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Session 15 - Traitors Among Us

General Summary

After leaving Darkpool, Roger has Iva sail The Seawolf to a very specific spot in the ocean and waits for a few days. The elf whispers something to Drag one morning who dives into the waters. After being under for almost two minutes, the orc come to the surface with a small cube in his hand. Roger takes his knife, and cuts an unsuspecting Amon dripping some of the blood on the cube. It clicks and opens, revealing a small piece of crystal inside. Upon returning to Sandpoint, Ghostclaw interrogates Ronove and discovers that there are five demons in town including him. When asked why he didn't tell them, he claims they never asked. The reformed demon claims he could try to find them if they remove the seals blocking his magic, but Ghostclaw is not convinced.   After leaving The Crossroads, a two week march brings the rest of the group to the gates of Sandpoint. Now almost unrecognizable, dozens of houses hide behind a 10 foot wooden wall. Farms dot the landscape, and while most are only showing signs of sprouts, some of the farms seem like they had an amazing planting season; large fruits hang from the vine, but they don't appear appetizing.   Giancarlo meets them at the city gate. He updates them on the training of the men, the debt Sandpoint has incurred, and the recent actions of the mages. He also invites them to a council meeting that will take place in a few hours. Ghostclaw tells the group that, including Ronove, there are four demons in Sandpoint.   The group splits up and begins to explore Sandpoint. Ghostclaw, Wilvert, Skara, and Arimanthos notice the symbol of Lamashtu over the doors of some houses. A man offers Wilvert a taste of a large red melon with a jagged crack oozing a purplish liquid. The gnome takes a bite of the fruit that Ghostclaw identifies as an apple, and finds it to be delicious. Ghostclaw is not as trusting and decides to investigate the matter.   Next, the group finds a training area for The Phoenix Army. Radolf and Ebony spar, while Terry plays his lute and gives them advice. Farwin approaches Arimanthos and offers to obtain horses for the army. Ghostclaw talks to Radolf in elvish, and questions him about his and Roger's past. Not believing that Roger is an elvish king or that the elves ever had a king, Ghostclaw makes him swear on The Evertree.   Wilvert decides to visit his friend Daisy at the The Mossy Rock. While shopping, Ghostclaw asks her what she thinks about the purple apples; she can't find a problem with them, but refuses to eat them.   Finally the time arrives for the council meeting. The group meets at The Old Light, joined by the 5 wizards, 3 palidins, Roger, and Giancarlo. Omarim immediately takes control.   "The wall I have ordered built has fallen behind schedule as the monsters dwelling in the forest constantly harass the workers. Fortunately, these marauding beasts have so far only killed a few men, and progress on the wall continues despite these losses. Recently, however, a new threat appeared. Two days ago, a work crew failed to return. After recalling all of the crews, I sent out those rodent scouts to investigate. They returned this morning."   The scouts informed the aged wizard that only the workers heads were found, missing the eyes, ears and tongue. Omarim seems to care very little what the group has to say, ordering them to go and investigate. Despite objections, he asks Trixon to give him a report on the strange fruits, who has also found nothing sinister. Finally, Anaxis reports on a wolf who delivered a letter to the town gate that morning. It contained a message from a man named Ridner who asks for a meeting with the town leader. Omarim informs the table he will not have enough time for such nonsense, and dismisses the meeting.   Zubarin catches the group as he leaves and pulls everyone aside except Arimanthos. He first creates a ward to stop eavesdroppers, and then apologizes for Omarim's poor behavior. After telling them he thinks the time might be right for a coup, Skara informs him that one of the demon generals is currently in Sandpoint. Zubarin warns him not to tell anyone else, and returns to his study.   The next day, the group leaves to investigate the camp. Upon arriving, they determine that Barbazu, similar to the ones they saw at The Crossroads are to blame. Ghostclaw climbs a tree to get a better vantage point, and smells the strong sent of sulfur in the air. Off in the distance, the elf sees a fortress built into the side of a mountain.   Not finding anymore clues, they decide to follow the map Ridner drew on the back of his message. They find that he is an old druid living in the woods with his pet wolf, Sharppaw. He is worried that the growing Sandpoint will destroy the forest he loves. After talking with Skara and Ghostclaw they strike a deal. Ridner will help the people of Sandpoint farm more efficiently and the group will ensure that his forests remain mostly untouched.   Upon their return to Sandpoint, the town is attacked by a group Flame Drakes. After a tough battle, Arimanthos slays one of the beasts causing the others to flee, and leaving the group to wonder how they will be able to protect their people.
Report Date
08 Jun 2019
Primary Location
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