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Written by writbyjones

As seen in
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A planet slightly larger than ours, orbiting a sun closer to the center of the galaxy than any life has a business to be. Avaleen is a bristling, vibrant world filled with stories, conflict, love, hate, gods, monsters and everything in between.
  Avaleen is a rich world in the fantasy vein of genres. It has a couple of continents, a wintery south pole and a barren north pole. Three moons orbit this world.  

History of Avaleen

  As with all worlds, the history is dense, overlapping, confusing and chaotic with so many things happening at the same time. For the current setting of the book The Rogue Angel I have created this timeline which focuses mainly on the continents of Oliria and Khorun in relation to our current set of heroes:
Timeline   The Oliria Chronicles takes place at the cusp of the apocalypse. The event instigated by Alexandre sets society back from advanced to medieval.   THE FIRST AGE OF AVALEEN
When the Primordial Titans emerged from the elements of water, fire, earth and air as well as the union between them.   THE AGE OF THE CELESTIALS
The Celestial Pantheon of Avaleen walked the earth amongst the races. This era ended with a war that tore the world apart. After this, the gods absconded to their own planes of existence, and can only appear in the material plane as apparitions and visions. This is when Ayursha became the force of the ethereal, creating the plane that keeps the divine and the material separate, with the laws of physics and fate of both spilling into it.   THE AGE OF ARCANUM
In the aftermath, the races of the world regrouped and worked to rebuild their homes and their alliances. For a while, there was peace, as most people seemed tired of conflict sundering their communities. Of course, there were forces that tried to gain power, corrupt, destroy, etc. but their efforts were always thwarted.   This was a time when the people adjusted to a world without gods, finding the arcane power within themselves and the world they inhabited. They founded the portal system, harnessed the power of the leylines, and called it Matrix.    


  Author's note: What are the different continents? Their climates, politics, natural resources etc.? Are there communities of races in the mountains, in the plains, woods etc.? Where do views clash and where do they find ways to integrate? Where are the free cities where it's a natural melting pot of everything and everyone? Are there cities or places where morality is nowhere to be found? Townships and neighborhoods devoted to deities both popular and not. Who worships the natural world with their primordial spirits and titans?


For the article - see Oliria  


For the article - see Khorun   The rulers of Khorun tend to divide the world into quadrants. Thus Sangora is in Quadrant Beta, while the Akati Empire and most of Oliria are in Quadrant Delta.  

The Araxi Whites

For the article - see The Araxi Whites  


For the article - see Ala  


For the article - see Varu    

Celestial configuration

Three moons circle this world. Gio, an inhabited moon that's always present in the sky with its faint dust rings. It's close enough to almost always be full as seen from the surface, though it is more or less clear. Luna is an angry blue pearl that flashes now and then when in either full or black mode. To be born under these flashes is considered good fortune and those children are often celebrated. The third moon, Amartis, wasn't discovered until much later, as its massive orbit only makes it appear in the sky every eight months.
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Languages of Avaleen
Calendar and holidays
Science and magic

The Rogue Angel


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