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Illevan is the umbrella term for those who herald from the ancient shadow elves of Shadowfell. Mostly drow (also called dark elves or myrk'alfen in Elvish) and human, the illevans are a subrace whose history and society have been heavily influenced by Ithe, the Goddess of Death and Winter and Ancev, God of Crossroads and Time.   Due to the influence of Shadowfell and its closeness to the Hells and the Abyssal plane, the illevan elves evolved to adopt darker traits.  


These days illevan look much like the common races of Avaleen, and indeed one would be hardpressed to find any differences at a first glance. There might be something that sticks out; an eye color with a purple tint, babies born with platinum hair or skin with a bluer tone than normal. But the greatest difference is the longevity of the illevan, with the normal lifespan reaching thrice that of other elves.   The original illevans came from the drows, whose skin tones ranged from a light violet to a grey blue-purple. Their eyes are generally a shade of blue or violet, but occasionally the recessive trait of pale, silver eyes showed up in the population. Similarily, their hair would cover the same shades as their skin, with platinum quite common, black less so and in the rare instance someone would be born with red hair.  

Traits and abilities

The illevan blood is a dominant gene and regardless of race, there are traits that are found in anyone with this heritage in addition to the other racial abilities.  
  • Ability Score Bonus: In addition to the racial bonus, all illevan recieve +2 Dexterity.
  • Superior Darkvision: Whereas the akati elves for example can see in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it was dim light within 60 feet, illevan can do the same within 120 feet. This means that human illevan receive this benefit, even though humans do not have darkvision.
  • Ancestral magic: All illevan know the Dancing Lights cantrip. When they reach 3rd level they can cast Faerie Fire. All illevan have proficiency with tinker's tools and can choose to add their proficiency modifier to either History, Survival or Arcana in addition to the proficiencies granted by their race and class.
  • Elemental adept: If applicable, the illevan is adept with fire and water.


The true origins and evolution of the illevan shadow elves is a mystery still, though it is generally believed that the illevan and the akati both herald from the same race; the ancient elves of Ghor Minthra. When the other planes were discovered, the gods allowed a few to venture forth and settle in the other planes. Those who chose to go to Shadowfell became the illevans.  

Before the Sundering

Eventually the settlers adjusted to this dark plane and built a thriving metropolis around the anchor point to Ghor Minthra. This metropolis became Japhaia, the City of Stars. As exploration and invention thrived and the frontier of the arcane sciences kept moving steadily ahead - the illevans became renowned as brilliant engineers. They had an extensive and well established trade of both material, services and knowledge with the akati of the Feywild but alas this harmony would not last. Sadly it turned into a bitter rivalry that then led to the eventual downfall of both races and the event known as the Sundering.   Japhaia was the epitome of arcane science, where automatons was part of everyday life, aiding in military and scouting operations and much more. It was also the first city in the known realms to become fully electric, a dim green light bathing the city when the darkness thickened.  

After the Sundering

With Japhaia now a part of the material plane, the greatly diminished illevans began to rebuild their home in the material plane. Because of the alternate laws of physics and arcane, they struggled to recreate the former glory of the City of Stars. With Japhaia stalled, the illevans ventured out into Avaleen, mingling with the races there. Over the next 1000 years, nature would reclaim those ragged, jagged ruins. When the illevan monarch learned that the akati were thriving in a new Empire in Oliria, across the ocean, and had begun to take up the experiments again - he declared war. This Great War once again displaced the illevans from their home, but this time there was nothing to cling to.   With Japhaia gone and their lands now laid to lifeless waste, the surviving illevans fled, scattering across the world. But a group of younglings have grown disconent with their fate, and sowed the seeds of an illevan insurrection brewing in the mountains of Sangora. Led by a charming general, it seems that the Accords might not last.  


There are off-shoots of illevan descendands still living in Shadowfell, whose societies veer on the darker side where the illevan drow live blend with demons and the hells to create large fiends. In Shadowfell most illevan socities are characterized by political scheming and violent ambition. But there are exceptions, though few and far between.   Modern illevans carry the violent trait, as seen in the emerging illevan insurrection and they are very much still defined by their ambition and ruthlessness in search for grand achievements and glory.


Major language groups and dialects

The illevan language is harsher than the akati and reflects the more industrious evolution of their society. Coming from an Earth perspective, illevan is inspired by Icelandic and German.

Average technological level

In Shadowfell's Japhaia there were electricity throughout the city, as well as fast travel, automated industries and working automatons that aided but everyday life, work and military operations.

Common Dress code

Dark fabrics and colors. Leather. Usually a little more worn and torn. Used to the shadows, their fashion reflects this in a rustic way.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Funerals are held within a week of the passing and are seen as a rite of passage for the living. A transformation from one state to another as time moves on. Everyone wears a white veil to cover their faces during the memorial ceremony, which ends with the attendees removing their veil and placing it on/in the casket. A symbol that a part of them will travel onward with the deceased as they leave this world. Usually, a coin or a small gift accompany the veil.

Common Myths and Legends

The legend of the first dark elf who was blessed by Ithe to live three lifetimes past their natural cycle.

Historical figures

The founder of Japhaia The warrior king The artificer who solved the riddle of the teleportation and anchor sigils The engineering company that built the first functional portal

Major organizations

There is an uprising after the Accords that call themselves the Illevan Insurrection, helmed by Alexandre Kollisi.
Related Organizations
Related Locations

Notable illevans

James O'Hagan
Character | Jun 23, 2024


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