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Elite recruit of the knights of Camelot Ifera Berflame (a.k.a. Iify)

Ibera was born into a family of merchants that primarily trade in grain with a side bakery business, courtesy of her mother, her father a flame touched human has a warm personality and his belief in not exploiting those under him has prevented the family from ever making significant profit, however the family will proudly state that no-one on their employ will ever go hungry and that that is more important than money.   Perhaps due to the warm and kind family that Ibera grew up with she always felt a need to help those forced to live in the slums, and decided that helping the children was the first step. As always money seemed to be the biggest thing holding her back from helping as much as she wanted so she became a language tutor for noble children and children of the more wealthy merchant families, if she tried to teach them a little compassion for the poor while she was there no-one needed to know.   Using a large chunk of the money from her tutoring job she was able to start putting the foundations down for a school in the slums. Due to her job as a tutor and her training to be a knight however she doesn't have much time to work on the school directly so she mostly just provides funding to help finish the school and as much of the grain as her family can spare to help feed the children who show up. She does show up as often as possible to help with classes and to ensure the children are safe.   Between her training, tutoring and work in the slums Ibrea is always tired and will often take short naps wherever she can.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

on the short side, toned but not particularly strong looking

Facial Features

yellow eyes that seem to glow in the dark like nocturnal animals (Tapetum Lucidum) a result of her elemental touched nature. \   she also has a scar on her cheek from tripping and falling against one of the ovens in her families bakery as a child, resulting in a nasty burn.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female, She/Her


Ifera was taught alongside her siblings most of the skills required to work for the family business, she took extremely well to language learning all languages commonly spoken in Avalon other than Dwarvish which she struggled with immensely. as a result of her education Ifera can read write and do basic math easily.


Ifrea started working for her family, but soon realized her desire to help people in the slums requires more money so she became a linguistics tutor for the children of rich families after her shift with her family business, through her work as a tutor she realized how much more money and influence she could get as a knight and as a result how much more she could help the people in the slums. so she trained in her very lacking spare time to become a knight.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Successfully starting a school that provides education and food for the children of the slums, (even if it isn't entirely legal) and making a few close friends and trusted people to help keep the school running while Ifrea works to keep the school funded.

Failures & Embarrassments

Ifrea feels that she is behind her peers in terms of fighting prowess, and thinks her parents are disappointed (they aren't, they just are worried that being a knight is too dangerous) in her for not stepping up to help run her mother's bakery.

Mental Trauma

Her parents are quite smothering with their protection to the point it has destroyed Ifera's self confidence, always stepping in and not letting her fix her own mistakes in her youth and into the parts of early adolescence they could influence.

Morality & Philosophy

Ifrea believes that you should always help others if you are able, however she will over stretch herself to help others at the cost of her own wellbeing.


Contacts & Relations

  • Alston, Father (Flame touched Human)
  • Ophelia, Mother (Half elf)
  • Grey, Older brother 26 (Human) (will inherit family business)
  • Dinaa, Younger brother 18 (Flame touched Human) (Works in merchant trade)
  • Slums Childcare
  • Elliya (Runs the child care center in Ifera's stead, Elf)
  • Reid (Lead tutor for the center, Human)
  • Lyana (teaches in the afternoon, one of lancers siblings (ifera does not know the relation to lancer))
  • Tula (Cook for the center, Human)
  • Tutor for some wealthy families

    Air touched human rogue, patient and tired,

    Character Location
    View Character Profile
    Current Residence
    Outskirts of the merchant district
    Light Grey
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Related Reports
    Known Languages
    Common Auran Ignin Aquan Terran Elven

    Lancer is going to be the death of me part II

    Lancer is

    Lancer is going to be the death of me

    losing can be an important life lesson

    I don't know what to say
    9th Oonus 141

    The battle horde hit the city, and we fought hard against the creatures that made it into the city, but that just seems so small now. Three Knights of the Round showed up and quickly defeated some of the creatures that broke through the barriers around the city, but they were drunk. We thought the day was won with the Knights of the Round despite their drunkenness of Launce and Gwent. A great dragon of ice appeared and killed Launce in one hit, removing Gwent's arm with a second.   Honestly I'm not sure we actually survived the freezing aura, we froze seemingly to death, then the world changed. We were able to fight the dragon, the same dragon that killed and disabled two Knights of the Round in a few seconds. It seems unreal perhaps I will wake up and realize it was all a dream, that seems like the only explanation.

    Where did it all go wrong
    6-8th Oonus 141

    06/01/141 Tenebris I was planning to catch up with my friends and introduce my teammates to them, it would be nice if they all get along. I don't get to see Lyanna and Tula as often as Elliya and Reid so when we are free on Tenebris we like to meet up in the school and relax, if not everyone is free I usually do some minor repairs. back to the point, I dragged my team-mates along and the introductions started out okay until Lyanna suddenly left the room, I assumed it was because of Lancer being loud, and well, Lancer. so I followed her to apologise for bringing my team and upsetting the usual relaxing hangout, turns out that's not entirely why she left. LANCER IS LYANNA'S BABY BROTHER!!! Lancer didn't even recognise her, so she asked me to keep it a secret because she came to Camelot to get away from her family. I ruined that by bringing her brother right into one of her spaces. I cannot let Lancer know where she lives.   I went back to the main group to chat and keep any questions about where Lyanna went and why she left to a minimum, however lancer started bragging about our "Amazing feats" and talked about me so I ended up leaving again out of embarrassment.   I can't believe I promised my family that I would introduce them to my team and bring them over for the weekly Tenebris dinner. Lancer actually kept his word even though he couldn't keep his mouth shut. The dinner went well overall and I think my family are okay with my team-mates.   Just after the dinner we heard the town crier as they announced that there would be an important announcement tomorrow   07/01/141 Aqua We joined the rest of the town to hear the announcement. Greenhill had sent us word of a large stampede of elemental beasts heading towards us, the knights and adventuring guild members would be tasked with protecting the town with direct tasks being handed down to us by our direct superiors. The towns folk were instructed to shelter in specific areas based on their district. citizens of the noble and merchant districts being asked to shelter in specific secure locations, the people of the slums were basically told good luck and pointed in the direction furthest away from the direction of the horde.   We found Tristane and were told to go get our gear checked out at the artisans guild and then to do whatever we wanted until tomorrow when the horde is expected to arrive. he also seemed kind of annoyed we didn't show up last night when the town crier announced the announcement. The artisans guild was insanely busy when we got there with all the knights getting their gear assessed and if needed repaired. we were pointed towards a backroom where we met ELLAMONA ADAMANTINE, not only is she basically the best craftsman in Camelot she is also from the famous Adamantine family their gear is considered the platinum standard and they excel in rune work as well! I'm still so amazed that someone so amazing is handling my gear. She asked us for our weapons and armour so we all handed over everything. we didn't want to take up all her time when she was already so busy so we left her to it, I'll have to thank her properly after the horde is dealt with.   We all ended up splitting up to help in areas we had some skill in, I'm not exactly sure what everyone did, Lancer headed to where the barricades and trenches were being set up, Ziril stayed at the artisans guild so I guess he must have some skill in blacksmithing, I have no idea where Raihan ended up, and I helped with cooking and organising food and rations for the people fighting (you don't live with my family and not learn to cook).   I ended up heading to bed relatively early so I would have energy to fight for an unknown amount of time tomorrow.   08/01/141 Terra We picked up our equipment in the morning, I made sure to take fresh bread, pies and tarts with me courtesy of my mother to feed the members of the artisans guild who presumably worked through the night to ensure everyone was prepared for the horde. I did make sure to save one of the onion, cheese and pepper tarts since I know it was a favourite of Ellamona's grandfather as our grandparents were close in the great war. Ellamona upgraded our weapons with runes and fixed up our armour her craftsmanship is amazing even when working under a short time constraint.   After we picked up our stuff we went to get our assignments from Tristane, we were assigned to patrol the west focusing on the school where the civilians will be sheltering. we shouldn't encounter many if any elemental beasts as we are on the opposite side of the city as the horde is approaching from but I am glad someone is protecting the civilian shelters, Team Ice is assigned the east side of town. we again have an hour of two with nothing to do so I hurried to the slum district to let people know they are free to shelter in my school since the building is a bit more stable than most other buildings in the area.   after running back all that's left to do is wait.      

    Oh no
    4-5th Oonus 141

    I should have figured out something was wrong when the kids were scared of Raihan and Ziril, even a little scared of Lancer and I. Some of the corrupt knights were being overly aggressive towards the people living in the slums (like their lives aren't already hard enough). We tracked the knights down of course but instead of talking it through I just got so mad and ended up making everything worse.   The poor kids had it even worse the next day so when we confronted them again we were a bit more successful, and ended up challenging them by saying we could do their job better than they could. I ended up betting my knighthood on it saying we could find the smugglers and bring them in in three days. Unfortunately we were ordered to not take any credit for doing so and the only way to challenge that order would be to fight one on one with their squad leader which I am not strong enough for.   So far two days have passed and I’ve hit a wall. I feel awful. I just wanted to help the kids out but I know by the end of tomorrow if we don’t succeed the people of the slums will be suffering and I won't have any leverage to use to help without my rank.   We know they are using some sort of earth-touched animal to burrow around potentially using the sewer system but if that’s not it we fail.

    Becoming a new recruit
    1-2nd Oonus 141

    In the early hours of the morning I met up with the rest of the hopefuls with the goal of being selected as one of the new recruits for the knights of Camelot, surprisingly myself along with four other hopefuls were pulled aside and escorted quite a distance away to a camp with multiple training dummies enchanted with some kind of magic. there were three other hopefuls there when we arrived as well. we were left without instruction for a while so a few people introduced them selves I was able to learn all of their names and a vague idea of their skill sets.  
  • Lancelot Green:
  • Fights with a sword, enhances his attacks with flame drawn magic, boasts often and loudly, and seems to like those who are strong and confident. Appears to be human  
  • Ziril Kalor
  • Fights with magic, seems to prefer fire spells, and potentially is falling for another recruit wildfire. Appears to be a flame touched dwarf  
  • Raihan
  • Fights while mounted on his steed with both sword and bow, uses magic to enhance his swings and, seems to enjoys napping and drinking. Appears to be a wind touched human  
  • Manafold
  • Fights with magic, often has eyes glued to his books, he seems to lack much awareness and could be caught of guard easily. Appears to be an Elf  
  • Wildfire
  • Fights by fusing herself with a magic summoned flame creature, seems shy and withdrawn, however seems quick to warm up to those that approach her. Appears to be a flame touched half elf  
  • Althea
  • Fights with magically enhanced attacks and can heal others, she is very bright and bubbly and approached me early on I struggled to keep up with her enthusiastic attitude. Appears to be a Human  
  • Aaron Launce
  • Fights on horseback with a lance and holy energy, has a terrible attitude along with a superiority complex. Appears to be human   We were asked to preform a test involving striking the dummies with the strange magic on them , apparently the magic can record the strength of our attacks, I don't think I did well in face i almost missed my strike because of how nervous I was, never the less it seems we all passed. after the test we were all told to rest for the day as we would be having another test in the morning.   the next morning we were told to split into two groups and to hunt and kill an elemental touched beast and bring back proof of our kill. Aaron grabbed the three people closest to him and left immediately leaving me and three others to form the other team. I ended up on the team with Ziril, Raihan and Lancelot. honestly the team split could have been better but I don't mind Ziril and Raihan maybe Lancelot with grow on me. As the one most familiar to the area I ended up leading the group to the forest south west of us.   while there we encountered four fire wolves I was so nervous about the team up I wasn't as focused as normal allowing myself to get more injured than I would have if I was focused properly (my ac and to hit should have been 1 higher). we did defeat them in the end despite poor Ziril's attacks being mostly useless against the fire touched creatures. oddly enough the creatures exploded on death leaving behind no corpse at first we thought we would be left with no proof to show the knights but Lancelot spotted a gem amongst the ashes of one one of the slain creatures upon looking closer all four wolves had left behind a gen on their deaths.   Taking the gems back as our proof we returned to the camp arriving before the other team and luckily the knights accepted the gems as proof saying we had passed the test!   the other team arrived a few hours later with the corpses of the monsters they had slain and passed as well! Ziril approached wildfire on her return to ask of her health and then gave her the gem he got from the wolves, wildfire seemed to really like the gift too, I hope their romance can blossom I'm cheering on Ziril from the sidelines!  

    I guess we are properly elite recruits now
    3rd Oonus 141

    We were awoken an hour or so before dawn by a group of ice-cockatreice running through the camp towards the city, the fully fledged knights told us to wait in camp while they dispatched of them before they made it to the town. Lancer ignored the stay put order and followed the knights to “help”. After the knights and lancer had left and engaged in their battle a large fire wolf appeared in the camp and we recruits were forced to engage. Just before we engaged I spotted a creature slinking around in the darkness. The fight was initially going quite badly. I was bitten badly and passed out almost immediately leaving wildfire alone in melee with the beast, Zyril healed me allowing me to help in the fight again, re engaging in the fight I was able to land the finishing blow after Wildfire and Manafold had worn it down.   The second beast had appeared during the fight with the first and was a second large fire wolf, this beast was taken down by a combination of Althea, Manafold and Raihan.   A few of us were quite badly injured and most of my stuff was damaged when the second fire wolf exploded on my tent. When the knights returned healing potions and other healing was distributed. Cruiz Tristane, the highest rank knight there, told off Lancer for his ignoring of orders then declared that the teams were official with the teams based on our initial split up. My team was named Team fire due to us defeating fire type enemies in the second test. Lancer was declared our team leader, even after his reckless actions.   Since the sun had started to peek over the horizon we packed up and headed back to town on the orders of sir Tristane. When we reached town we were led to the Knights guild where we became official elite recruits and were given cloaks to represent our standing, then dismissed and told to do good for the people and raise the awareness of our teams.   Ziril and Raihan left with the implication that they were going to the Firebreath tavern, leaving myself and Lancer. I wanted to sell my fire gem so I could give the money to Elliya so they could buy more supplies for the children. Lancer decided to join me on my errands, he tried to help when I was selling the gem and was mostly unhelpful but he was kind of nice? After selling the jem he followed me into the slums which he was horrified by and immediately wanted to help the people who lived there though his ideas were not great.   When we got to the school, Reid was there and greeted us instead of Elliya and showered us with praise which I was quite overwhelmed by but Lancer seemed to eat up the praise. Elliya showed up soon after with supplies for the kids and accepted the money and chatted with us for a little bit before the kids showed up and Lancer told them stories of our “gallant and brave adventures” the kids seemed to enjoy it so I have the heart to correct his embellished stories but I did try to slip in some helpful information at key points during the story. I could see the way some of the kids' eyes lit up during the story and copied Lancer’s fake swings. Maybe I should extend the building to include an area so I could train the kids a bit if they wanted to become knights in the future?   we have to leave the school soon to meet up with Ziril and Raihan maybe I could convince them to come help out with the school, they do seem like they would be bad influences though .  


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