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Session 12 - Godric

General Summary

After the battle in the infirmary, Roger says he wishes to study the cause of the plague, he thinks he can synthesize a cure if given a bit of time.   As the group leaves the Red Sand Consortium base, Wilvert steals a small chest of gold with 9000 pieces inside. Drag sees a wanted sign for a half orc called the "peeping killer". Realizing that he is wanted for murder, and peeping on the women of a harem, the thief pulls his hood down over his face.   Suddenly, a man steps out in front of Drag, "I have been looking for you," he laughs.   Drag notices a hunters guild patch and turns around to walk away, but a huge orc stands behind him and grabs him. Wilvert moves to intervene, but changes his mind when he sees a archer on the roof. Fenrir is not so easily deterred and charges in taking an arrow to the shoulder.   Ghostclaw and Arimanthos look at each other, realizing at the same time that the situation is deteriorating quickly. A mage starts to move to intercept Fenrir, but a knife throw puts her on her knees. Ghostclaw moves behind the leader and intimidates him into calling off the group.   "Try not to cause anymore trouble," he tells Drag .   Roger sends the group into the mines to retrieve liquid magic, an ingredient for the cure he synthesizes and his reason for coming to the al Shabaab Oasis. The group ventures deeper and deeper into the mines, a place where the miners fear to go. People have been known to disappear in the maze-like tunnels, and rumors say that creatures feed on the miners foolish enough to get lost.   When the path splits three ways, the group separates to cover more ground. Arimanthos and Drag enter one tunnel. Ghostclaw and Malifax enter another. Finally Wilvert, Fenrir, Nath, and Skara go down the final path.   Skara finds a small puddle of liquid on the floor, thinking it liquid magic, he begins to collect it in a vial, but it dissolves the glass. A small amount of the acid drips down from the ceiling, and as he looks up, Skara comes face to face with a Naga.   Meanwhile, in another part of the cavern, Drag notices a small gem embedded in the wall. Pulling out his dagger, he attempts to dislodge it. What he though was a lucky find turns into shock as a Naga bursts through the wall, dragging him to another part of the cavern.   Malifax gives Ghostclaw a signal, a Naga slumbers nearby. Quickly drawing his bow, Ghostclaw puts down the reptilian creature.   Barely escaping the poison, Skara is saved by Wilvert's quick alchemy, bottled lightning felling the beast. Finally, Arimanthos slays the creature dragging Drag through the subterranean tunnels.   The three paths converge once again, and the group finds themselves in an ancient laboratory. Wilvert finds a strange pulsating egg and pockets it. Ronove recognizes the walls of the room as story stone, and activates it. The stone slowly starts to grow and gain color, then move. Each member of the party begins to feel dizzy, and soon find themselves floating in a dark void.   They see five men, a woman, and a young elf courageously slaying a dragon. The slayers stand in a circle and are dragged away from each other into the darkness. Next the six heroes of legend appear. They chase a shadowy figure who leaves a trail of death in its wake. A jackal headed woman attacks the group from the sides and hampers their chase until she is brought to heel by the half orc. When they finally catch the shadows, they find a horrific demon stands before them. With a wave of his hand, the seven dragon slayers stand in from of him, now dead and corrupted, they are reborn as the demon generals. After a hard fought battle, the generals are driven back and only the lord of demons remains. The group charges at the evil creature to no effect, until finally the orc calls on Lamashtu to break through his magical defenses. The subservient goddess is able to shatter his shield, but is grabbed by the demon. A darkness exudes from her body as hundreds of Goblins, Kobolds and even humans die. The last to fall is the orc, as the demon tosses aside the remains of the goddess of corruption, dead along with all her followers. Blinded by anger, the monk and the elf charge the demon lord only to be redirected to far flung corners of the earth via quickly casted portals. The group's wizard begins to cast a spell. The druid raises his hand to the sky and vegetation grows explosively around the demon, hampering his movement and spellcasting for a time. The demon calls upon hellfire, and the plants and druid are turned to ash. Finally only the wizard and the rogue remains.   "Do something, curse you," the rogue yells, only to receive a sidelong look from the chanting mage.   "It is too late," laughs the demon lord, "I'll keep you as a personal trophy for all eternity, Kaiser. I wonder how long it will take for your mind to break."   As the spell is cast, a glow emanates from Kaiser's golden eye. It reflects back to the demon, and encases him in a hard crystal shell, unable to move, frozen in time.   "Damn you," yells the wizard, "years of research, planning all gone to waste."   He looks upon the rogue and is shocked to find him crumpled on the floor clutching his face. A simple spell is cast, and the rogue is lifted into the air.   "Your eye," the wizard laughs, "finally gone. Do you know how long that eye has been the bane of my existence? My plans may have failed, but it seems i have been given a consolation prize"   The wizard creates a massive ball of arcane magic, and launches it at the rogue. As Kaiser lifts his hand in an attempt to shield his face, the spell catches a fragment of the eye lodged into his skin, and while not enough to save him, reflects part back at the treacherous wizard. The magic enveloping the wizard starts to fade as manaburn takes affect. Now barely able to create a flame, the wizard wanders, looking for a way to restore his magic.   Suddenly, the group finds themselves back in the present day. Machines whir to life, the formaldehyde drains from the tube holding the skeleton, as pure liquid magic replaces it. The head slowly lifts as it turns towards the group, looking right at Ghostclaw.   "5000 years, and your spirit still seeks revenge. Don't think I didn't consider hunting you down and killing you as a child, but you are too important, you need to be there at the final battle. I don't intend to fail this time. I've spent the years regaining my power. You need me as much as I need you, but you are far to weak to be considered useful now. Find me when you acquire the power to break the demon lords defenses. Then and only then should you search me out. I am Godric."   The group is flung back by a large explosion, as the skeletal wizard grabs the well preserved corpse of a young woman, creates a portal, and steps through.
Report Date
27 Apr 2019
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