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Saint Uldakaad Port

Saint Uldakaad Port is a city in the Rathlands at the mouth of the Lower Rathian River. It borders the southern coasts of the Sea of Blades.   Saint Uldakaad was named for the Helleynan priest Uldakaad the Pacifier, who was said to have brought the Devilwood to under the control of the Helleynan Empire during their expansion. He would go on to lead his pilgrim flock to colonize the area, founding the city in his name.   During the War of the Khan, as the Rathlands were plunged into the crucible of war, the people of Saint Uldakaad were placed under martial law by the Castellean forces stationed there, and asked to remain calm and prepare for a potential siege. But as reports and rumors of magical super weapons and untold devastation being wrought in the now christened "Mournway" began to spread through the populace, anxiety turned to desperation, and desperation turned to anger. The city's people revolted, causing the Great Fire of Saint Uldakaad to burn much of the city to the ground. By the time the Khan's forces at Iron Hills arrived to take the city, they found it in shambles, with it's garrison gone, leaders dead, and survivors more than willing to surrender the port in exchange for materials to rebuild.   And so, Saint Uldakaad changed hands, and remained the face of the Rathland Goblins long after the end of the war, into the Auvian Empire. It was here that the Elven ambassadors met with the remaining Khans at the war's end and negotiated the terms of their tense, but ultimately peaceful coexistence with the neighboring Castelle. And coexist they did, for the city of Saint Uldakaad is unique in it's appearance, with it's Castellean art on Goblin woodwork, all built over ancient Helleynan stone, a city of converging worlds and times.   It would not, however, be so generously described as a city of converging peoples. For the last six months, Saint Uldakaad has been under military occupation by Castellean forces. In the face of raids by their surrounding neighbors, militant members of Elector-Count Étienne De'Castelle's court acted without his permission, launching a retributive military action on the city in the dead of night. Supporters of the attack would claim that Saint Uldakaad was historic Castellean territory and well within their rights to scour of potential raiders.   With Étienne De'Castelle's deteriorating health, and without a strong Emperor to stand in for him, diplomatic actions had to be lead by Étienne's son and heir, Aubrey heir'Castelle. Unfortunately, due to a general support for the invasion within the Castelle court, diplomatic reconciliation has been nearly impossible between the rising Rathland Khannate and Castelleon. Should conflict come to a head, Saint Uldakaad will likely be at the forefront of the next great war.   The current garrison at Saint Uldakaad is lead by the Griffon Knight Dane the Herald, and his griffon mount Goldcrest. He commands a force of three regiments of Imperial Army;
  • Imperial Cataphracts, led by the centaur Menos ThunderSpring
  • Castellean Silver-Helms, led by the half-elf Belsys of Jasperwood
  • Esterland Word Bearers, led by the masked man Grimaldus the Screaming Skull

Locations of Note:

  • Keep of Cinders - Once called "Uldakaad's Holdfast", it's new name is attributed to Khan Argilac, who is believed to have offhandedly remarked on it's ruins as "a keep of cinders over a city of bones". Long ago rebuilt, it's stone form serves as both the city's center of rule, as well as it's lighthouse, living up to it's name as a beacon to all who enter the city's walls.
  • The Blood Garden - Uldakaad, a devout dragonborn, was a follower of Dragoon, the Blood Dragon, and as such made the centerpiece of his city a great park, blessed with blood-crimson roses. The center piece of the park is a great marble and iron fountain, shaped in the head of the great Mother-Wyrm herself, which is said to endlessly flow with deep red, iron-rich mineral water. While much of the city's surviving Helleynan art was scoured away by the invading goblins, the Blood Garden was left unmolested, and is believed by historians to have remained nearly unchanged from it's original design.
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