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Madam Osonia (O-saun-ya)

The Great Madam Osonia, the follower of The Great Sea Phoenix of Peace and Seanity, the first npn native Lakra, and also known as Lakci's founder. The great Osonia lived a long life full of lows and highs, but most importantly she broke the box of conformity and stood up for what she believed, even if some may belive it got her killed in the future.  
Early Life
Madam Osonia was born in Thenaho to a poor family of two mothers, one trans fem, another bio female. Home life in her early years was rather dire at times, her parents Reyyra Osonia(her elf trans fem mother, the hunter of the family), and Tera Osonia(her human bio mother, the farmer of the family) didn't have good paying jobs, so some nights or even whole days Lilac Osonia(her true name) would starve on those nights and days and then when the year 400 hit, the king outlawed farming without a license, which her mother couldn't afford, so after the law had passed she ate once per week till she was 18, this scared her more than anything else and she realized that monarchies will always create injustice with thier power, but kept the thoughts to herself.  
Adulthood and the bird
When she turned 18 that faithful day happened, that vision only made her realize that because of capitalism things will always happen such as genocides or worse. As she rushed back home she also realized that revolution is the only way to create true peace for minorities like her, as 5 months after she turned 18 she learned that she was a lesbian, and with following Seanity another marginalized group of people in Thenaho that ride home felt like fate was trying to kill her before she could change the world for the better. When she got home to her treehouse she lived in all her life she told her parents what had happened at their last dinner of the week, her parents started to spread the word the next day at work, her ideas had become mainstream worldwide in 2 months, the target on her head grew out of proportion. On the day 5/15/501 the king called for the execution of all Cothianings, all her followers, in the next couple weeks 1 thousand of her followers were executed in every corner of the country..... she knew she had many followers but when she called to them through the rivers of Thenaho she realized 10k out of the 1m people of Thenaho supported her, but she also realized if she didn't mass migrate with her followers her and all of them would die, so a week after the king's executions she stooped hiding and went to get her parents before she would call to all her followers through her magical powers of the bird. When she got home she realized that she was to late, her parents' heads where put on pikes in front of the door, after realizing that gauds where still stationed at her home she used her water bending and bloodened their own blood into her iconic dagger, she then brutality killed the soldiers and The Great Sea Phoenix of Peace sent the signal to all of Liliac's followers and they all her followers eventually made it to their leader, some died along the way to guards or beasts, but the ones that did survive followed her out of Thenaho to the now country of COTH, she was voted Lakra and the culture of Lakci thrived and simply she thrived. After many years of hard work as the first non native Lakra she died of natural causes on 5/20/533.


The Great Sea Phoenix of Peace

Showed her the future and bonded with her in her revolution (Vital)

Towards Madam Osonia



Madam Osonia

See's the phoenix as a god of hope and peace, and is the reason she saved many people, so very thankful (Vital)

Towards The Great Sea Phoenix of Peace




She only figured out this belief when she was on the road on the journey of trying to selling her fur to Shan when on the journey around River Theo. While crossing the bridge to get to the other side of it(The Kings Trial Bridge), The Great Sea Phoenix of Peace magically appeared formed from the water under the bridge and flew in front of her she stopped her cart in fear, The Great Sea Phoenix of Peace then blessed her with seeing the future, a future of the monarchy she lives in executing everyone that they saw a non-elvian some of the elves she saw die by sword in this vision were all members of the LGBTIA+ community, any followers of Seanity, and many other minorities all being executed by sword by members of the Izar Empire army and fellow citizens. After this vision was shown to her Osonia, she was blessed with the power to waterbend. After rushing back home and getting all her friends and family to her house, she explained the vision and as most of her family who were monitories she and her family started spreading this vision in the country, this is when the belief of Lakci really spread, which lead to a revolution starting to biol as all followers of her and Seanity joined together coming up with the name COTH, the revolution started to biol. With this revolution boiling the king hunted down the thousands of members of COTH, their hero, Osonia got the message out to her followers and instead of fighting the 10k COTH members migrated through the world until they founded their new country with Osonia leading them as their Lakra. in this article- Lakci


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