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The Shadow War

This article is a stub as I begin to delve into and explore this major global conflict. In the meantime, enjoy some stray thoughts on what I think happened so far! //MJ

The aftermath of the Sundering was felt throughout all the planes as both Japhaia and Agartha came thundering into Avaleen, drawn to their common anchor point on the material plane: the ancient city of Ghor Minthra. Such was the impact and repercussions that peace was forged between even the deep-rooted foes that caused this calamity. For a couple of hundred years, the illevan and the akati lived in relative harmony as the ruins of Ghor Minthra withered and became overgrown, and abandoned.

The Conflict


Once upon a long time ago there was a city, ancient even then, called Ghor Minthra.   A solstice that caused the leyline nexuses to shift.   Rifts opened up to the elemental planes, but also to Shadowfell and Feywild.   Curious explorers. Settled.   For a time they were separate. Until both found the Void by a little divine help.   No love lost between the shadow elves and the fey elves who both claimed sovereignty. It was agreed that cooperation should prevail and so a truce was reached. Golden age of arcane invention. Fast travel. Sigils and anchors. Grand portals.


What started as skirmishes, small slights and petty sabotage soon devolved into guerilla warfare which saw attempts at landgrabs. Varu being of a significant importance due to its position in the middle of the Morimyr Ocean was invaded and claimed by both sides. Five years of non-stop fighting ended with the natives winning back their land. Turning it into the nation we know today.


Eventually, in 250 BCE, the Agartha Council decided to invade the Old Cities and Japhaia. Armies met and fought and died. Such was the devastation that the area today is inhospitable to life. Called the Wastelands or Ghostlands as it is populated by undead and unbound ghosts doomed to wander the desert for eternity.

The Engagement

Major battles:
  • Attack on the Wolfpeak Bastion
  • First battle of Aloterra
  • The Aegis Throne and Court of Tolbien conflict
  • Torching of Frostmond
  • Attack on Dimport
  • Attack on Feldon
  • Second battle of Aloterra
  • Battle of Night Isle
  • The Great Battle of Japhaia
  • The Varuvian Conflict


The Accords were signed during a winter's solstice in the year 6709 and the ripples of these peace talks were felt in every corner of Avaleen. The occasion marks year 0 of the Common Era as the Age of Arcane came to a definite end.


The world has not moved around the sun enough times to tell. But indeed, time will tell.

Historical Significance

In Literature

Much like the common races, the societies created art to keep the darkness at bay. There are countless plays, books, ballads of both heroes and common folk all throughout the popular culture.

Technological Advancement

Hovercrafts that used arcane means of levitation.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
765 BCE
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Japhaia was destroyed and the surrounding land became the Wastelands. Accords were signed, marking the beginning of a fragile peace. The Akati Empire permanently relocated to Agartha Nova and took over the errant lands to the east of Oliria.



Akati Centurions, Mora Monks and the army.
The King's Army, the Crimson Guard, the Gouzran.


39.5 million.
54,2 million.


Revenge for previous wrongs. Cleanse the world of the Fallen’s favored. Power over the teleportation network. Let the dark elves know where they stand in the cosmic order of things. Retrieve four holy relics stolen from their temples.
They believe the control of the matrix forces is their birthright. Justice for their Fallen patron god. Stealing essential materials not found in the Shadowfell. Revenge for past wrongs and persecutions.


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