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Session 14 - The Crossroads

General Summary

Finding the village of Darkpool now devoid of villagers, Roger suggests that they should spend the night on the beach and navigate the perilous rocks in the morning. Dragging a keg ashore, the elf taps it and challenges the members of the group to a drinking contest. The first to fall is Nath after a single drink. Next to go is Fenrir, falling asleep on his shield. Third is Arimanthos, normally not a big drinker he quickly falls into the sand. Skara spills his drink all over the sand as he falls into a deep slumber. Finally the only two left are Roger and Wilvert. As the gnome falls to the ground, he sees a small puddle at the elf's feet.   The next morning, the group wakes to find Roger, Iva, Ghostclaw, Amon, and Drag have all left on The Seawolf. The only items left on the beach are their personal belongings, Ghostclaw's climbing kit, and the duo of Ronove and Remmy.   With nowhere else to go, the group begins to climb the sheer cliff face. Fenrir and Ronove are easily able to climb the cliff. Arimanthos begins his ascent with the climbing kit, and when Wilvert begins to slip, the paladin is there to catch him.   They spend one week walking the road; cliff face and ocean to one side, and the unforgiving desert to the other. Finally the desert gives way to grasslands and then small farms begin to dot the landscape. After days of walking in unforgiving heat, the group is happy when a small rain picks up. As the storm grows, they decide to wait it out at a rather large tavern in the middle of nowhere called The Crossroads. Dozens of horses are hitched outside in the rain, a sign that the stables are full.   The road weary group find the place packed and no tables free. Arimanthos feels drawn to a table in the back. A familiar elf sits with three men eating a meal, Aragon! As the paladin approaches, two of the men stand to block his way. Seeing his friend, the elf raises his hand, showing shackles. The third man hits Aragon hard, and stands up to face Arimanthos.   "Who are, and what interest do you have in this elf?" When he see Arimanthos, he stops and smiles. "I can see by the sand on your clothes you have come from the south. One of my messengers found you, and convinced you to make the trip to Hatem. Congratulations on your nuptials, son. when can we expect the 1,000 consortium soldiers?"   Here at this backwater bar, the head of House Castillo and the leader of The Order of the Inquisition has run into his son.   Arimanthos tells his father that he no longer intends to be a pawn in his fathers schemes, much to his fathers anger.   "I Lentus Castillo, high inquisitor, arrest you in the name of Ixius Obeseos, Lord of the Magus Magnificat, Emperor of the Three Kingdoms, Nine houses, and the Imperial Capital of Grabstein, protector of The Evertree, may he rule forever."   A hush falls over the crowd, and the music stops. From somewhere a man yells, "Fuck Ixius Obeseos"   Enraged the former paladin swivels around, "Treason, show me your treacherous tongue so I can cut it out."   "Obeseos?" another man shouts from the other side of the room, "I thought they called him Ixius the Obese."   The other inquisitors rise to their feet and begin to draw their weapons, but Lentus sees the clear mood change. He challenges Arimanthos to a duel. At first Arimanthos refuses, but his father's relentless attacks, both verbal and physical, cause him to draw his sword and parry. At first the battle seems even, but as Arimanthos starts to tire, he resorts to fighting dirty. A well timed kick pushes his father back, and he is able to tackle him to the ground.   At that moment, a man enters The Crossroads, and all the patrons stand at attention. He introduces himself as Aaron "Blue Eyes" head of the 4th army of the Band of the Broken Staff. He arrests Lentus and the other inquisitors. Not realizing he is a wizard, he also frees Aragon. Before he returns to his room to interrogate Lentus, he offers the group memberships in the Band of the Broken Staff. The offer is declined, but Aaron seems undettered.   "No? Well the night is young and you are my guests, perhaps you will change your minds."   Fenrir sees a familiar face, it's Yorber Boneforge. The Nirene rock salt he sold made him a rich dwarf, and he wishes to retire. Fenrir convinces him to move to Sandpoint and gets hired as his carriage guard.   Wilvert and Arimanthos join three men for a game of cards. The gnome gives his paladin friend money so he can play. As the game draws to a close, Arimanthos has a moment of weakness and cheats so he can win. Instantly, he feels the light of Iomedae leave him. He decides to keep all the money and ensure it is used only for good, much to the anger of Wilvert.   Nath and Skara begin to freak out when they overhear a few men talk about a raid on Sandpoint, but before they are able to tell the rest of the group, a group of Barbazu crash through the windows and begin killing patrons.   Wilvert is the first to move, as he shoots a poison arrow into one of the beasts. Arimanthos is able to inspire the members of the Band of the Broken Staff into fighting with him. Wilvert and Skara are set on fire by the Barbazu flame breath. Nath punches clear through one of the creatures, killing it, and finding out they have acidic blood. Aragon uses his magic powers to bring down the final creature.   Outside, Band of the Broken Staff reinforcements arrive and slay the rest of the demons. The group even discovers the Mastodon that destroyed Alexandria has been tamed and used as a pack animal for them. Aaron lines the group up with Yorber and sentences them to death on the suspicion of being mages. Despite the groups pleas, Yorber loses his head to Aaron's blade. Skara pulls a small pack out of his rucksack, and suddenly a banner flies into the air. Adorned with a phoenix, the banner sets on fire but doesn't burn. Aaron is consumed by the fire, and the remaining 196 members of the band pledge themselves to the phoenix's cause. Swearing an oath to follow Arimanthos.
Report Date
25 May 2019
Primary Location
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