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Session 10 - "Heroes" of Alexandria

General Summary

The group immediately begin to question the three newcomers. They learn that Terry has rediscovered an old magic, no longer taught in the tower. He was able to replicate Zubarin's portal spell, and follow them from Whiteridge. He was able to find the inn by tracking the vast amounts of magic used in the settlement. His two companions, Radolf and Ebony, also have the ability to access this old magic, and Amon has this ability as well. Terry believes that this power draws them to each other, and that working together, they might be better able to unlock its secrets.   Two days pass, and Zubarin returns to Whiteridge to retrieve Wilvert. When he arrives, he finds Ghostclaw, Malifax, and Daisy a merchant.   Ghostclaw sees Radolf's elven seal, and notices that part of it is missing. Upon questioning him, Radolf claims that the elves once had a king, and that he was banished for almost destroying the Mistvale. Ghostclaw is not sure if he believes him.   Ebony suggests that the group head to the town of Alexandria to secure food for Sandpoint. Fenrir instructs The Adventurers to start construction on houses and a tavern.   On the road to Alexandria, Ghostclaw is approached by Fangtooth, who warns him of Inquisitors and Sorcerers to the North.   The group is heartened when they see fields of grain and vegetables, but they start to get nervous as they approach and enter the town. Mercenaries stand guard on the walls, and the place is crawling with inquisitors. The manor house seems to have been consumed in a fire a few days before. They learn that the lady of Alexandria has had very bad luck over the last year. Her first child died when she fell in a well, her crops failed, and her husband and baby boy died in the manor fire. She has confiscated the crops of her serfs, and is attempting to sell them and take the profits.   Ghostclaw and Skara see a familiar gnome, Farwin, who has now become a legitimate mount salesman.   "Thank goodness my Cockatrice didn't kill anyone. I let my last pet go, just me and Lucy now."   Fenrir, Amon, and Wilvert see a young woman and a child are being held prisoner in the center of the town. They discover that they are the children of one of the farmers, held hostage so they cant rebel. Nath and Drag learn that the lady is attempting to sell the crops to the Sorcerers of the Magus Magnificat. Securing Alexandria's food for Sandpoint would kill two birds with one stone.   The group investigates the burned manor, and Ghostclaw finds a hidden cellar under the house. Inside he finds a shrine to the merciful mother and a place where the Lady held her child prisoner. Nath hears the voice of the merciful mother.   "Fear not, mortal. I offer you redemption. Your soul lays bare before me. I see your guilt, for the sailors who died and the monks you abandoned to their fate. But I see the good, you turned down gold in service of a greater cause. I need one like you. Pledge your life to the merciful mother, become my hand on the earth. In turn I will tug the strings of fate, pull them in your direction."   Nath agrees to become her champion.   "Gods who are not worshiped slowly lose their powers. I had been forgotten for almost 5000 years, but there was one who found me. Seven years ago, a man named Draven started worshiping me again. He perverted my teachings and died recently, but I had a plan. When I first re-awoke, I made a deal with a barren woman in this town and gave her my egg in exchange for her worship. When she miraculously fell pregnant again, she turned her back on me and my child, drowning her. I have very little strength left, in fact only enough to talk to you and resurrect my child. I need you to protect her, and build a shrine to me to help me regain my powers."   The group hears a scream coming from the town. Heading back up, they hear the Lady of Alexandria screaming.   "NO! I killed you, Dove. Leave me alone."   She charges a small girl, soaking wet, with bruises around her neck. Nath moves quickly, punching the woman, knocking her across the square, killing her.   The inquisitors move in to protect their new business partner. Drag joins the fray and stabs one of the red cloaked men. Two arrows fly from Ghostclaw's bow and two Inquisitor Archers fall dead. A third arrow from Amon's bow kills an Inquisitor Fighter.   "No Mini, I let you go, what are you doing here?" shouts Farwin   Suddenly a giant Mastodon charges into the town crushing houses, walls, and Skara. Calling upon the power of the wild, the druid attempts to calm the animal. The Mastodon realizes that Skara means him no harm, and runs from the village, crushing an inn in it's wake.   Using some poison from Wilvert, Ghostclaw kills his third and fourth Inquisitor Archer. Wilvert drinks a potion, a gout of flame leaves his mouth and burns another archer to dust while starting a building on fire.   Fiona and a sorcerer named Shador leave the inn and fight Fenrir and Nath. Nath dodges electricity nimbly and knocks the mage into a burning building, killing him. Fenrir is barely able to hold off Fiona, until he gets some help from Ghostclaw to kill her.   "If its them or us," Ghostclaw tells Fenrir, "It will always be them."   The group immediately turns to Nath, sugesting the girl, Dove, might be evil, undead, or worse. Nath tells them that anyone who wants to hurt her will have to go through him.   Fenrir gives an inspiring speech to the people of Alexandria, and they decide to abandon their now destroyed town and move to Sandpoint.   Upon returning to Sandpoint, Nath begins construction on a shrine to the merciful mother, a god once know as Lamashtu.
Report Date
26 Jan 2019
Primary Location

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