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Nalin (nah-lin)

Nalin, the once lived place of the samuri, the honorbale, the monk, now all dead. The nalin civil war and the nalin genocide was completed by the saviors, as now the country is a puppet state for the the Izar Empire. The nalin empire is run by the vile Viveene Cobb, once a whitaker, now a royal by blood with her proving of being a historic Izarian figure, being inducted into the royal family by blood by being married to the kings son Bradley Whitaker, now being Viveenne Whitaker and holding the power of the great storm known as nalin.   The storm being repsented on the banner which was a symbol for a now completed goal of destroying honor, now repsenting the storm that brews as a powerful puppet state for the Izar Empire.
Geopolitical, Country

The Izar Empire is not a fan of the natives revolution against the stealing of their artifact, they want the saviors to win. The natives want their land back.

Coth does not like the Izar empire involved and the creators of this conflict, they wish for the natives to take their land back and for the empire to leave.



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