a.k.a. God of the Forge)

In the forge of life, the hammer of inspiration strikes, shaping destiny with the fiery embrace of creation and destruction.
— Follower of Purphoros
  Purphoros, the fervent god of the forge, restless earth, and fire, embodies the raw creative force that fuels the minds of sapient beings. Whether crafting exquisite objects or erupting in bursts of inspiration and destructive anger, Purphoros is the impulsive and mercurial deity of artisans, obsession, and the cyclical nature of creation and destruction. His preferred forms include a muscular man with coal-hued, bronze-covered skin, a fiery phoenix, or a bull forged from cooling lava.
  Purphoros is primarily associated with forging, metallurgy, and related activities. It was his followers who first brought bronze to Theros, and a few of his most favored have begun working with a new metal—iron—said to come directly from their god’s forge-fires.
  Though Purphoros is largely interested in physical craft, he has influence over all forms of creation. Keranos also inspires new ideas, but it is Purphoros who oversees the advancement of the craft that brings these ideas to life in the world.
  Purphoros is always ready to obliterate what is to make room for what could be, and to start the cycle again when what could be becomes what is. When he is inspired, the night sky glitters with new constellations, and anvilwrought creatures appear in the countryside. When he is wrathful, stars vanish in molten rain, and his hammer blows annihilate whole mountaintops.

Followers of Purphoros

Purphoros radiates inspiration to mortals, often crafting and destroying objects in bouts of intense creativity. He symbolizes forging, metallurgy, and all forms of creation. His followers pioneered the use of bronze on Theros, and the introduction of iron is said to come directly from Purphoros's divine forge-fires. As the god of the forge, he doesn't merely embody chaos but teaches mortals to harness primal energy through passion, transforming it into usable, tangible forms.  

Champions of Purphoros

Champions Alignment: Usually chaotic, often neutral
Suggested Classes: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Sorcerer
Suggested Cleric Domains: Forge (described in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything), Knowledge
Suggested Backgrounds: Acolyte, Entertainer, Guild Artisan
  Most champions of Purphoros are unswerving advocates of passion and creativity who change the world by doing what they believe is right in the moment.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Anvil and Hammer: Representing the crafting and forging process.
Phoenix: Symbolizing the cycle of creation, destruction, and rebirth.
Lava Stream: Signifying the unbridled and transformative power of fire.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace Passion: Allow the raw creative force within to surge forth passionately, driving inspiration and craftsmanship.
  Labor and Creation: Understand that true creation involves both labor and the unbridled joy of crafting. Destruction paves the way for new creation.
  Unleash the Forge Within: Tap into the chaotic yet potent energy of the forge within, transforming imagination into tangible creations.


Firesmith's Revelry: A festival celebrating creativity, craftsmanship, and the passionate pursuit of inspiration.
  Ember's Resurgence: Marking the cyclical nature of creation, this holiday involves the destruction of old creations to pave the way for new ones.


Contacts & Relations

Purphoros's relationship with the gods is complex. He contrasts sharply with Iroas, God of Victory, embodying the chaotic aspect of creation. While Keranos, God of Storms inspires ideas, Purphoros drives the crafting and realization of those ideas. He often finds himself at odds with Mogis, God of Slaughter, as destruction for its own sake contradicts Purphoros's cyclical view of creation and destruction. His influence, both chaotic and inspirational, weaves through the divine tapestry, impacting the mortal realm with the flames of creation and the sparks of inspiration.
Divine Classification


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