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Syndicate Base 19

This sorry part of the world was the place that the gods forgot. A hellhole made up of all kinds of dirt that hadn’t seen proper sunlight in over a decade. Damp, smoky, polluted, and altogether populated by the most dangerous and deranged individuals this continent and the next had to offer. Deep within the wilderness of Khorun, Sangora was the home of the misfits, the outcasts, and the wayless. Who else would even consider moving to the inhospitable, rough, seething landscape resting in the shade of the spitting fire mountains looming above? Their sulfur stench faded into the background most days if the winds were favorable, but still gave a unique taste to the air that perpetually lingered. Sprawled along a ragged mesa, Syndicate Base 19 was no exception. Perhaps that included her for the time being as it had since she set foot on this godforsaken soil. Death was as sure as the rising sun if they made her and not a pretty one either. There was a special kind of hell reserved for akati like herself.
- Excerpt from chapter 1 of "The Rogue Angel"
  High up on a bleak and barren mesa in the north of Sangora is a sprawled and entirely unplanned military camp. What began as a makeshift camp made by a group of refugees from Japhaia became a bustling sort of town as more and more recruits arrived to join the war effort against the Akati Empire.   A frost-cracked stone wall runs along the southern border to keep cattle and people from falling off the sheer cliff that dives into the endless waters of Qi-Betrí below and keep the occasional mudslide from the fire mountains at bay to the north. It is divided into eleven Quarters, the layout of which doesn't make much sense to anyone. Some people liken it to a leaking bucket with too many broken patches. The quarters usually gather a specific type of person, so humans and mixed races usually reside together, archers reside together, and so forth. However, knowing where one quarter begins and the other ends is near impossible if you are not a Maze Hunter or a Maze Runner - guides who have made their living on finding their way by seeing order in chaos.   Hearing about the Illevan Insurrection brewing along the borders to the Wastelands, the Sangoran Syndicate joined forces with the refugees and adopted this temporary camp into their fold - renaming it Syndicate Base 19 of Sangora. It is run by the Inner Circle, the current Supreme General being Alexandre Kollisi and his second in command James O'Hagan. The Inner Circle resides on a raised hill in the southern part of Base 19.  

Points of interest:

  • Elmira Delid's barely waterproof shack huddles close to the southern gate in the fourth quarter, which is the biggest.
  • The eastern gate leads straight into the eleventh, and newest, quarter.
  • Noke's workshop is in the second quarter by the wall and he has built a smuggling tunnel that opens up somewhere beyond the base.
  • Founding Date
    150 CE
    Military base / complex
    Parent Location
    Additional Rulers/Owners


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