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Session 11 - The Plague Bringer

General Summary

One week has passed since Alexandria was burned down. The Seawolf sails into dock with Iva at the helm. Skara is reunited with Bruno, and the essence of Sneaky is added to the Capture Crystal. The group has kept busy building houses and a shop in Sandpoint. Ghostclaw, however, has become disturbed by the actions of Nath and his new ward, Dove.   "Move your shrine to your room," Ghostclaw orders, "no one wants it here."   The elf sinks his ax deep into the statue Nath meticulously carved. A crowd begins to form and watch the unhinged ranger yell at the austere monk. Arguing continues, and Ghostclaw draws his bow and threatens to kill Nath. Arimanthos steps in to stop the enraged fey.   Suddenly, Anaxis falls to the ground and has a vision.   "Dark clouds gather to the south. Men's hands grab for power, but some do not desire the power wealth brings. Humans who are not quite human, demons who are not quite demons. And one who rips at the very fabric of our world. An army grows on another plain, waiting for the chance to pour through a hole bore by the followers of the demon."   Trying to interpret the vision, Arimanthos determines she must be talking about Hatem, and the group prepares The Seawolf for the voyage.   Ten days of sailing brings the group to the only city in the holdings of Hatem, al Shabaab Oasis. As The Seawolf approaches the harbor, a ship is sent out to escort them to dock.   Another ship is sunk by the city guard, "Smugglers," says the captain of the escort ship.   Disembarking the ship that are met by an old man, "Lord Arimanthos, welcome to the al Shabaab Oasis. We have already prepared rooms for you and your servants. My men will tend to your ship. My name is Rahim Abdul, here on behalf of the Red Sand Consortium. Do not fear, lord Castillo, we do not hold grudges, although had you worked with us, it would be much easier for you now. We expected you here earlier, your father was insistent this was done quickly. You have free reign of the city while we gather them together."   Confused, the group thank Rahim and begins to explore the town. Arimanthos and Amon talk to a blind man and learn that he lost his sight to magic sickness, a side effect of being exposed to mana rocks. The paladin gives the man a few pieces of gold, but as soon as his back is turned, Drag goes to steal it back. Laughing at the 3 gold pieces he stole from the beggar, the orc reaches for his coin purse, only to find it missing.   Drag's sharp eyes see the man who robbed him, and a chase ensues. He runs through the city streets, jumping over carts and climbing over buildings. The chase finally ends in a brothel, where Kaiser's Dagger finds the mans chest. Pulling out the dagger, the man stabs Drag before bleeding out.   "I hate poor people," says the rogue.   Nath begins to investigate the city, and learns that house Hatem literally crumbled to dust. People do not know what happened, but claim that the "Voice of Hatem" no longer favored the noble house. After it fell, the Red Sand Consortium took over.   Meanwhile, Wilvert enters a small shop and learns more about mana rocks. Pure magic in solid form, they heighten the senses, but overuse can cause you to lose them entirely. al Shabaab Oasis is the only place in Austera where they can be mined.   Leaving the shop, Wilvert is accosted by three men: Ali, Faraj and Umar. They tell Wilvert that the Red Sand Consortium has been taking women and children in the middle of the night, never to be seen again. The group decides to look into the Red Sand Consortium and begin to investigate the consortium headquarters.   Once inside the group finds a room full of historical treasures and a magically locked door. Amon and Arimanthos inspect a gauntlet, but drop it when they discover it causes metal to rust. Searching the building, Wilvert, Drag, and Ghostclaw are able to find and steal keys and unlock the magical door.   Inside, the group finds dozens of catatonic, but living bodies. The biggest surprise, however, are the two men tending to the unmoving bodies; Roger and Ronove. Roger explains that he came to Hatem looking for liquid magic, something even more potent and rare then mana rocks, but realized that there was a plague spreading through the city. He used his contact, Rahim, to convince the Red Sand Consortium to help him contain the spreading disease. It appeared to the elf, that these people have been separated from their souls, a terrifying prospect considering the recent demonic possessions.   Suddenly, Ali and Umar begin to laugh. Their skin peels away as they kill Faraj, reveling themselves to be demons. Ali is one of the demon generals known as The Plague Bringer. He synthesized the plague to ready an army of corpses for the demon spawn he intended to bring to this plane. He begins the spell to rip a hole in reality, and Imps, Hellhounds, and Devils pour through.   Arimanthos and Drag spring into action and each kill an Imp. Wilvert creates a gust of wind, pushing many of the demon spawn back into the portal.   "Maximus Gustus," the gnome yells.   Drag sinks his blade into another Imp while Arimanthos smites a Devil. Ghostclaw and Malifax double team The Plague Bringer, but the general refuses to give an inch. Wilvert throws bottled lightning and zaps an Imp.   Seeing so many of his minions fall, Umar calls upon the "Voice of Hatem". A corrupted Stone Dragon tunnels up from below the ground.   Overwhelmed by sheer numbers, the group considers a retreat, but a timely heal by Arimanthos turns the tide. Finally, Ghostclaw drops to a knee and fires two arrows, killing The Plague Bringer. Umar jumps on the back of the Stone Dragon and flees as the portal, incomplete, closes.
Report Date
16 Mar 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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