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Izar Empire (I-zar-empire)

The Izar Empire. Lead by the Draghalen party, the empire is known as the king of the world in politics. With the strongest military on the face of the world the empire is not to be messed with. Being lead by a church is also another reason why the countries continues to maintain power, this is because the church of Dragha is one of the most cruel to minorities and has been known to call upon the help of the guard or Dragon Eyes to get information, by any means necessary.   The empire is feared for many reasons other than torture, such as how if the empire sees you as weak you will either be tortured or enslaved to forever feed the warmongering machine that the country is. With the empire being feared many countries have joined its empire, such as Thenaho, Gurs Horde, and Unyvenona. With the Whitaker at the head of the Draghalen party in tandem with the Dragha church the empire has the strongest spy force, and military in the world. The Whitaker family also running the country is another reason it is feared, the great grandfather of Hugo, the great king of the empire Killed Yde in times past. The Whitakers are a true threat to everyone, if you think you will be ok from their grasp you aren't, the country is run on fear and if you are different in the slightest the government wouldn't mind to kill your family then enslave you. The king also has recently mysteriously lost his wife, as her body has not been found and she has been missing from the empire for over 10 years now.
Geopolitical, Country

They both follow the empire, as thenaho is protected by the empire.

Both see each other as great as hope to see each other succeed.

They both are the government in the empire, so they both are allies.

They are both the same thing

Both value and care for what they both are doing.

The Izar Empire is not a fan of the natives revolution against the stealing of their artifact, they want the saviors to win. The natives want their land back.

The empire sees the country as a great ally even though the country has never been forced to do anything for the empire.

They both believe each other are unworthy of their beliefs or are extremally stupid.

Mortal enemies, The empire wants to find Oceania and end the movement.

Despise each other with everything.


Mortal enemies, The empire wants to find Oceania and end the movement.

Mortal enemies, The empire wants to find Oceania and end the movement.

Mortal enemies, The empire wants to find Oceania and end the movement.



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