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Ayursha, also known as the Celestial Tree, Fatestitcher, or Lightbringer, is one of the prime deities of Avaleen. Goddess of the ethereal and fate and protector of the Akati. She came to Avaleen at the height of the deities' war with the Titans together with Farachimo. It is unknown whether or not her presence changed the tides or not.   Her disciples can access her power through interacting with the Weave. A net of arcane power that infuses reality, and time. With this weave, the chosen can walk through time by visiting the past. But only observe, never touch, never interact and never go forward. For the past is written in stone and cannot, may not be changed. That is; until Liana Delid - the Guardian of the Weave - accidentally made a knot which caused havoc and disaster. Many years later, another soon-to-be guardian of the weave, Alana Kalar, saved a boy from death by drug overdose which would change the course of history, namely James O'Hagan. Ayursha then set the boy's path to intersect with Alana's and eventually tied them, Liana (now called Elmira) and a fourth man named Arik Ondana, with an oath. The four of them became Ayursha's Old Guard - a band of demi-god mercenaries and adventurers protecting the weave, time, fate, and history.  


Ayursha appears as a tall, slender woman with long, flowing hair that changes color with the seasons. Her eyes are a deep shade of pale blue, and her skin is smooth. She wears a flowing, white gown adorned with intricate gilded patterns of leaves and vines, and her hands are often adorned with rings of various gemstones.  


Ayursha's symbol is a tree with intertwining branches and roots, representing the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.  


Ayursha is, out of all the gods, perhaps the most present in the everyday life of her champions. When she telepathically communicates with Elmira, it is clear that she both sees and hears everything Elmira does and that her humor is very dry. She has a spiky personality and can be as harsh as she can be kind. She believes everyone has a destiny, and it is up to each individual to discover and embrace their own unique path. But some people need a little push, and Ayursha is not above manipulation to get her way.  


Ayursha is worshiped by those who seek guidance in understanding their destiny and the mysteries of the universe. Her followers are often scholars, sages, and those who value knowledge and wisdom above all else. They believe that by understanding the patterns of fate, they can better navigate their lives and make choices that will lead them to a brighter future. She is the patron god of the akati people, and the main temple to her is located in the center of Agartha Nova.  


Ayursha is said to have been born from the very fabric of the universe itself, her existence intertwined with the patterns of fate and destiny. She is believed to have played a crucial role in the creation of the universe, weaving the threads of fate together to form the tapestry of existence. At some point she met Farachimo, who has the ability to see everything clearly, and they were drawn to Avaleen where they made their new home.  


Ayursha is a powerful deity, with the ability to see the threads of fate and destiny that bind all things together. She can grant her followers the ability to see glimpses of their own futures, as well as the ability to manipulate the patterns of fate to their advantage.  


Ayursha's realm takes the form of a vast, ethereal forest filled with ancient trees and mysterious creatures. It is said that within this realm, time itself seems to bend and twist, reflecting the intricate patterns of fate that Ayursha weaves. However, since this realm is but a step away from the material plane, one can also partially enter it and then see only smoke and shades, while the material plane remains present. This is how realmwalkers usually navigate the matrix.  


Ayursha has been worshiped since the earliest days of the world, her followers seeking her guidance and wisdom as they navigate the complex tapestry of fate. In ancient times, her worship was widespread, and her followers were often seen as wise and knowledgeable individuals. However, as time passed and the world grew more complex, her worship began to fade, replaced by the worship of more powerful and aggressive deities.   Ayursha's worship is often centered around the study of arcane and divine magic, as well as the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Her followers often gather in small, secluded groups to study the patterns of fate and destiny, and to seek guidance from Ayursha herself. They believe that by understanding the mysteries of the universe, they can better navigate their own lives and make choices that will lead them to a brighter future.  

Allies and Enemies

Ayursha is often allied with other deities of knowledge and wisdom, such as Ignis and Pala. She is also known to have a close relationship with Farachimo. However, Ayursha is often at odds with deities of chaos and destruction, such as Yxal and Athys, who seek to disrupt the patterns of fate and destiny that Ayursha weaves. She has a neutral relationship with Ithe, as their domains naturally overlap. They recognize that their goals are aligned, if not their methods.

Divine Domains

The Matrix. An ethereal plane.


Ayursha is said to have created several powerful artifacts during her time as a deity, including the Orb of Fate, a magical artifact that allows its wielder to see glimpses of their own future. Other artifacts associated with Ayursha include the Tome of Knowledge, a massive, leather-bound book filled with arcane and divine secrets, and the Staff of Wisdom, a magical staff that grants its wielder the ability to cast powerful spells of knowledge and understanding. The most common artifacts are the Orbs of the Guardians, granting access to Ayursha's realm and the weave.


Ascension Day - 3rd Túsinel - celebrating the first Guardian's Awakening, taking place in Agartha.

  Guardian's Awakening - This special event is also commonly referred to as the Trial of the Orb and takes place when the baton has to be passed to ensure the protection of the empire.   The three trials of the orb are without mercy, those who survive are changed. What are the trials and how does Alana pass them before the ceremony? The Guardians are granted ageless bodies.   Scrying vs astral projection - what is it the Aspirants do when they realmwalk? What is it they're not supposed to learn? A dark, crude form of arcana?
Divine Classification
Neutral good
Aligned Organization
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